Sentences with phrase «how drunk you»

It's not the first time cases have emerged on how drunk driving is defined, or prosecuted, under the Criminal Code.
Well that is how drunk I was.»
In Illinois, a BAC of.08 or higher is considered to be intoxicated no matter how drunk or sober you feel.
Every state approaches these cases differently, but in Illinois, a BAC of.08 or higher is considered to be intoxicated no matter how drunk or sober you feel.
Is there a legal standard as to how sober a care - giver must be to safely watch a child (or in other words) how drunk does my ex have to be for me to deny a drop - off?
how drunk does my ex have to be for me to deny a drop - off?
The woman sent a text to her friend about how drunk she was shortly before getting into her car to drive home.
Our experienced attorneys understand how drunk driving laws operate, and they will use that knowledge to seek the maximum compensation available in your case.
How drunk are we going to get every time BO says «Green Jobs» and «Climate Change»?
You never know how to anticipate a Drifters next move or how drunk they are.
So the agency decided that starting this January (or rather, starting from next week, as they are on vacation until the 7th) they will hand out individual ISBNs for «authorpublishing» — sic, in English, I wonder how drunk they were to come up with such a term, when the globally used term would be self - publishing.
I love the idea of the pattern mixing but somehow it just screams «Just how drunk were you when you got dressed?»
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 14, 2016 (HealthDay News)-- If you're drinking, the people around you can influence how drunk you think you are, a new British study suggests.
A recent review of studies on intoxication has determined that we are very bad at determining just how drunk someone is.
When I was in high school, my classmates used to brag about how drunk they were when they drove home the weekend before.
Moving to something you hopefully never have to use in the office, the BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer is exactly what you'd expect: a sensor for measuring how drunk you are that wirelessly delivers its results to an app on your iOS (or Android) device.
Turmeric's golden hue is how the drink gets its namesake color and the majority of its associated healing and elixir status benefits.
A slice of this strudel with some black tea with lemon (how we drink it in Ukraine) or coffee is heavenly.
Please join us at the Wolf's Ridge Brewing tap room on Saturday, February 17th from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm for a very special class all about beer; from its long history and how we brew it, right down to how we drink and evaluate it's flavors and aromas.
The Can Makers, a trade body representing the UK companies responsible for the manufacture of beverage cans, examines how the drinks can has changed and developed over the years
Please join us at the Wolf's Ridge Brewing tap room on Saturday, June 30th from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm for a very special class all about beer; from its long history and how we brew it, right down to how we drink and evaluate it's flavors and aromas.
If cocktails are more your thing, they also serve many that harken back to the prohibition era that continues to influence how we drink today.
Sandeep Adhikari, Country Manager at HEUFT India, also had good things to say about the event: «We're very happy with how drink technology India went.
Each easy - to - use recipe features a section on how the drink came to be in the culture that invented it, and how it's best enjoyed.
Mind you he knew how drink from a cup he just wouldn't do it, After a few minutes he was drinking his milk and from a sippy cup.
It explains how some drink from bottles and some drink goat milk but still love to nurse.
And when the time came and my son weaned himself, we knew and that was hard and he helped me through that by reasuring me that my son still needed me in so many other ways, but for him, he was done with with the «boobie - milk»... Now he supports me by allowing me to teach my son about «boobie - milk» and how he drank it and how other babies drink it because its good for them and its natrual.
Travis and I are not big bourbon drinkers, but we were intrigued on how the drink was made!
Neighbors on Plains Road met with New Paltz village and town officials June 19 to discuss how drinking water exploration
If you've ever wondered how your drink arrived in your glass, Proof is the book to get.
There is no explanation of how the drink suppresses appetite.
In addition, the researchers note that future research on student alcohol use may want to further consider how drinking occurs in tandem with other behaviors that could cause students problems.
«The study is important because it definitively shows how drinking impacts employment,» said study author Peter Bamberger.
After all, I'd heard a lot about how drinking coffee wasn't...
There's also a slim file on how drinking tea may help ward off osteoporosis and reduce the incidence of cavities, due to the fluoride it contains.
That's how drinking green smoothies makes me feel haha — it's like the magic elixer!
That's how drinking green smoothies makes me feel haha - it's like the magic elixer!
Ever notice how drinking a glass of wine before bed disrupts your sleep?
Here's why eliminating caffeine during a detox program is such an important factor and how drinking an herbal coffee made from dandelion and chicory roots can help.
I haven't seen a study of how drinking wine with a meal affects glycemic index, but it is known observationally that wine drinkers have better glycemic control and, often, long lives.
How drinking sugary beverages affects your risk of having a higher BMI.
And, much like with how we drink water and reduce elements that dehydrate our body, the same applies to our skin.
(Just ask your grandparents how they drank their milk!)
In this prior post titled «The Secret to Drinking Smoothies» I discuss an interesting fact which shows you there is a difference to your fullness from your smoothie which comes from HOW you drink it.
Discover How Drinking Water Helps You Lose Weight I've heard it time and time again how we should drink water to make ourselves feel more full therefore we eat less and lose weight.
Turmeric's golden hue is how the drink gets its namesake color and the majority of its associated healing and elixir status benefits.
We talk a lot about how drinking ionized water can help to boost energy.
Maybe, if you dissolved up the ash in water and then filtered it through activated charcoal and sand or something it would let all of the phosphorus, magnesium, and lye go through and you could safely drink the water... Though I don't know much about how drinking lye is a good idea.
To learn more on how drinking water helps build muscle (or lose fat), read my post hydration and bodybuilding.
Kombucha legend, Michael Roussin was happy to go on the record about how drinking Kombucha made his knees and joints feel better when he was running up and down the field as a referee for a local adult soccer league.
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