Sentences with phrase «how evangelicalism»

I'm proud too of how evangelicalism is shedding its anti-intellectual heritage and we are seeing scholar after scholar arising in so many fields, not just Bible or theology.
To see how evangelicalism is passed from one generation to the next, Balmer observes a week - long program for adolescents at Word of Life Island in the Adirondacks.

Not exact matches

Since at least the 1950s, conservative evangelicalism's overarching sexual ethic has put a substantive emphasis on «modesty» — that is, how [Christian] women dress, specifically in terms of highlighting their sensuality.
But sometimes you get a long way into what you think is a clear discussion of evangelicalism, and suddenly realize that the person doing the talking is getting increasingly shrill about how the hallway needs to have more room for seats in it, and wants to know where we're going to put the worship band or the choir, and where the weddings take place.
But in terms of priorities, focus, and direction, assumed evangelicalism begins to give gradually increasing energy to concerns other than the gospel and key evangelical distinctives, to gradually elevate secondary issues to a primary level, to be increasingly worried about how it is perceived by others and to allow itself to be increasingly influenced both in content and method by the prevailing culture of the day.
Their hiring reversal hurt the GLBTQ community deeply as well as their allies, let alone the 10,000 vulnerable kids who lost sponsorships, so a lot of people were talking about how they were done, done, done with evangelicalism.
Wilkinson's published dissertation, Between God and Green: How Evangelicals Are Cultivating a Middle Ground on Climate Change (Oxford University Press), outlines the history of the climate change discussion within evangelicalism, centering around the Evangelical Climate Initiative's 2006 document, «Climate Change: An Evangelical Call to Action.»
More importantly, is it really productive to spend so much time arguing over the definitions of the Gospel and evangelicalism when the true test is in how we live our lives?
Molly Worthen's Apostles of Reason is an important contribution to the ongoing debate within evangelicalism about how to get along as a family of churches.
Since at least the 1960s, evangelicalism has been wrestling with how it should position itself vis - a-vis the broader popular culture: it's youth obsession, the marketing emphasis, prominence of media, etc..
In comparing Rauschenbusch to Adams, the differences between a religious liberalism (Adams left the Baptists to become a Unitarian Universalist) and a progressive evangelicalism become clear; indeed, we can see how conservative Rauschenbusch really was.
when I first started reading up on how extreme Christian fundamentalism has become in the last 30 yrs (since I left Evangelicalism), I was stunned to find that there is a whole movement afoot to keep children, especially girls, from attending college — yes, even BJU — for fear of them being «indoctrinated» with «liberal ideas».
The current impasse in evangelicalism over social ethics provides us a model for exploring how a dialogue between conflicting theological traditions can aid theological formation as evangelicals seek to apply concretely their theoretical commitment to Biblical authority.
Tuesday, September 5 Russell Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, will speak at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, on how a gospel - resurgent evangelicalism can refine itself to speak to our changing society with neither perpetual outrage nor doctrinal capitulation.
If the right to critique Darwinism is at stake, how does that advance a biblical theology of a good creation and the sacredness of all life — a more positive approach than a reactionary Evangelicalism evolved from a world - denying fundamentalism?
While the reader may wonder how effectively the book will serve to dispel the stereotypical view of American evangelicalism, at the very least it illustrates the diversity of the movement and so should serve to calm those who worry that evangelicals stand poised to reconquer American culture.
We've already discussed how this mass defunding reveals a pervasive problem within evangelicalism of singling out and stigmatizing gay and lesbian people, but today I want to address a common refrain I've been hearing from people who have chosen to cut off funding to their sponsored children:
So you can see how Pentecostal spirituality is not garden variety evangelicalism with spiritual gifts clumsily added in an eccliesial game of pin - the - tail - on - the - donkey.
«The history of American evangelicalism is critical in understanding how many things Clinton stands for that contradict the deeply held values of politically engaged evangelicals since the 1960s,» said Kristin Du Mez, a historian at Calvin College and the author of a forthcoming book about Hillary Clinton's faith.
Let me give an example of» how this more complex analysis might work with respect to one historical case with which I am most familiar, the history of fundamentalism and post-fundamentalist evangelicalism in twentieth - century America.
Best List: CNN Religion Blog with «15 Faith - Based Predictions for 2012» [I thought it was interesting how many of these had to do with the «generational divide» within evangelicalism.]
But I think that the lack of female leadership and influence in evangelicalism has resulted in a blind spot that keeps some from recognizing just how painful and damaging these kinds of words and attitudes can be.
The question really is: how can I as a member of the Wheaton community and conservative evangelicalism make a break with the fathers of neoevangelicalism (i.e., Carl F. H. Henry) and advocate a method contrary to the authority they exercise over the evangelical subculture of which I am a part?
But when I began writing about gender equality in evangelicalism, it became apparent to me that no matter how careful my tone, no matter how reasoned my arguments, no matter how gentle my critique, my work would inevitably be characterized as «divisive.»
If you want to see how American evangelicalism has lost its way, you need look no farther than Billy Graham and his son Franklin.
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