Sentences with phrase «how evolution»

Yet as time went on, Honey & Silk became more about sharing and discovering who I am and how the evolution of my style can be perfectly summed into words that describe my way of life.
Overall, your narrative should describe an evolution of who you are, and how that evolution has led you to this specific job opportunity.
Previously, I observed how the evolution of the cloud has led to considerable growth in cloud solutions within legal environments.
Jonah talked about his perspective on the issues and trends currently shaping the legal industry, including how the evolution of the legal function and client / law firm relationship impact those working in legal roles.
How the evolution of transportation technologies will allow goods and people to move more sustainably
«But it does enhance our understanding of interactions between plate tectonics, Earth's climate system, its oceans, and even how the evolution of life is, at least to some extent, driven by this tidal process.»
Your failure to understand how the evolution of a real climate system can be like a particle of dust is the failure of your imagination, not mine.
In the video segment, I note how the evolution and erosion of the nuclear winter hypothesis (which two climate scientists, Stephen H. Schneider and Starley Thompson, later concluded would be more like a «nuclear autumn» *) fit a cycle often seen in consequential science:
Natural selection is the current consensus theory of how evolution happened.
Coming up in part two: in - depth discussion with the team on the leaps in the quality of physics the current generation consoles allow for, the move from PS2 to Xbox 360 / PS3 and how the evolution of PC technology merged with Criterion's parallelisation philosophy.
Each one however was perfectly suited for collecting the main food its owner survived on, a huge clue to how evolution has helped all of us adapt to the specific environments within which we live.
Click here to learn how the evolution of dog food suggests that you feed your puppy from birth through adulthood.
Consider these both figures of speech as ultimate examples of how the evolution must work.
But to really understand the ramifications of this statement, we need to review how evolution works.
Russ Grandinetti, Amazon's VP of Kindle Content, will talk about the pace of that transition globally and how that evolution compares to what's already taken place in English in the US.
To address these and other questions, it is helpful to understand historic turning points in U.S. k - 12 school policy and governance, and to see how the evolution of a local control system resulted in today's more centralized policies and reforms.
See how Evolution actually works through random mutations and Natural Selection using this engaging deck of cards which determines if your populations survive or goes extinct.
This is how evolution and innovation happen.
Gerald D. Skoog, the dean of the Texas Tech University college of education, in Lubbock, and an expert on how evolution is taught in schools,...
But most of all, this film shows how the evolution of superhero movies, which has taken us to such great heights, may actually be leading to a dead end.
While this could result in massive changes to the film's original design, the screenwriter behind God Particle has revealed how this evolution of the project came to be.
Analysts like Dudas, Rambaut and Bedford bring to data a good understanding of how evolution works, along with strong critical thinking skills and an ability to spot trends and anomalies.
Instead it demonstrates how evolution has constrained raptor skulls to a particular range of shapes.»
«I hope that it causes us to pause and think about how evolution operates in new ways that we haven't thought about before.»
As for evolution's supposed failure to solve biological puzzles, Wolfe might revisit Darwin's description of how evolution not only unlocks enigmas about embryology and vestigial organs, but clarifies some perplexing geographic ranges of animals and plants.
«Looking at this more broadly, this research also helps us to understand more clearly how evolution occurs at a molecular level.»
But Chlamy is interesting: It shows how evolution can deliver some surprising tricks, like producing algae that is genetically similar to humans and plants.
«When we started to look at these mouse proteins, we never imagined that we could see so clearly how evolution has sculpted the mouse's genome to meet its biological needs.»
«And they offer another clue about how evolution kick - started the creation of the diverse world we see today.»
They discussed how evolution is becoming man - made, which brings up a
Contribution to the understanding of how the evolution of gene families relates to functional divergence, including the fate of duplicated genes, horizontal transfer and interspecies hybridization, as well as the characterization of the ancestral patterns of evolution among archosaurs, and the discovery of the late acquisition of mitochondria in eukaryotes (Gabaldón's group, Science 2014, PLoS Biology 2015, PLoS Genetics 2015, Nature 2016).
These studies are aimed at understanding the physical mechanisms that govern star formation and how the evolution of the gaseous component of disks impacts the resulting planetary system architectures.
My goal is to not only answer these questions in maize but to also develop methods that will be useful for investigating additional species and, overall, I hope that my work linking patterns of genomic variation with trait variation will contribute to a better understanding of how evolution shapes the world around us.
«It's nice example of how evolution can throw up spectacular things on very rare occasions,» Burke says.
An expert witness at the trial relates how evolution lost in court but won in the eyes of the nation
The evolutionary biologist and lead singer for the punk rock band Bad Religion explains why there are no good songs about science and how evolution can be a guide to life
But once they get [those] out of their heads, it's pretty common sense to see how evolution occurred, and they don't have a problem with it.
«We have had no idea how evolution achieved this kind of change,» Grove notes.
But new studies of guppies suggest that we need more sophisticated theories to describe how evolution shapes life span.
«The results of these studies and the genetic tools developed in the course of these studies are helping to dissect how evolution occurs on a contemporary (rather than geological) scale and why some species are more likely to adapt to a rapidly changing world,» said Diane Nacci, a research biologist at EPA and coauthor on both papers.
«We were mining the DNA record for information about how evolution works,» says Carroll, professor of molecular biology and genetics at UW - Madison and vice president for science education at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI).
We can't just lump the sexes together because it misrepresents how evolution has proceeded across this family of fish.»
The question of how and why animals choose mates is also one key in the much larger study of how evolution works.
«Now that we understand how these pathogens are hacking our immune systems, we can understand how evolution has permitted us to distinguish the «self» our immune system ignores from the «non-self» the system evolved to combat.»
It is hard to argue that a simpler life with more exercise, fewer processed foods, and closer contact with our children may well be good for us, but rather than renouncing modern living for the sake of our Stone Age genes, we need to understand how evolution has — and hasn't — suited us for the world we inhabit now.
Science will continue to shed light on how evolution occurs and at what level selection takes place.
Given how evolution proceeds, birds should have the same fingers as their dino ancestors, but that's not what some researchers have found.
The study also considers how the evolution of competitiveness is affected by external factors.
So our new Uzbek tyrannosaur helps to tell a story, about how evolution turns seemingly ordinary animals into extraordinary freaks of nature.
«We're now trying to confirm these results using different models of how evolution took place,» says Rosenberg.
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