Sentences with phrase «how getting fit»

Alison Sweeney shares with Coleen Skeabeck how she got fit after having her second baby in 2009, live from the Biggest Loser 7 finale.

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«We thought that the Launchpad was a perfect fit for where we are with our startup, where we want to take it and how we need to get there,» says Kinvolved co-founder Alexandra Meis.
So, you'll have to learn to turn a deaf ear to the complaints about how the new guy or girl doesn't «get it»; doesn't know every single thing on day one; isn't fitting into the system or the culture, etc..
We've got more than one team working on the same project, but no one seems to know what the other teams are doing or how the pieces fit together.
That's how you get stronger and fitter.
You can't get started until you have clients, so find out how to target the ones that are a good fit for your service.
In about 90 days we went from wondering how we were going to pull together our next financing round to getting meetings with investors we thought would be a good fit for the company.
If I sort of get the sense during our meeting that their expectations are not quite jibing with how I work or my style, then I will be very up - front and honest with them, and say, «I don't know if this is the best fit, but here are a couple of other planners that might be a good option for you.»
If you're interested in getting started with optimizing your website for search engines and how social media has the power to fit within that strategy, this is a great place to start for beginners.
What you really want to get to is why and how people see your product fit into their daily life.
People will look at you a little funny, Vigeland warns readers, so prepare yourself to be able to withstand subtle pressure to get back to work at a job — no matter how ill fitting — ASAP.
Some titles got a lot more juice: My editor changed «How to Fit a Star Peg in a Team Whole» (mildly clever but not attention - getting) to «Managing Lance Armstrong: An Exclusive Interview With His Team's Director.»
Still, while culture may be not be a make - or - break factor in an interview, it's of course important to get a sense of how candidates would fit into your organization.
Then, if people want to get trustworthy advice about how to get fit but can't afford to travel to those in - demand gyms, they don't need to leave home.
Savvy hiring managers go beyond what they've already learned on paper, and get a better sense of how candidates think on their feet, deal with adversity, and see themselves fitting into (and helping shape) the organization's future.
«What you're getting [in the book] is one essay somebody wrote and you don't see how they fit into their entire set of four,» says Lam.
If you've renewed your commitment to getting fit now that spring has arrived, you may be wondering how much time that goal will require.
From fitting everyone into the physical space, to growing and shrinking staff, to figuring out how the big personalities involved will get along, Mad Men looks as if it will face many of the same management and administrative challenges that any growing business faces in real life.
Watching the video below, from Great Big Story, I couldn't help think of how many people want to become more fit but accept physical limitations others get past.
You know how you've always secretly wished that someone would one day come along and tell you that you could get thinner by eating more chocolate, or getting fitter by spending more time on the couch?
It's the best way to get a well - rounded picture of who this user is and how your product fits into their life.
Most people do not have a well - formed plan for how to get fit at the gym when they manage to go, and without hiring a trainer, they are likely to drop out.
While there is no one - size - fits - all answer to how debt consolidation will affect a person's credit, there are some general rules of thumb you can use to get an idea of how your credit score will be affected.
You'll learn: How to convince the sales team to ditch outbound How predictive / intent platforms fit into FireEye's tech stack How to operate ABM without outbound What else you can get up to as a marketing team when you don't have to rely on emails.
«We look for a lot of qualities but the two most important are: 1) integrity — without integrity, it doesn't matter how otherwise talented you may be; you won't fit on our sales team, and 2) resiliency — the ability to stick with it even when things get tough; and the fortitude to come back tomorrow to start all over again.»
You need to follow the same process as in other countries: * Legal: Find out about regulatory position on bitcoin ATMs in your country, and how you want to fit into that legal framework, getting all permissions if needed * Funding: you need to plan a fully closed cycle of your funds flow, it is mostly about planning how you are going to convert cash from bitcoin ATM back into bitcoins liquidity in order to provide services for further customers * Rest: this should be relatively easy — find a place where to put machine, purchase ATM, get it delivered, installed and set up and start operating.
We get a better feel for management behaviour and we get more information about how a business fits into its ecosystem.
You get a representative dedicated to finding out how you might use an iPad and showing you how to fit it into your everyday life.
You should listen to this interview for ideas on how to get to product / market fit, how to measure fit, and how to survey your users so you can improve fit.
Over at Savvy Scot my V.A. Clarisse listed 10 ways how to get fit without going to the gym.
Take a look at my most, The Proper Mix Of Stocks And Bonds By Age, to get an idea of how bonds fit in to an overall investment portfolio.
Show them how to get spiritually fit.
I thought he was supposed to read from the Bible, give us sermons to help us understand how the word of God fits into our lives, how to get past conflicts, issues and become better people.
He and not his proxies needs to explain that vision of order, the strategy for getting there, and how sending in cruise missiles or flying bombing sorties fits into that strategy.
I disagree that Crossan gets some kind of satisfaction by «debunking» religion — I believe Crossan is interested in history and how Jesus fits into what we know now about that time period.
Anyway, let me get your thoughts on the subject in the comment section below, and if you want to learn more about how the gospel truth that Jesus is God fits in with the offer of eternal life through Jesus, take my online course on the gospel:
The apologetics of a vengeful, wrathful Hitler or a Hitler that allows terrible things are exhausting and at the end there are few points where I really just don't get it or how it fits into the overall picture of a loving Hitler.
The apologetics of a vengeful, wrathful God or a God that allows terrible things are exhausting and at the end there are few points where I really just don't get it or how it fits into the overall picture of a loving God.
Him and his group of religious scholars got together and decided what stories and what versions of those stories and how they could change some of them to fit their veiws and voila you get the new testament.
Had a friend at work offer this opinion — thought it might fit; sort of: This philosophy has been condensed from hours upon hours of observation of one Greg MacKinnon and how he gets away with what he is able to.
Once you determine the amount of sleep you need, figuring out how to get sleep within your schedule can begin One practical idea is sliding around your schedule to fit work and family needs.
This model fits completely into creating a healthy habit and how to get people to connect with fresh, organic produce.»
Since I know most of my audience is Paleo, Primal, and Gluten - Free, I've got a breakdown of how many recipes fit each lifestyle:
In this interview, Ed and Jason talked about PlantFit, why Portland, their approach to vegan strength and conditioning, healthy eating for a healthy fit lifestyle and how to get the nourishment needed to get through grueling workouts.
Click here for more information and recipes on how to lose weight, beat food cravings and get fit.
She spent some time getting to know local purveyors and figuring out how to fit the sourcing into her system.
When you head over to get the recipe for the Creamy Vegan Chipotle Sauce, you'll see how you can adjust the ingredients in that sauce to fit your spice preference.
Get started with green smoothies, learn how to make smooth, delicious green smoothies quickly and easily fit them into your busy life.
This is how SO MANY women (and men) feel, I have spent a lifetime of struggling to feel comfortable with myself and being just that bit too overweight and it is so much energy spent that could be spent getting fit, making the right food decisions, and feeling fab!
And while you might think that when your calves don't fit into jeans perhaps it is time to start dieting or fasting or at least googling how to decrease calf size — the answer is to stop working out — get out of town, people!
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