Sentences with phrase «how high that involvement»

Father involvement hasn't been shown to have effect to correct the statistics in joint custody situations post-divorce, no matter how high that involvement (in fact, the reverse has been correlated.)

Not exact matches

On 9th April 1999 I wrote a memorandum to the Attorney - General, Dr. Obed Asamoah, on Delta Foods Ltd after the Solicitor - General, Mr. E. A. Addo, had submitted a memorandum through me to the Attorney - General on how the mess in Delta Foods Ltd was created and a consent judgment entered in the High Court without the knowledge and involvement of the Attorney - General.
As a component of the school - level parental involvement policy mandated by federal law Title I, each school served under this part shall jointly develop with parents for all children served under this part a school - parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State's high standards.
Cooling Down Yourh Classroom Carla Tantillo, Founder, Mindful Practices - Cooling Down the Classroom Community Schools 101: The who, what, when, where, and WHY of community schools Anya Tanyavutti, Manager, Metropolitan Family Services Kevin Curtin, Principal, Peoria School District 150 - PowerPoint Presentation - Garfield Elementary - Garfield Elementary School Partners Meeting Parents Where They Are: One community's unique approach to ensuring parents have access to the information and services they need Julie Lonteen, Peoria School District 150 Tranforming the High School Culture to Breed Success for All Students Tony Majors, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, Metro Nashville Public Schools Gini Pupo - Walker, Director of Family Involvement and Community Services, Metro Nashville Public Schools - Powerpoint Presentation Trust Amount District Administrators, School Teams, and Community Members Drives the Community School Model Dr. Diane Hensley, Director of Community Schools, Tulsa Public Schools Dr. Kathy Dodd, Director Elementary Education, Union Public Schools Jan Creveling, Director, Tulsa Area Community School & Senior Planner for Community Service Council - PowerPoint Presentation The Great at 8 Initiative: How community schools can create linkages to early childhood Madelyn James, Director of the Great at 8 Initiative, Voices for Illinois Children If You Build They Will Come?
However, parental involvement also includes how parents communicate high expectations, pride, and interest in their child's academic life (Nieto, 1996).
High - school teachers, college professors, their assistants, online tutors... all educators face a serious challenge: How to elevate the degree of interest, attention, passion, and involvement of students toward the learning process?
How does high - leverage involvement as described by Dr. Fullan, (e.g., discussing expectations for school success with parents) represent a shift from traditional thinking?
Her dissertation, publications, and presentations capture how family involvement often leads to an uneven playing field for students in higher education and how that process varies by race and class.
GoodeReader reported on digital textbook publisher CourseSmart's involvement in a multi-year study by STEPP (STudent Erent Pilot Project) on how the rental of digital textbooks are affecting learning outcomes at the higher education level, with a special focus on providing easier and more cost effective accessibility... [Read more...]
Rep. Fox, the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training chairwoman, took a victory lap: «We've all seen how Washington's involvement in rate - setting is a recipe for uncertainty and confusion.
Remember, that high stock value back then was inflated due to investors / analysts not being aware of just how much Nintendo stood to gain from Pokemon GO, nor their true involvement with the product.
A number of the executives I interviewed were struck by Gerstners interest and active involvement in the development of high - potential minority and female senior managers and junior executives; he took a personal interest in how they were being mentored and what their next jobs would be.
Yet, research investigating how high work involvement and psychosocial stressors relate to burnout is scarce.
A body of research has emerged during the past three decades focusing on how students engage in the schooling process and the broader positive developmental outcomes associated with high levels of engagement and lower involvement in high - risk behaviors.
Finley and Schwartz (2004) do not offer guidelines for how these averages should be interpreted, except that a low score indicates low perceived paternal involvement and a high score indicates high perceived paternal involvement.
Fathers» involvement seems to be linked to improved quantitative and verbal skills, improved problem - solving ability and higher academic achievement... How fathers produce these intellectual benefits is not yet clear.
«Hal's involvement is more than just training high school kids to be better basketball players; he's training them how to live life,» says Spencer Pisczack, senior vice president, Duke Realty Corp., Cleveland.
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