Sentences with phrase «how human the characters»

But the beauty of the book is precisely how human the characters are, how sincerely the love is felt — regardless of familial flaws.

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You might agree with the Times about how a wizard of Dumbledore's moral superiority should be immune to the weaknesses of human sexuality or you may side with some of Rowling's fans who think a strong gay character is leap for gay rights.
These newest results boost the case of the those who argue that immersing yourself in a fictional world populated by layered, complex characters can't help but increase your understanding of how the human mind works and make your fellow humans a little less strange to you.
How can you draw on the emotional power of storytelling to bring customers close to the human character of your business?
These films celebrate the human spirit and explore themes like God's character amidst the holiday season, what it means to be human or how it feels to fall in love.
«If the Torah can be studied scientifically like any other human document,» he asks, how then can «the movement insist on the binding character of its laws?»
Nevertheless, as Buddhists first call attention to this character of all events, including each moment of human experience, and then explain how a mediator is inwardly affected by the realization of this truth, Christians can listen and open themselves to dimensions important to them.
i once suggested to a friend that satan was a human construct... not that that makes satan any less real, just different, any how it was just a thought... he only gets named as a character in the NT except in job.
So I guess you would be fine with a student at a high school graduation getting up to the podium and saying «I would like to take this moment to reflect on how strength of will and character helped all of us to graduate today, and please join with me for a moment of reflection at how amazingly the human race has evolved, to this point of passing on our collective knowledge to each new class, and to hope that we add to it, for if we do not, the future may be very dim.
Hauerwas» pacifism, in my view, is pivotal in his response to modernism and the concomitant capacity of humans to commit omnicide; it is crucial to how he develops an ethics of character and virtue, the Christian story, and the relationship between the church and the world.
When my new acquaintance discovered that I was a theologian and that I was particularly interested in studying how Romanesque art and architecture illustrated the Augustinian - Anselmian character of the faith of the early Middle Ages — with its profound pessimism about the human condition apart from grace — the conversation sent him into a mood of self - reproach and even to consideration of abandoning his dissertation topic.
The authors of Human Sexuality are right to criticize much of past thinking on sexuality for its «act orientation,» but we have no idea what or how sexual activity should be embodied in our character until we know how marriage should be shaped and sustained.
How can anyone reject such a large part of human experience over the ages, without a huge ignorance in their character or mind?
Notice how the stories of the bible share similar concepts, but different characters who all represent various institutions of humans in this world system.
The reason this ultimate program seems so remote or Incredible is partly that we have as yet no real conception of the variables exhibited in human experience, and hence do not see how widely different values from any occurring in our experience are abstractly conceivable as missing areas or extended portions of the domains of potential characters which the variables permit.
(How was it ever conceivable, we ask, that a man like Christian Wolff, in whose dry - as - dust head all the learning of the early eighteenth century was concentrated, should have preserved such a baby - like faith in the personal and human character of Nature as to expound her operations as he did in his work on the uses of natural things?
Psychologists who have studied attachment have found that when human kids have that same kind of licking and grooming - style bonding with their parents, especially in the first year of life, it gives them all sorts of psychological strength, confidence [and] character that, when they reach school age and even into adulthood, will make a huge difference in how well they do.»
Human characters are modelled on the movement of the human skeleton and how that skeleton would fall if it was injured.&rHuman characters are modelled on the movement of the human skeleton and how that skeleton would fall if it was injured.&rhuman skeleton and how that skeleton would fall if it was injured.»
Its easy to see how many young men are seduced into wrongly believing Islam is at war with the world by extermists, but it is good to know there are some who defy the extremes and represent the best of human nature and character.
Except, «Annihilation» exists outside the realm of previous human experience, allowing Garland to toy with still other (im) possibilities — including the atavistic fear of how our bodies work on a microscopic level — by turning the characters» very DNA against them, while doing even stranger things to their minds.
Overall I love the show and how relatable it is in terms of the spectrum of human emotion, one thing I must say is that Paige is my favorite character by far because she has a very girl next door kind of thing to her but, is still a total bad ass.
With its bijou period trappings and Enya - lite score, it's easy to dismiss the film as another pat, issue - ducking weepie, but on closer inspection it offers interesting and cohesive musings on the illogical nature of the human character, and how that fits with the responsibilities of scientific discovery.
Unfortunately, the problem with the film is that eventually characters have to talk, and it's in those moments of human interaction that shows how limited he is as a writer.
His character reminds the viewer how traumatizing some of these events can be on normal human beings.
What is significant about that character is how he conforms to McDonagh's skepticism, bordering on revulsion, regarding the worship of authority and / or uniforms, whether they are worn by cops or soldiers, all of whom he sees as rendered less human by the tasks we give them, and who in turn reduce our humanity by the crimes they commit.
Unlike everyone else who has ever been in a «Transformers,» Dempsey has figured out how to interact with the Transformers as a character and an actor, creating a believable actual human whose reactions are both believable and consistent.
Time was when virtually all disaster movies were essentially character studies, and examined (with varying degrees of success) how extreme circumstances bring out the best and the worst in human beings.
And while we still have no idea what species of dinosaur will take center stage, or how (or if) they'll interact with humans, or who the lead characters are, we do have a better idea now of what other themes will tie into that central premise.
The 55 - year - old actor had long discussions with director Matt Reeves about how to ensure his portrayal of The Colonel in the rebooted sci - fi franchise was «more human» than how evil characters tend to come across on big - screen productions.
He also spoke eloquently on how the image of the tragic black hero, or the flawless black hero, reflects the culture's problem with processing a marginal community as just a group of human beings, and why he didn't want the characters, white and black, in his film to be easily categorized or glibly understood.
More worrying yet is how the twist is made evident right at the start: the film's hero, Miguel Ferrer's nihilistic reporter of the supernatural, is the only other human character driving a plane too.
Blige spoke about «the power of the human spirit,» and admitted that she «didn't realize how vain [she] was until [she] had to play a character like Florence» in «Mudbound,» a searing look at race relations in the South during World War II.
It's a shame the story and the human characters are rather dull and boring compared to how pretty the movie looked.
Nothing goes as planned and even greater human - fueled disaster strikes the apes, but the plot, as fine and as gripping as it is, feels secondary in consequence to how simply engrossing all those nonhuman primate characters are.
2, the character of Bill gets into a huge speech on how Superman looks at the weakness of the human race to base his alter ego of Clark Kent on.
I was uneasily entertained by how his horrific character grew more and more capable in pursuit of this goals, while descending ever deeper into self - destruction as a human being.
He knows that people still need to see real relationships between characters and how important it is for them to be well - rounded as human beings.
Almost Kubrick - like with how demanding he is of each scene, Abdellatif Kechiche has been developing his signature style (long takes that magnify everything that surrounds the human condition) focusing on the fringe characters of society since his debut 2000's La Faute à Voltaire and expertly with 2007's The Secret of the Grain.
Blomkamp's lead character looks more like an old - fashioned robot and will find himself learning how to be human.
For an industry that's always trying to emphasize the universality of white stories and how relatable it is for us to see characters as, «just like, human» it's very telling that they don't offer the same rhetoric for a film that's primarily black actors.
Vikander, who made such an impression as an artificial intelligence robot learning how to be human in Ex Machina (2014), makes for a sympathetic heroine, but there isn't much depth to Lara, and she is denied the fierce mystery and campy appeal that Jolie brought to the character back in the early 2000s.
With the exception of an intriguing scene in which an eager crowd places bets on a dogfight between a pit bull and a smaller MTR, the humans seldom interact directly with these enormous E.T.s. Just imagine how dull «Jurassic Park» would be if the dinosaurs were seen exclusively in the far distance, as the paleontological safari intended, rather than endangering the characters in close proximity.
How are the human characters compared to Chappie?
The toughest job for the human talent in this film is knowing how to interact with these and many other computer generated characters.
Adapted from a short story by Richard Connell and codirected by Kong's Ernest B. Schoedsack and character actor Irving Pichel, it has one of the most perfect plots in horror: a big - game hunter (Joel McCrea) changes his mind about how much fun his preferred sport is when he's shipwrecked on an island where a mad Russian who's grown tired of lesser game has opted to hunt human beings.
It's obvious how games are the product of human creative skill and imagination — the storytelling, the environments, the characters and gameplay.
With what mastery of tone it alternates between creative playfulness, thoughtful considerations of how the mind works, and earnest concern for the characters — of the human and emotional varieties — at the heart of this story.
Though Christianity is an important characteristic of the main character Desmond, this isn't a film that pushes that, it pushes more the strength of the human spirit, and how anything can be done with the right determination.
How much I personally tend to enjoy these kinds of movies is also influenced by how much I buy into the notion of the small stuff — character interactions, motivations, and basic believability from a human reaction standpoiHow much I personally tend to enjoy these kinds of movies is also influenced by how much I buy into the notion of the small stuff — character interactions, motivations, and basic believability from a human reaction standpoihow much I buy into the notion of the small stuff — character interactions, motivations, and basic believability from a human reaction standpoint.
When does altruism become a purely economic community feature [5] at risk to be exploited by society at large, how can we sustain the one character trait that is governed by a projection of the basic human attribute: the need to help another human being.
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