Sentences with phrase «how hungry»

Hope it takes my mind off how hungry I am.
When asked how hungry they were as dinnertime approached, subjects» memories of the meal they saw — not the one they ate — seemed to be most influential.
Gone are the days that we showed up to businesses and waited patiently in the lobby to see prospective employers, looked them in the eye and was able to show them how hungry we were for a position.
I may be coming off as not hungry enough but I just want to know how hungry I should be so I don't end up eating myself out of an opportunity.
Like, I could eat a zebra - porcupine hybrid right now, that's how hungry I am.
... and even more logic; if one IS a «on - foot» hunter, and he scares the game away to another mile or two, how hungry would you have to be to hike that extra mile for another chance at a shot with your sprear or whatever....?
Just how hungry for change are we?
The AI characters that act as your guide in the world will constantly complain about how hungry you are and tell you to take a breath when you are almost out of stamina.
Enough to warrant a second season of DLC content, which speaks volumes about how hungry its community is for more!
My choice to eat yogurt this morning probably doesn't have huge consequences, beyond how hungry I am later.
By that time, we didn't realize how hungry we really were, until we saw the food!
If something doesn't seem right, go a little longer without eating, no matter how hungry you are, until you find something better.
Depending on how hungry you are, three of you can eat for less than # 2 each.
Note: You may encounter trap - wary cats that will not go in no matter how hungry or are able to get the food without triggering the trap.
You'll be able to tell how hungry they are and get into a groove.
It honestly brought tears to my eyes and just broke my heart to see how hungry he was.
Then, with each training session, use the reinforcer that is most effective depending on how hungry and engaged the cat is.
Every dog's energy level and caloric needs are going to be a little bit different, and body - weight will also probably vary from dog to dog — so make sure to pay attention to how hungry your dog seems to be.
No matter how hungry your dog may be at mealtime, you'll notice that a quick sniff of the food will almost always precede the chow down.
What we didn't know is how hungry borrowers were for that solution.
Publishers are aware of how hungry authors are to have their books published.
If you're the person at home, waiting for your partner to get in, you should realize that it doesn't matter how hungry you are, I mean, have a snack.
Just ask yourself; how hungry are you to receive some income from readers -LSB-...]
The fact that schools without deep pockets are still adopting IB indicates just how hungry they are for change.
That's how hungry we are to see the Parr family go on more adventures.
Yet a part of me truly wishes I had been there Saturday night when Eli Roth's The Green Inferno (Grade: D) premiered before a full theater of genre fans, if only to see how the hungry hordes would swallow this rancid slab of meat.
Because of how hungry they are, it can prevent them from having the capacity to oppose this sort of sustenance.
Said regardless of how hungry he was they were the BEST.
andrea and i didn't realize how hungry we were until we sat down and we had to restrain ourselves from ordering one of everything on the menu!
We had a late afternoon / early evening party, so I wasn't sure how hungry everyone would be.
I'll also add in nuts, dried cranberries, chicken, chickpeas, and various cheeses depending on how hungry I am.
This week's theme, Little Cakes Monday Inspiration, is a testament to how hungry I was when I clicking on all of your the lovely posts from last weeks TFT party.
It's up to you and will depend on how hungry you feel.
I want to link you to Phil's latest article, where he really talks about the importance of returning to trusting your body's natural nutrition measurement system: how hungry you are, and what you're hungry for.
It all depends on how hungry you get after breakfast time — and how you act on it.
Often times I will have my clients keep food journals in which they not only write down what foods they ate and when, but also rate how hungry they were before they ate and how satisfied they were after.
Check in with yourself before a meal to see how hungry you are and throughout the meal to see how satisfied you feel.
That means identifying how hungry and full you are.
Before each meal, you should take a moment, take a very deep breath and try to identify how hungry you are.
Depends how hungry I'm feeling.
Around two hours after breakfast, I'll make a smoothie, and usually go for a handful of frozen spinach, frozen strawberries, almond butter, hazelnut milk, a squeeze of lemon, ground chia seed, a dash of cinnamon, collagen peptides or protein depending how hungry I am, and some adaptogen mushroom powder.
It just depends how hungry I am for it.
When you skip a meal, you're likely to eat more later because of how hungry you become.
4 - 6 depending how hungry you are / how much you like to eat.
There is no general advice on this but ideally, you should be aiming to get more than that (see the «slow» fat loss option)- I personally eat 1600 - 2000 kcal depending on how hungry I feel.
Notes: Recipe says 2 - 4 servings which depends on how hungry you will be and whether you use it as a side.
If you're simply sitting round enthusiastic about how hungry you're, you'll be extra prone to wrestle with this.
The questions were «How hungry have you felt between meals today?»
There are a few different hormones in play when it comes to how much sleep you get, and how hungry you'll be,...
I mean if you think about how hungry your appetite is when you get done with a good high intensity workout.
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