Sentences with phrase «how ignorant the comments»

Just goes to show how ignorant the comments of «I believe in math.
You need to realize how ignorant your comments are

Not exact matches

Make comments on the story not on how ignorant people are — their posts prove that for them.
and that comment just shows how ignorant you really are about what science says.
Nearly every comment on this thread are perfect displays of just how ignorant the American people are.
and that comment just shows how ignorant you really are about what science says ---------------- Fine.
Wow I'm amazed at how many absolute ignorant morons post comments.
i'm not going to comment on how ignorant you are, maybe you'll figure that one out.
How did you ever find the time between trolling irrelevant articles and posting ignorant comments.
I love America because it's DEMOCRACY, a word not well know on the cave yet, we have freedom of speech where anyone can voice their opnion, no matter how ignorant it sounds, no worries even though i desagree with the agression and the childish comments of some here, rest assure noone will stone you to death, burn your picture, or decapitate you.
I've seen some comments about how ignorant Kelly is for bringing up this subject and I think too many of you are the ignorant ones who can't stand to see anything on Fox news that you don't agree with.
it's amazing how ignorant so many of these comments are.
If you don't mind me saying so but all these negative comments concerning dairy products just show how ignorant you are!
There seems to be a lot of ignorant comments in regards to how the funding of the scoreboards will happen.
I had to post because of an ignorant comment I read,» I feel sorry for you moms who bf after a year» um how bout I feel sorry for your kid, and any kid I see being bottle fed for that matter.
Actually hun I was told to breastfeed my child who is 3 because her immune system is really weak and FYI cookies don't work for boo boos how about u get a reality check and look at all the data that supports it so instead of making yourself look ignorant to something you may not understand do your research so you may be more informed before you make reality check comments
megan, while that is a fair point, perhaps you forgot that you made an incredibly rude and ignorant comment about paternity... plus please explain how my sister found out she was pregnant in February and then gave birth in December... that's 10 months to my reckoning whether you're counting months or weeks, so don't write like you know everything because you don't.
Actually no, you've proven yourself in your article and in your comments to be completely ignorant to how most self - published authors go about their business.
One approach would be to review how research papers are treated here at RC by both post authors and by the commenters, perhaps with an eye to comments that do not address anything scientific and thus arguably reflect bias such as calling people «ignorant food tubes» and such.
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