Sentences with phrase «how in some ancient societies»

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Given the importance of fatherhood in ancient societies and Jewish avoidance of naming Yahweh, how would Jesus have dared such a novelty without insulting Joseph and impinging on God's transcendence unless God alone was His Father?
A look at breastfeeding beyond the first year, and how this ancient practice is often viewed in modern Western society.
Read previous Zoologger columns: How weakness makes the crayfish stronger, The heaviest animal in the air, Ancient air - breathing, triple - jawed fish, Horror fly returns from the dead, Even parasitic worms have a divided society, Shrimp plays chicken with its sex change, Death by world's longest animal, Live birth, evolving before our eyes, Sympathy for the piranha, The world's most fecund vertebrate.
The Indus Civilization therefore provides a unique opportunity to understand how an ancient society coped with diverse and varied ecologies and change in the fundamental and underlying environmental parameters.
The new species was part of a previously unknown group of ancient arachnids that could help scientists suss out how and when spiders and their cousins evolved, the team reports March 30 in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
The discovery, detailed in the March issue of the journal Antiquity, could shed light on how the non-elites of ancient Egyptian society lived.
These findings showed significant differences on how animals were used in other ancient societies.
How does an ancient practice, traditionally handed down from mentor to student, find relevance in a post-modern society?
Kohler has built computer simulations called agent - based models that take virtual ancient societies, puts them in geographically accurate landscapes and generates how they likely responded to changes in things like precipitation, resource depletion and population size.
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