Sentences with phrase «how lobbying works»

They'll talk about how lobbying works in New York State and what's wrong with the process.

Not exact matches

Hey tf you should watch How The Universe Works on the Science Channel it is on in the lobby right now — you might learn something?
Does anyone here even wonder how many people post comments in these sections that WORK and LOBBY for insurance companies?
As the cloth diaper world has developed beyond diaper services, prefolds, and diaper covers and into modern cloth diapers, we've learned a great deal about how the disposable diaper companies work, how they market, how they became what they are today, what they tell consumers, how they lobby, what they don't tell you... and why.
How about a collaboratively maintained map of political relationships, i.e., who's worked for whom over the years in the Hill / lobby community, who's consulted for which candidates, who's dated whom, whose kids go to school together, which legislators have taken trips with which trade groups, who's sponsored legislation for which industries, etc..
DC - 37, a union that represents thousands of municipal employees working in public hospitals and has donated heavily to Democrats, took the lead in lobbying for it, arguing that changing how the money was distributed was a matter of fairness.
An internal document prepared off the record for American Federation of Teachers union activists and accidentally posted online explains how union lobbying in Connecticut worked to undermine a full version of the trigger.
Power Trips documents the use, and misuse, of congressional travel and Playing the Lobbying Game explores how it works.
Beyond the fact that «help districts workshop their applications» is a bizarre concept, what the hell is a registered corporate education reform lobbying group doing instructing school districts on how to work with the State Department of Education?
Notice how Saya is able to work out her Shiba 500 sprints even in the small lobby space?
Rather than give us this new content, how about work on getting those DLC maps to the game too, tweaking the game, slowing it down a bit further, increasing hits to kill, changing the spawns back to how they were originally, changing the map voting back to the original in lobbies, allowing us to join a friends FFA again if slots are available and so on.
One's initial impression of Yunhee Min's new work, an intervention of poured paint and fluorescent light onto two long, normally transparent vitrines installed in the lobby of the Equitable Life Building — an iconic if somewhat long - in - the - tooth skyscraper in Koreatown — depended a great deal on how (or when) one first came across it.
Taking its title from anthropologist Mary Douglas's analyses of how disturbances arise in the city's physical contours and social order, Matter Out of Place presents new work by New York — based artists who observe, represent, and activate public sites, generating alternative relationships to such strictly defined spaces as the housing project, park, and museum lobby.
Concurrently, both HOW & NOSM and Fairey are showing large - scale works in the lobby of Mana's Newark Avenue headquarters.
They know how the system works, who to lobby in congress and how to funnel the money.
1:54 point:... later that summer, she started doing the work, unknown to me, that became her 2004, her December 2004 paper in Science... then she came under kind of a vicious attack from an organized lobby and I called her up one day and said, «How could you not know that would happen?»
It's very exciting to see the public health community treat it as seriously as it deserves and begin questioning how they might work within the confines of a powerful sugar lobby and sugar - loving society: Will it be setting an age limit of 17 years to buy soda pop as the report suggests?
To understand how our trial consulting presentations can benefit your trial team whether for a trial, an arbitration, a grass roots lobbying effort or even a hearing, we invite you to contact us or review our work in the context of informative articles.
The Oakland, California - based nonprofit, which lobbies lawmakers on how to improve their states» medical marijuana laws and seeks to educate patients on their rights, will work with Orrick lawyers to update a series of manuals on state medical marijuana laws.
Goldfinger Injury Lawyers has worked to lobby government in order to establish even harsher penalties against distracted drivers because we've seen how these accidents can change peoples» lives along with their family dynamic.
Duties listed on a sample resume for a Houseman include cleaning the outside grounds, restrooms, and lobby; helping to set up breakfast when coworkers are late or absent; and learning how to work the force alarm.
My training as a doctor doesn't include training in policy, lobbying or how the media works.
But the lobbying that we did, especially when we went to the Hill in May, worked really well; it shows how effective our lobbying can be.
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