Sentences with phrase «how model fidelity»

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He did not know how to go on as a Jew until he met such Christians as Roy Eckhardt and Paul van Buren, who modeled for him both radical faith in God and critical fidelity to tradition.
With the main purpose of the video being to compare the visual fidelity between the two titles, a lot of time was spent taking a look at how Turn 10 and Polyphony modeled the vehicles in their games.
If we don't truly know how the natural climatic processes work, how do we know if these processes are, or are not, being modeled with enough fidelity to get «lifelike» results?
In this Interest Group, we explore how to develop an evidence base for the effectiveness of postmodern / narrative / constructionist therapies that is both congruent with their conceptual foundations and also sufficiently robust to demonstrate model fidelity and positive outcomes.
Studies are needed on how to sustain fidelity to treatment models, how to strengthen the quality of the program as delivered, how to maintain integrity as the intervention is implemented in local sites, how to judge when a modification will affect a program, and how much change is legitimate before it interferes with the integrity of the program.
How do leaders in communities and at the state level support Home Visiting programs to implement their models with fidelity, engage effectively in continuous improvement, and attain the hoped - for outcomes with families?
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) The study investigated treatment fidelity and working alliance in the Parent Management Training — Oregon Model (PMTO) utilizing longitudinal data from the National Institute on Drug Abuse study (Forgatch & deGarmo, 2011; Ogden & Hagen, 2008), and investigated how these relate to children's externalizing problem behaviors, as reported by parents and teachers.
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