Sentences with phrase «how much mass»

I can almost see long - standing Note fans being a little put out by just how much mass - market appeal Samsung has given this sixth - generation phone.
It says nothing about how much mass exchange occurs at a water - air interface.
If two bodies have the same average kinetic energy of their atoms, the will have the same temperature no matter how large [i.e. how much mass] the bodies are.
We know how much mass of carbon accumulates in the atmosphere each year (C).
Re Chris G — I often picture the situation in mass coordinates — how much mass is above a given level.
Unfortunately the best description of it I can't find again but it basically models the earths crust and tries to provide a reasonable assumption of how much the crust would rise and this is used with the GRACE measurements to determine how much mass is ice and how much is land.
Fuel economy is rated by the EPA at 17mpg in the city and 25mpg on the highway, respectable numbers given how much mass is made to move so quickly.
How low you can keep the bar on your back without it sliding off will depend on how much mass you have in your traps and rear delts.
It will just help you to determine how much mass you want to accumulate in upcoming days.
Hallinan is planning continued radio observations over the next year or two, because this radio emission — which will be around long after all of the other wavelengths have faded — is the most important diagnostic of the energetics and environment of the explosion, and may reveal how much energy was in the explosion, how much mass was ejected, if a jet actually appeared, and if the merger produced conditions that will influence future star formation, among other questions.
The latest news comes from Greenland, where researchers have used high - tech satellite and GPS measurements to see how much mass the ice sheet is losing.
Using luminosity measurements, he determined how much mass should be in the cluster and then, because mass and gravity are related, calculated how fast the galaxies should be moving.
B) How much mass is lost via central star - driven photoevaporation?
Density is how much mass has been crammed into that space.
The rebound can be used to weigh the ice sheet and determine how much mass it has lost and is currently losing, said Doug Wiens, PhD, professor of earth and planetary sciences in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis.
Scientists can figure out how much mass there is in a galaxy by tracking how fast things inside move, Pieter van Dokkum, one the authors of a new research paper published in Nature, told Newsweek.
They followed the motion of 10 star clusters to work out how much mass the galaxy had.
«At the same time, the mass loss on the ice sheet is not very large compared to how much mass they store.»
Exactly how much mass each neutrino flavor has remains one of the most important unanswered questions in physics today.
«We calculate how much mass is consumed so that we can then replicate that in our model.
Gaining a better understanding of how much mass black holes accrete may therefore provide new insight on how galaxies pack on the pounds, astronomers note.
And by measuring that we can tell how much mass each of them has.
This is because the collision force depends on how much mass comes to a dead stop, Lieberman says.

Not exact matches

«Zeihan examines how the hard rules of geography are eroding the American commitment to free trade; how much of the planet is aging into a mass retirement that will enervate markets and capital supplies; and how, against all odds, it is the ever - ravenous American economy that — alone among the developed nations — is rapidly approaching energy independence.»
Come down from the ivory towers and mingle with the masses, listen to them, you will be surprised how much you may learn about what works and what doesn't.»
«Greater clarity can now emerge in the debate about how to regulate virtual currencies, leading to increased credibility and consumer confidence; in turn, virtual currencies will have a much greater critical mass in the financial services system.»
A company has control over how much it pays in dividends, but the masses of the market are the ones that determine the stock price at any given time, so the company growth and the dividends they pay are the primary points of focus for dividend growth investors.
How much did Jesus say to charge to feed the masses?
If you really care that much, it's not hard to test, mass is directly proportional to gravitational strength, I told you how far the black hole is, and alpha centarui is about 4 lightyears away.
I wonder how much of the book's criticism come from the 1960's and»70s libertines — the happy - dick, free «love», wife swapping, mass c * p * ulating baby boomers.
Seminaries, especially, need to devote much more attention to the task of working out what it means to proclaim the skandalon of the gospel to a generation which has no background knowledge of the gospel, how to create community in a society where the old forms of community have become fragmented and dysfunctional, and how to communicate within a culture where the mass media have devalued genuine communication in the name of communication.
how a man rose from the dead and was not a zombie... how supposed humans started from a brother and sister committing incest but no birth defects occurred... the more educated the masses get in science the more u know these things are possible no matter how much «FAITH» u have or how many times u rewrite the good books
The national conversation tends to skip over how much this demographic — who came of age with mass tragedies like the Columbine shooting and 9/11 — want a candidate who conveys a sense of protection in what they see as an «increasingly dangerous world.»
No matter how many time you show people that totalitarian regimes of any persuasion mass murder, and that the Christian totalitarian regimes of Pinochet, Franco, the Spanish Empire, and so many others slaughter with every bit as much abandon, the Jesus troll still turn around and lie again.
Not to toot our own horn, but how much more perfectly adaptable do we have to be for the nay sayers to accept were pretty damn amazing and shouldn't saddle ourselves with mountains of archaic guilt for no other reason than to control the uneducated masses.
Finally, the mass balance system allows certified and non-certified oils to be mixed, but every company in the supply chain needs to record how much of each they buy and sell.
Pelè was the Ernie Banks of soccer, always smiling, kissing children, helping opponents from the turf, convincing the masses that no matter how much he was getting paid, he was playing this game for the sheer joy of it.
We don't know exactly how much plastic is floating in our oceans because of the huge mass of plastic produced in the earth on a yearly basis.
Second, that a personally written email is much more effective than a mass message — the value of an online action is often inversely related to how easy it is to take.
Cuomo said as much on Monday with reporters in New York City trying to pry details out of him on how he'll propose a system of fees for driving at peak hours in order to relieve congestion and help bolster mass transit.
Once you accept that premise, then setting reasonable boundaries on how much one individual or entity can spend saturating the «air waves» (and other forms of mass communication) is a short leap.
A jailed criminal never has to worry about the heat being shut off in the winter, or the A / C in the summer, he gets 3 square meals, free rent, no utilities to pay, no credit card responsibilities, sunday mass of his choice, an exercise yard, cable tv, a library, free laundry, free education if they desire, cell phone (yes, cell phones, look it up) internet service, healthcare (not the best but never has any bills or denials) still gets to sleep everynight (and it's quiet) Now, how much do you (we) pay for all that?
The Higgs boson discovery four years ago helped verify how objects acquired their mass, but that doesn't shed much light on gravity itself.
In the absence of an optimal food source, it will also stretch itself between two sources, precisely calculating how much of its mass to devote to each in order to meet its needs (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073 / pnas.0912198107).
Just as the strength of gravity around an object depends upon the object's mass, the repulsive power of nothing depends upon how much «nothing» weighs.
Just how much energy nuclear fission releases is described by Einstein's famous equation E = MC2, where E is energy, M is mass and C the speed of light, about 300 million metres per second.
Tipping the scales at less than about a million suns in mass, middleweight black holes may hold clues to how their much larger siblings, and galaxies, first formed
He took blood samples prepared by Cetero chemists and used mass specs to perform «runs» — tests to see how much of a drug is in patients» blood — that must always be performed with control samples.
Subtracting the mass indicated by the amount of the stars» light from that total reveals how much dark matter the...
To find out exactly how much energy can pour out from a given amount of mass, one measures the disappearing mass and simply multiplies it by c squared, the speed of light multiplied by itself — a truly enormous number.
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