Sentences with phrase «how much mind»

You will be surprised how much your mind can be put at ease when you are comfortable and trust your legal team.
Anyway no - matter how much my mind rejects the concept, I can't slow down Christmas's arrival, so why not embrace it instead.
Participants also filled out a questionnaire about how much their mind wandered in daily life.
Holding in your mind contradictions and circular reasoning patterns, clinging to dogmas no matter how much your mind begs otherwise, and repeating fairy tales to yourself over and over until your discomfort with reality finally goes away, is a sure recipe for mental illness and lifelong unhappiness.

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«The first thing to keep in mind is that, in some long run equilibrium, wage inflation should be equal to what the growth rate of productivity is — so how much workers can produce — and the increase in prices for the goods they produce,» he said at the UBS Greater China conference in Shanghai.
While employers have embraced flexible work trends, most haven't paid much mind to the commute and how it's impacting employee productivity, happiness and even retention.
But keep in mind how much farther you'll be able to grow.
How we experience food stems as much from the thoughts scuttling through our minds as from the flavours hitting our tastebuds: 20th - century Canadians once jonesed for turtle soup — a dish that these days seems repulsive.
I am a cognitive behavioral therapist and I used the tools of my craft to change my mind about what I ate, how much I ate and why I was putting it in my mouth.»
No matter how much energy and frustration you pour out, you may not change their minds.
Trump typically was short on details of precisely what he has in mind, particularly how much more in federal treasure he is prepared to spend to destroy terrorists overseas and at home and to transform what many already consider the most powerful military machine on earth to an even stronger, more Trumpian - like defense force.
Given the tax consequences, companies spend millions on some of the best legal and scientific minds in the country to determine how much fun a child could have using a chair.
However, as I've experienced myself, if you have the right temperament and you don't mind a little instability at times, you may make even more money and enjoy a greater sense of freedom and control over how much time you devote to work.
Would you mind telling me how much you make?»
But the «yes» part comes from reminding yourself that there are a few basic rules you can live by in terms of how you interact with others, and if you keep these absolute essentials in mind, things will go a lot easier for you — and be a lot easier on those employees of yours who are, in many respects, very much at your mercy.
How this applies to corporate life: So much of what we are able to achieve comes from our ability to carry forward good character traits and strength of mind.
Generally, very few people know what they want, much less how to get there, so they will gravitate towards those who appear to have a clear picture in mind — good clarity leads to great achievement.
As our self - perception about our looks matter so much in how we carry ourselves, investing in feeling good about what you see in the mirror in the morning might not be as frivolous as it first appears to the practically minded.
Not only that, but keep in mind what rate each debt charges, so you can calculate how much you're paying in interest.
It also allows the 31 - year - old budding philanthropist to change his mind about what he wants to fund and how much he wants to give over his lifetime, making the $ 45 billion number more like a pledge than a gift.
What's more, it's important to keep in mind that Trump and Clinton's proposals are just that, and that their implementation depends largely on how much support they could drum up in Congress as president.
The solution, in my mind, is as much a business model innovation as it is a technical one: that we need to redraw the lines of how content is paid for, and how news sites get compensated.
One of the best ways to keep this lesson in mind is acknowledging how much trouble your startup would be in without that person.
With that in mind, how much longer will they be willing to pay more for tomorrow's oil than todays?
Keep in mind, some of these states will get their money elsewhere — like sales or property taxes — but when you're a retiree, it's good to know how much of your retirement fund or pension you'll actually get.
Our unconscious minds impact performance and the manifestation of success in many ways, including whether we think we're capable of achieving our goals, to how much support we believe we'll get, to even how hard we'll have to work to create the life we dream of.
The fine print of your loan agreement often includes a maximum possible rate; keep in mind, however, that the size of your payments depends on how much you borrow as well as on the interest rate.
It never seems to have crossed the mind of President Bush, or Rudy Giuliani, or the Times reporters who uncritically noted his comments, how much insurance actually costs.
For how much longer can the reality of an acknowledged shortage for physical gold and silver go on in the face of an unprecedented and growing supply of worthless fiat, where the former have a historic intrinsic value and the latter has no value, whatsoever, except in the mindless minds of the users?
Create a definite figure in your mind of how much time you can invest per week in order to get your business off the ground.
Plus, if you're trying to figure out how much house you can afford, keep in mind that the CPI actually uses rental costs to show the monthly price of having your own home.
It is hard for the human mind to appreciate how much damage can be done to your retirement hopes by a single price crash that takes place when you are heavily invested in stocks.
I try to be open minded and not judge, but when people complain about how much debt they have or how they can't afford a home when they're spending on so many luxuries, are we going to sit back and say that's okay when it's not?
I don't think it takes much for a rational, open - mind to start to see how the stories make no sense in this world.
It's not so much that he changed their minds as that he showed them how to articulate what they already thought.
But keep in the back of your mind how much you don't need it — whatever that «it» may be.
no matter how much it may seem to make sense, many many peices are missing and as far as im concerned, science usually changes its mind every ten years or so, so ill wait this one out.
Sometimes it boggle the mind just how much people can justify being callous and blame the powerless for their own condition.
As much as christians spew on about how the mormons are not real christians, they fail to understand that the Book of Mormon still takes on its roots from the same bible they foolishly believe in... nothing like hypocrites to enlighten the mind and prove our point further.
It's not what you say so much that matters as how you think, speak, and act, and if you forgive me for quoting the Bible basically I think it comes down to this: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all they strength: this is the first commandment.
When read with pater familias, rather than the Dunphys, in mind, we see just how radical Peter and Paul must have sounded when they instructed husbands to love their wives as much as Christ loved the church and to be willing to give their lives for them!
It surprises people to know how much home - making fills my well — having a clean and relatively well - run household clears so much space in my mind, it's ridiculous but there it is.
The more one reflects on this eventuality — and certain morbid symptoms such as the existentialism of Sartre prove that it is no mere fantasy — the more one comes to the conclusion that the great enigma presented to our minds by the phenomenon of man is not so much how life could ever have been kindled on earth as how it could ever be extinguished on earth without finding some continuance elsewhere.
This could be put in a much more concrete form simply as: «how much is matter and how much is mind
To bring this back to Jesus Christ, keep in mind how much of his life required him to deal with abuse of power as opposed to hate.
It's clear that they are totally opposed to changing their mind on the topic; no matter how much evidence the other side puts up.
I think a lot of it has to do with how you present your ideas and if you try to have an open mind as much as you can muster and if you show respect for the other person.
Maybe in the future we should expect to have a much better understanding of how our minds assign an assessment value to what our senses and other input factors is feeding it.
Reading so many here blindly bash Christianity for being intolerant and closed minded, reminds me just how much I love irony...
Under this system, the life of the mind became connected to a research - driven agenda, scholars being measured by how much they advanced knowledge.
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