Sentences with phrase «how much those reactions»

After all this analysis, it's possible to predict how producers and consumers of energy will react to policies that put a price on emissions and how much those reactions will end up costing the economy as a whole.

Not exact matches

«Imagine a world where, much the same as we might shop on Amazon's site, we have information on physicians, how much he or she charges, what is the consumer reaction, what kind of outcomes they have,» he said.
With global stock markets getting hit pretty hard in reaction to Britain's decision to exit the European Union («Brexit»), it's easy to panic over how much stocks have recently fallen.
But Pollard doesn't see much long - term planning going on, but rather a «knee - jerk reaction» in the industry «because of how fast the bottom's been pulled out from underneath them.»
Granted, a lot of people are now simply exploring and experimenting with «alternative» sexuality, but how much of that was simply a reaction to all the fuss and condemnation in the first place?
(BTW — I have NEVER paid for membership to any other website... this is how much I support what you are doing there) I understand how some have had a negative reaction to such a fee and not understand that you genuinely want to help people.
Mainly, though, I know not to put much stock in my mixed reaction to my mother's grief because I know the story of how Jesus died.
Second, I wonder how much of the heterosexual reaction against homosexuality is related to male sexism.
When asked how he felt about the world's reaction to his Grandfather's death, Will, who is also a preacher, said: «To be honest, I haven't had much time to process it all.
How much essential oil can you use before you might get a reaction?
When Ken confirmed that the beef is finished on grass as well (as opposed to grain - finished, which is how much of the «grass - fed beef» Americans eat is treated), Dawn's reaction bordered on the incredulous: «This is by far the best grass - fed burger I've ever had,» she declared.
How much longer do we have to put up with these terrible performances and the managers pathetic reactions?
I am a little curious about how the fans will react to the news that Wenger will stay once it is announced but I expect it will be much like us missing out on the top 4, a bit of grumbling but no real reaction because we all saw it coming months ago.
But the problem with both Eva's comment, no matter how much of a joke it was, and Brian's assessment of it (because everyone took it seriously, reminding me of the reaction to my tongue - and - cheek Huffington Post article on why women shouldn't marry hot men) is that one person is responsible for a divorce.
It is generally best to have baby at the breast to establish and maintain your milk supply as they trigger the natural reactions to making milk in response to how much they have removed when nursing Feeding baby on demand meaning not on a set schedule but rather watching their hunger cues (sucking on fingers and hands, rooting) and not timing feedings is a good way to maintain your supply.
Adverse herbal reactions are often paired with consumption of these herbs in large amounts, but it can be difficult to know how much is too much.
You only had to look at Iain Duncan Smith MP's reaction to the announcement to see how much it meant to him and to his party.
His reactions also reveal how much Miliband gets to him.
Their theory, known as Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, included detailed predictions of how much of each element would have been produced in the roughly three minutes of nuclear reactions.
Convinced that the planet's minerology held the answer to this puzzling question, a team led by Dr Jon Wade, NERC Research Fellow in Oxford's Department of Earth Sciences, applied modelling methods used to understand the composition of Earth rocks to calculate how much water could be removed from the Martian surface through reactions with rock.
The scientists video - recorded the families» reactions to the various calls and measured certain key behaviors, such as whether the elephants defensively bunched together, whether they listened and smelled for the stranger, and how much time they spent doing these activities.
Next, he wrote a simple aqueous geochemistry model to calculate how much of these gases would have been dissolved in shallow lakes and reservoirs — environments that would have been more conducive to concentrating life - forming reactions, versus vast oceans, where molecules could easily dissipate.
The conversation was thrumming along, touching on the efficiencies of chemical reactions and the like, when Benner abruptly turned to me and asked, «How much do you think it would cost to create a self - replicating organism capable of Darwinian evolution?»
The next step was see how those factors were influenced by ENSO; while El Niños and La Niñas are defined by how much warmer or colder than normal tropical Pacific ocean waters are, they trigger a cascade of reactions in the atmosphere that can alter weather patterns around the globe.
Polanyi says scientists are only beginning to understand how catalysis operates, and that the shift towards green chemistry makes knowing as much as possible about catalysts and how they reduce waste caused by chemical reactions more important than ever before.
In the new model of biology, proteins still do the hard work of catalyzing reactions and switching genes on and off, but the microRNAs regulate the amount of proteins and hence how much of each specific job is done.
In fact, the theory of it always struck me as plausible, and it's the question of how much is happening and what the reaction would be to it.
«We also have a much better sense of how quickly these reactions are occurring in natural systems — some take thousands of years, while others only take hours to days.»
«Having the patient information in detail like we have is important in understanding how much material is released into the body and what factors lead to a reaction.
Also, there is the question (unresolved to my knowledge) of how much of that reduced albedo goes into biochemical reactions rather than sensible heat.
I enjoyed so much to start thinking in the capability of small things to make a notable difference in biological systems, such as how the properties of the cell membranes are influenced by its chemical composition, and how the food chain is mainly supported by the photosynthesis reaction of plants and algae, which ultimately lead us to survive.
«No one could explain how these substitutions confer this reaction selectivity, much less predict them,» Arnold says.
Because yeast prions act much like mammalian prions and are easier to study, scientists hope they will offer clues about how these mis - folding chain reactions get started and how they might be stopped.
Scientists are especially interested in measuring the amount of hydrogen gas in the plume, which would tell them how much energy and heat are being generated by chemical reactions in hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the moon's ocean.
This is important not so much for how bright you can make a reaction but for how sensitive you can make a reaction.
Graphs like this, which I've shared over the years, that compare the antioxidant power of foods, were all based on very primitive methods — basically, just measuring how much a food slows down an oxidation reaction between two chemicals in a machine.
No matter how much yoga you perform before an extreme exercise session, or how much nasal and rhythmic breathing you perform during that session, you simply won't get the full removal of stress or the complete avoidance of a fight - and - flight reaction unless you remove yourself from electrical pollution during your workout.
But what about the many patients I have seen whom only drink small to moderate amounts and experience reactions the following day out of proportion to how much alcohol they consumed the previous day?
I hadn't thought much about how reaction to a food sensitivity might affect weight gain, but it makes sense.
Cancer Fighting Foods: How to Nourish Your Body and Starve Cancer: The word «cancer» can create a gut - twisting, visceral reaction among people — especially if you have it, know someone who has it, or you're afraid of getting it — which pretty much covers most of the western world population.
Jake, in addition to the blood sugar issue that grain / cereals can create (way to much glucose entering the blood stream) it would be very interesting to see people's reaction in regards to seeing what occurs with their body temperature and pulse rate, i think those two markers can also provide a very good insight on how well or badly a person is reacting to grains / cereals, mainly oats in this case.
Then, after the two - week test, you start incorporating carbs to see what kinds of carbs elicit a negative reaction from your body, and how much carbs it takes to do that.
Aarti is an Institute of Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner and has received advanced training in adverse food reactions and has completed a certification course (Certified LEAP Therapist - CLT) that provides a much deeper understanding of how to manage the dietary component of conditions where food sensitivities play a role.
Despite how everyday tattoos have become, and how small they all are (most of mine are not much bigger than a # 2 coin), I've still faced some strange reactions to them over the years.
But upon further reflection, I'm not sure how much of that reaction was due to the fact that I could still recite almost all of the film in my head (much of the dialogue is the same), that I will always love its songs (except for the new ones, which added nothing), and that Condon knows his way around a lavish musical.
This clip appears to be indicative of the rest of the film, as the first reactions praised the movie's sense of humor and how it felt very much like a Taika Waititi movie.
This week on The Collision, we talk about Ben Affleck being cast as Batman in Man of Steel 2, the fanboy reaction to that news, how fans think they know how best to run a studio, and much more.
My initial reaction to Troy was much like how I reacted to The House of Sand and Fog.
Its design dictated by a mentally ill protagonist is likely to produce mixed reactions in you, no matter how much Kristen Wiig commits to this discomforting performance.
Obviously the specific degree to which setting informs a film depends on the movie, but how much of your reaction to the script was maybe based on the feeling that this could be a chocolate - and - peanut - butter type of fit, that [a vampire] story told in Las Vegas could be interesting?
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