Sentences with phrase «how narrow the focus»

The paper is of value, no matter how narrow the focus.

Not exact matches

But focus, by definition, narrows the scope of our thinking, and given how complex and fast moving most business problems are, we should relearn the skill of simply opening our mind and giving ourselves half an hour to think, in an unstructured, creative way, about whatever pops up.
«A.I. tends to work much better if you sort of narrow the focus of how you use it,» he says.
With new capabilities, the company hoped to improve its demand forecasting — specifically by narrowing the focus from warehouses down to individual customers to better predict how much of which products was needed on any given day at any particular store or vending machine.
I do not know how Mukasey would defend this narrow focus on the mere existence of a law (or its interpretation) and not its substance, but let me say why I reject his view.
After another attendee interrupted her lengthy response to point her back to the initial question of how she would deal with drug dealing Malliotakis focused on a couple of narrow points, seeming to miss an emotional connection with her audience.
Though the narrow focus was lobster biology, Tektite's overarching mission was exploring just how marine research might most effectively be carried out from a seafloor base.
So I thought, how can I focus it, how can I narrow down to really tell a compelling story?
«In this study, we have a narrow focus on diabetes only,» wrote Tolstrup, «but since alcohol is related to more than 50 different diseases and conditions — reflecting that alcohol affects virtually every organ system of the body — any recommendations about how to drink and how much to drink should not be inferred from this study or any study investigating associations between alcohol and a single outcome.»
There are many more reasons but I want narrow our focus and talk about how to wear a pair of cocktail shorts when you have a reason to dress up this summer.
With Michael Fassbender in the title role, Aaron Sorkin's biopic narrows the focus down to a few seminal years in the CEO's life, and details how his brilliance affected everyone in his orbit, from Seth Rogen's Steve Wozniak to Kate Winslet's Joanna Hoffman.
A rhythm game based on an RPG series focusing on an extremely narrow selection of music seems ripe for a game that's more gimmick than gratification, but I was extremely surprised at how much joy I got from most of the time I spent with it.
I don't have any suggestions as to how it could have been done differently, but the film has such a narrow focus that such scenes seemed a little out of place, bordering on gauche.
The culminating focus of the story narrows in on the actions of Luke and Avery and how they have impacted theirs sons.
As to what this means for education, it implies that we should be changing the goals of education to focus on deeper learning: Relevance of what is taught, to build motivation, and personalization of the What and How; Versatility, to create «Renaissance humans», which brings robustness to face whatever life throws at us; Transfer, insuring that what we learn in the narrow confines of schools, translates into actionability in real - life situations.
«We should be changing the goals of education to focus on deeper learning: Relevance of what is taught, to build motivation, and personalization of the What and How; Versatility, to create «Renaissance humans», which brings robustness to face whatever life throws at us; Transfer, insuring that what we learn in the narrow confines of schools, translates into actionability in real - life situations.»
Here, in contrast to his approach in other chapters, Knee illustrates well the politics that affected Wireless Generation and Amplify, and shows how Amplify's management team underestimated the challenges of curriculum development and adoption while spending aggressively to expand its narrow product focus.
But a narrow focus on university application can discourage young people from thinking critically about how to best prepare for working life.
«I honestly don't see how the mayor will narrow early disparities in children's learning until he focuses more directly on poor communities, lifting low - income families,» said Bruce Fuller, a UC Berkeley professor who has analyzed the city's universal pre-K program and provided ProPublica with his analysis of the newest numbers.
NewTLA is already taking on tough issues like seniority and urging UTLA to move from its narrow focus on the teachers» contract to a broader one about how to improve schools.
School curricula, textbooks and some teachers» approaches to teaching have a narrow focus on how children learn.
The narrow, basic - skills - focused curriculum that currently prevails in many schools, especially those serving disadvantaged populations, doesn't serve that purpose, Pope says: «Kids don't come to school to be told how poorly they read and how poorly they do in math.»
In a conversation with Contreras, you will learn strategies about: • How to structure your time and focus as a principal supervisor and coach • Importance of coaching through observation and feedback • Leading a district with a narrowed focus on student impact
Claire George, head of service at the Peterborough Pupil Referral Service, warned that the narrower school curriculum had created a situation in which schools focus too much on how many pupils pass English and maths and their Progress 8 scores.
«Ofsted itself has increased its focus on how schools use the pupil premium to narrow gaps in their inspections.»
Thanks to the spot - on steering, the Focus was a breeze to wheel around town and easy to place in the middle of a highway lane, no matter how narrow or badly patched.
For instance, one of the most important tips how to write an essay thesis statement centers on narrowing down your topic, to focus on an issue that can be researched upon and is relevant to your studies.
In this focus to finish session with James Robor, you will get ideas on how to narrow...
If you want to tell your personal story, ensure its success by tying your story into how - to steps your reader can take to change his or her life.For example, if you're writing your story about surviving cancer, focus on a specific type of cancer (narrow your niche) and specifically tell readers how they can get the same results you did and how you got through it.
Using the example above, if your book is about horses, you'll want to think about how you can narrow the focus.
While most writing services are narrow in focus, we have the professional staff to take on any genre of writing and any project, no matter how complex or unique.
Since most of our time as authors needs to be focused on writing, this book narrows not only the scope of effort spent on marketing, but precisely what to do with each tool in the author's marketing toolbox - building a mailing list, how to build a mailing list, social media, website management and how to use all of those in harmony.
His foundation has a single, narrow focus and is committed to methodically measuring social return on investment — easy enough, the end game being how many kids get into IIT.
How much spare time each week do you have to read all the relevant credible published science papers already available for years, and read existing reports by govt / science / economic / agri bodies on the subject matters, and read the state of current research / know how of existing anecdotal narrow focused regional / local analysis and the opinions of experts in their particular field... and then deeply think about all that and come to a rational and reasonable conclusion on it aHow much spare time each week do you have to read all the relevant credible published science papers already available for years, and read existing reports by govt / science / economic / agri bodies on the subject matters, and read the state of current research / know how of existing anecdotal narrow focused regional / local analysis and the opinions of experts in their particular field... and then deeply think about all that and come to a rational and reasonable conclusion on it ahow of existing anecdotal narrow focused regional / local analysis and the opinions of experts in their particular field... and then deeply think about all that and come to a rational and reasonable conclusion on it all?
Nevertheless, the theory and analysis presented here provide a framework with which to investigate how and why the ITCZ width has changed in the past, and whether it will narrow or widen in the future — the latter question is the focus of ongoing research.
It provides tools and techniques to broaden the options for mutual gain beyond the narrow issues commonly focused on in deal making and dispute resolution and inspires ideas on how to meet top management expectations, to acquire internal authority to lead negotiations and to exert control over the process and outcome.
How to train new associates or contract lawyers to deliver unbundled services by narrowing their focus to the task at hand
In prior posts, I've discussed how geographically narrowing down your job search can help you focus your energy on networking in the area and demonstrating a commitment to staying in the area.
I am, I assume, a «fundamentalist» in my narrow and quite un-academic focus on how we can actually make the law of contracts work better; how we can help the courts better protect the reasonable expectations of the contracting parties.
(4) It was also discussed in Chapter 3 how many state Governments are conducting native title negotiations within this narrow legal framework by focusing primarily on the settlement of native title claims rather than the economic and social development of the traditional owner group.
Healthy communication is about narrowing the focus, taking a deeper look within each partner, and understanding how the couple interacts together.
For example, adult anxiety disorders are common, often comorbid with depression, and associated with substantial functional impairment.17 A pediatric focus in research and practice on the mother's mental health, and, in particular, on maternal depressive symptoms, may limit our understanding of how the mental health of both parents affects children and may narrow our approaches to intervention.
Here's how to narrow your focus and choose the customers you want to work with.
Narrow the focus of your search: Many factors impact the ideal type of house for each buyer, including desired features and benefits, life stage and how many improvements you are willing to make before moving in.
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