Sentences with phrase «how neat»

:) How neat that you know Chrissy, too!!!
I really like the white floors also, how neat is that!
I have never seen or used frosted glass paint, how neat!
How neat to have this idea in your head for a while.I'm loving your copper cutlery and how you repeated it with the copper cups.
can't imagine how neat it would be to not having any cars there..
How neat, you could actually leave some of it out all year long... enjoyed!
The colors are really soothing, and I love how neat everything looks — without being bland or boring.
And how neat to have the sheet music too!
I love this and the most amazing part, how neat and wonderful your walls look.
How neat that's it only had four owners.
Dear Leslie... If you answered the doorbell and let me into your lovely home, I'd tell you how neat, clean, and organized it all looked.
«Can't throw that out it belonged to Grandma»» look how neat this is» but sitting in boxes for 20 years brings no one joy!!
How neat to read the story of how they came to be!
How neat of an idea is this?
How neat - a real piece of history!
I was also very impressed with how neat they looked.
How neat that you were able to turn your idea for a coloring book into a real book!
I'm sure made all the nicer by how neat and organized you keep it!
How neat that you did this so she has the idea in mind before deciding.
Isabelle, how NEAT that you have this cookbook in French!!
Oh how neat and very nice / generous of them to offer this for you to giveaway!
How neat that someday you'll be able to share this with little Elizabeth.
How neat to hear your husband's music in a trailer!
I was just showing my husband the website for Camp Wandawega the other night and we were talking about how neat it would be to stay there!
How neat that we have similar kitchens!
How neat is that?
Proper formatting is a way of showing just how neat you can be at work.
It's easy to imagine how neat this could be for all manner of activities, from entertainment to education.
As you say: «What's interesting is how a neat idea is sold as an established fact, how a working hypothesis has become a truth «well - known to all climate scientists», how» scientists are investigating» becomes scientists «have explained».»
I feel that they got the point across and how neat that they did it hiding their identities in gorilla masks.
We could also mention how neat the graphics are.
Only a handful of clothing items are compatible with armor pieces, which really limits how neat you can make your character look.
Holy crap, how neat is that?
But then again, the core gameplay of Serious Sam is not in how neat you can use the chainsaw to cut through your enemies, it's actually about managing / dodging large numbers of enemies.
You may be thinking «Oh, how neat, another dozen levels or so I presume?».
I found comfort in how neat and tidy it was.
We were very happy when we saw how neat and quiet the place is.
My friend and fellow classmate, Coley, and I had planned to visit Amsterdam because both of our parents told us how neat and interesting of a place it was.
So how neat would it be if there were a new national television show?
How neat can that be?
As an African - American, that also happens to be Muslim, I can recall my grandmother telling me back in the 70s that I'll always be judged by my appearance: neat, clean and ironed clothing; how neat my hair is; and whether my shoes were clean or not.
Day Four: Work — my co workers ooh'd and ahh'd at new truck — noticed how neat the paint job is; Irridium is the colour, looking in some lights grey, some purple, some metallic.
The panel, «Imagining a Bigger World — Marvel's Black Panther, Cultural Heritage and STEM,» wasn't just about how neat the upcoming Marvel movie looks, but how science - fiction can encourage young people from black communities to pursue STEM careers.
You're probably not alone in thinking how neat it would be to have some sort of gameshow where you could wail mercilessly on the undead for cash money.
You may know how neat you are in keeping the communication living when you are using free dating sites so you have to impress your partner too.
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