Sentences with phrase «how ocean temps»

I can't see how ocean temps could be mined for chronologically useful information, unlike ice cores.

Not exact matches

I am also interested in how long is required for the surface temp to «achieve» 95 % of the ECS change: e.g. if climate sensitivity is 2K, how much time is required for the surface temp to increase by 1.9 K; and then how much longer for the deep oceans to increase by 1.9 K (or whatever 95 % of the projected increase in deep ocean temperature works out to.)
Other than the fact that CO2 is necessary to human survival (we breathe it out after processing hydrocarbon food) and for 98 % of the energy that has allowed us to live longer and improve the standard of living over the last 300 years, just why exactly do we even care how much CO2 is in the air, especially if the temp of the ocean which is dictated by the sun, will dictate the air temp.
QUESTION: Do we know how fresh water runoff effects the Oceans temps?
The recent study concerning ocean temperatures, and how the Argo temps had to be «adjusted» to fit the historic ship temps is a concern to me.
Ocean temp data before fairly recent times is sparse at best, so I wonder how much confidence we can really place in it anyway.
The question was that — if surface temp are not increasing how does that continue to cause an increase in ocean temp.
Also don't understand how surface temps can be used to calculate global warming or cooling when the vast majority of climate heat is stored in the oceans.
I am also interested in how long is required for the surface temp to «achieve» 95 % of the ECS change: e.g. if climate sensitivity is 2K, how much time is required for the surface temp to increase by 1.9 K; and then how much longer for the deep oceans to increase by 1.9 K (or whatever 95 % of the projected increase in deep ocean temperature works out to.)
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