Sentences with phrase «how out of sorts»

Like how out of sorts I felt until we established our «vacation routine».

Not exact matches

For us because timing isn't really of the essence, it's not because they're nearby right now, the question is how can we help facilitate people getting conversations going and moving offline after you just match, so I think that means some sort of follow up where you can continue to communicate with your matches almost en masse to say, «Hey i'm free this week» or «Hey check out this Instagram photo.»
To find out the pair designed a series of studies that both asked research participants to identify what sort of experiences resulted in what levels of happiness and also looked at Facebook posts, examining what activities people post at what age and how they report those activities affecting their mood.
Abramowicz foresees another sort of ripple effect in the event of a market correction: As homeowners with those short - term private subprime mortgages struggle to figure out how to refinance in a much more constrained market, they may opt to default and cut back on consumer spending.
Use the tool below to test how long on average it would take some to crack various passcodes in a world where a crippled version of Apple's software — of the sort that law enforcement desires — hypothetically got out into the wild.
It's sort of a staple of interviews and profiles with high performers to ask them what they eat for breakfast, when they work out, how they handle their first daily ingestion of information — and to what extent they just spend time with their families.
The legal tussle may well divide the on - demand economy into two camps: the fundamentally sound companies — the ones that can figure out how to compete on any sort of playing field, as long as it's level, because they're selling a real innovation — and the companies that exist only because the current haze of legal and regulatory uncertainty paired with free - flowing venture capital has permitted them to flourish.
Says Wong, «The earlier challenges were sort of partner buy - in and getting our name out there and things like bonus structures for our sales team, structuring our revenue share model and putting together all the default paperwork for how we would build out our streams of relationships, so to speak.
Franchisees who operate most U.S. McDonald's restaurants will be tasked with sorting out the human elements of mobile ordering — namely how to best adjust kitchen layouts, work flows and staffing, said Richard Adams, a former McDonald's franchisee who now advises McDonald's restaurant operators.
Lehrer describes how researchers at Drexel College set out to study what happens in a person's brain when he or she experiences some sort of personal discovery.
I noticed how a few of my other requests sort of ended up fizzling out.
But recently Sheryl Sandberg, ex-Google exec and current COO of Facebook, came out with a very different sort of public declaration about how she uses her time — and it's one that might cause you to reevaluate the necessity of your long work weeks and reconsider what you're inadvertently saying about your values when you tout your 12 - hour days.
I do expect our expenses to decrease over time and I am hoping to be an entrepreneur of sorts who can figure out how to make $ on my own.
Not sure how Stanford can get on the same show as that lot - he must feel quite out of sorts in that crowd.
In a world of multiple venture firms all making great claims, it is hard to sort out how a VC sets itself apart from all the noise in our respective industries.
But how do you figure out what sort of content makes the grade?
It's funny how stocks can go up for years and break all sorts of records, and then we all flip out when the pullback we've been begging for finally arrives.
If I was another sort of blogger, I'd brag about how I went 30 % or so into cash towards the end of 2007 and sold out of most of my dodgy bank shares, and how I bought heavily in March 2009 (which I detailed at the time, here).
«What's impossible to sort out is how much of this is because of savings from the tax cuts, and how much is because of pressure they're receiving from employees and labor groups.»
TransCanada will also have to sort out how it can meet Mr. Trump's «Buy American» proviso: A 2012 breakdown of the steel to be used on Keystone showed that about half was to be manufactured in the United States, a quarter in Canada and the rest in Italy and India.
Of course he is talking about the period right before the crisis in 2008, and we all know how that mess got sorted out; the creation of more debt than the world has ever seeOf course he is talking about the period right before the crisis in 2008, and we all know how that mess got sorted out; the creation of more debt than the world has ever seeof more debt than the world has ever seen.
Barhydt went on to point out that these sorts of issues with decentralized governance have not necessarily existed on this scale in the past, using Linus Torvalds's benevolent dictatorship over Linux as an example of how things are usually operate in open - source software projects.
How can there be so many del usi onal people out there that ignore that he follows some sort of Christian faith tradition or label is brand of Christianity «non-Christian»?
After one has sorted out the pseudonyms, there is still the challenge of discovering how, for Kierkegaard, a difference of voice implies a difference of character» how vice and virtue are embodied in a style.
However, it is the sort of response that one might expect from someone who was caught in a lie and didn't know how to get out of it.
American Atheists insists on non-belief, pointing out how harmful religion is, yet they are engaged in a sort of evangelism to bring everyone to their non-belief.
As we read the Bible, we learn how God worked in generations past, what sorts of endeavors the people of God embarked upon, and how these endeavors turned out.
souls of the dead go, and they scream (one wonders how a person screams without lungs and without a larynx and, well, air of some sort to go into the lungs and then out of the lungs and — wait — that would require a diaphragm to power the lungs, and nerve endings so that the souls would feel pain and — hang on) and those screams get recorded?
And yet I have a feeling that there may be complementarians out there, who, like Micah, do not consider it «foolish» for boys to play with dolls and who are concerned by how these sort of gender stereotypes are put forth as «biblical manhood.»
So here is How to Help Launch «Out of Sorts
I wracked my brain for weeks trying to figure out how to run a survey with fish, and I tried all sorts of experiments.
Instead, this book really just presents Jesus as the solution to it all, and shows how a proper understanding of the crucifixion of Jesus helps sort out a lot of other areas of theology as well.
Also, it is very puzzling how the nascent occasion — just coming into being and powerless to make any kind of selection or response — can select just the sort of aim which is most suitable to it out of the immense complexity of the primordial nature.
@NAH, can rebut each of Colin's points in a reasonable manner, specifically let me call out two (both sort of related)-- the Christianity refers to only 600 years of history, and only refers to a small geography (not even the entire earth)-- why «leap of faith» argument is valid for Christianity and not for other independent faiths, which have many contradictory beliefs compared to Christianity, and if they are equally valid, how can they all be equally valid
I just don't know how or even if I'll talk about those parts of the delivery until I finish sorting it out.
So as I was writing Out of Sorts, I began to realise how often music played a big part in my story — which is odd because I'm not a musician or a singer or even someone who can carry a tune.
In the process of gently helping us sort things out, Bessey teaches us how to be as comfortable with uncertainty as we are with solid answers.
His doctrine of two separate substances, extended matter and thinking mind, each sort of substance requiring, with God bracketed out of the picture, nothing other than itself in order to exist, rather unceremoniously threw mind, that is, distinctively human being, out of nature and left philosophy with the hopeless task of trying to figure out how a mind outside of nature, a mind not of nature, could ever really come to know nature.
The given example is that laundry - doing robots could access the database to figure out what sort of clothing items are what, and how to fold and iron them differently, but don't worry; robots will surely think of more interesting things to do with the Internet than laundry.
Oh and on the note of Gay and obesity, the Obese need to sort their live out as they do far more harm to our planet than Gays (how are as they are - so accpet it.).
We don't want to get involved when people need a hand moving in a positive direction — after all, «those people» need to figure out how to do it themselves, so the lessons stick — but we will fall all over ourselves to get involved when we deem some sort of punishment is in order.
This sort of gets back to the question of what biblical illiteracy actually is, but when I listen to the pastors and professors who are decrying the lack of biblical literacy in the church, I am often amazed to hear what comes out of their very own mouths, and it makes me wonder how biblically literate they themselves are.
I have sometimes been in prayer meetings where people clearly lose their train of thought, or they don't really know how to pray for the issue at hand, and so rather than pause, or stumble around for the right words, or simply pray wrongly and let God sort it out (He doesn't mind), the person instead starts to «speak in tongues,» thus trying to impress everybody with their spirituality.
Almost certainly the willow wands had come from local trees — the splay of weeping willows was everywhere evident in our town, usually near water of some sort, and for a moment, as I handed them out, I wondered how they had been harvested.
People often say our brains are so big because of how evolved we are, but I say our brains are so big because we messed it all up and now we need the space to sort it all out.
And, yes I think there is an actual «end - time scenario» — not exactly sure how these creatures will play it out... but you can bet it will be through a deceitful representation of themselves as either some sort of «aliens here to help» or forcing the world to take a united stand against them — contributing to a volunteer world government.
Security officials in Rio huddled for much of the day on Tuesday sorting out how to resolve the incident.
He explains how the orthodox view amongst theoretical physicists is that there is, «out there,» a perfect, unified law — it is the very goal of the sort of «grand unified theory» that many physicists are aiming at.
So you can not embark on any sort of Whiteheadian scheme if you have not some idea of how you are going to get space and time out of it.
Your «God» should be clever enough to sort out how to have made all of us all happy all the time — and in the very least, He didn't.
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