Sentences with phrase «how plant reproduction»

«Our goal is to use comparative genomics approaches to fill in gaps in our understanding of how plant reproduction works and to define the aspects of the mechanisms we've discovered so far that are either ancient or new innovations.»

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Dr Crispin Jordan, of the University of Edinburgh's School of Biological Sciences, who led the study, said: «Plants and their flowers exist in all shapes and sizes, and our finding that the arrangement of flowers can influence how bees forage might go some way to explaining how plants, which rely on others species to spread pollen, can influence their own reproduction.&Plants and their flowers exist in all shapes and sizes, and our finding that the arrangement of flowers can influence how bees forage might go some way to explaining how plants, which rely on others species to spread pollen, can influence their own reproduction.&plants, which rely on others species to spread pollen, can influence their own reproduction
Plants can maximize their chances of reproduction by taking advantage of how insects move between flowers when they track down nectar, a study suggests.
That study showed how removing a bumblebee species disrupted floral fidelity, or specialization, among the remaining bees in the system, leading to less successful plant reproduction.
The results show how reduced competition among pollinators disrupts floral fidelity, or specialization, among the remaining bees in the system, leading to less successful plant reproduction.
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