Sentences with phrase «how powerful that moment»

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That context provides critical insights into consumer behavior — and therefore powerful clues for how you can be most relevant and useful for people in their moments of need.»
For no matter how hard I try, however eloquent, dynamic, or (at desperate moments) guilt - inducing I may be on Friday afternoon, on Monday morning my arguments have fallen flat and sunk into the muck, idealistic words overwhelmed by a depressingly powerful reality: Sunday Mass at the parish.
No matter how successful, assertive, or powerful some women are, the moment they become involved with a man they begin to give up part of themselves — their social life, their time alone, their spiritual practice, their beliefs and values.
In that moment, I realized once again how powerful and important the role of a Mother is in each of our lives.
In the last few years, powerful experimental techniques that can monitor the activity of many neurons at once have generated a new field of neuroscience — «neural dynamics» — which uses sophisticated mathematical models to describe how brain activity evolves on a moment - to - moment basis.
When you find yourself in that moment of choice, remember, you can take the blue pill and keep getting the same results you've always gotten — or you can take the red pill and find out just how powerful your potential is.
Taught in classes and clinics worldwide, this powerful approach shows you how to focus on the present moment in order to permanently change the way you handle stress.
Lots of small beautiful moments and being present to actually experience them and see how they can be powerful in refuelling you and giving you a whole new boost of energy for the new year that's about to start in only a week from now!
Filled with truly warm and tender moments, this film is a story of how powerful the human relationship can be.
When everyone's true colors are revealed and they are no longer wearing their fake smiles, it's an amazing moment in the film and shows you just how powerful each of their performances are.
Take a moment to read some powerful reflections from Achievement First on race, violence and how me move forward.
We always knew this film would be a powerful resource in Facing History classrooms, but we couldn't have predicted how deeply the story would resonate today, at a moment when Europe is facing its largest refugee crisis since World War II.
Saying, «You need to pay attention to the whole class» is much less powerful feedback than referring to a video where a teacher spent seven minutes with one student and asking how she could have included the other 29 students in the classroom in that moment.
It should be this powerful, poignant moment, but instead Denton ends up talking about how great school lunches are and wondering aloud about the physiological underpinnings of depression and calling out one of his mean teachers.
«Dogs can teach us so much, but one of the most powerful things they teach us is how to live in the moment
If there was ever a moment in your life when you questioned where your childhood went, this game can easily touch you on a personal level, and this very song is the big ominous reminder that embodies just how powerful Time really is.
At a moment in which the place of the humanities and the arts are coming under heavy attack within the United States, Muntadas» project is in itself a poignant reminder of the powerful way in which art can be practiced as a critical tool and how it is important that it continue to be a major component of academia, nurtured and fostered within the university.
If you doubt how powerful nostalgia can be, spend a moment looking at the simple selfie that Nebraska teenager Tom White took on July 13th.
The exercises here teach you how to keep anger ceilings low, and converting moments of anger into powerful opportunities for learning and growth.
In trauma - focused counseling, the work is rooted in safely exploring how what happened has a powerful continuation in the present moment.
«In Good Enough Parenting, John and Karen Louis put powerful new understandings and tools into parents» hands and show them, with an engaging blend of clarity, authority, warmth, openness and humility, exactly how to use these to transform the quiet day to day moments, common challenges and emotional crises of parenthood into opportunities to set their children on the path to flourishing as adults.
When a color scheme can make memories come back to you as if you were right there in the moment, we can see how important it is that we surround ourselves with the most happy, powerful memories we can access!
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