Sentences with phrase «how related to»

According to her, people have great personal affection for president Mahama because he's very easy to relate to and you can tell throughout the tour how he related to Ghanaians — he comes across as the very easy person to deal with.
And then as soon as I got some food in me, my mood mellowed out and I quickly realized that I was completely in error in how I related to my daughter.
And speaking of information overload, I was SO unprepared to hear about the liquid gold of breast milk called, colostrum?!! Not sure how that related to baby products, but in looking back, the whole experience was just pure comedy
Describe the impact of birth interventions on the sensory nerves and how these related to both oxytocin and the stress response.
The study consisted of two parts, the first of which surveyed a child's «sugar / fat / salt palate» (SFS palate) and how it related to a child's food choices.
Using reflectors for the best possible lighting, Gordon positioned me on a chair in the field and asked me questions about the tradition of chile in New Mexico and how it related to barbecue.
More times than not about the Lord's Prayer and how it shaped how we related to God, each other, friends, family and everyone we met.
Chuckled's opinion and Fred's opinion however reflect who they are and how they related to Jesus.
What the debate hides, however, is what Jesus of the Bible actually did and how he related to people.
Watching that just changed how I saw myself, it changed how I related to people, words and phrases that I would, just the way I saw myself.
«I wouldn't agree with everything I saw [in the Catholic church] theologically, but God broadened my horizons about the cultures and how they related to God,» he said.
The culture and values of how we related to our customers, which is reflected in how the company relates to our [employees], would determine our success.
I was able to witness some of the business decisions that her mentor had to make in his position and how that related to her own company.
The reason the job exists (including an explanation of job goals and how they relate to other positions in the company)
While magical thinking is a concept in psychology, this, in plain terms, is how it relates to the context of business.
You see, risk isn't in the investment, it's in the investor and how they relate to the investment.
For one thing, the science behind infant sleep and how it relates to touchscreens is brand new, so «it's too early to make clear proclamations,» says Smith.
But Nooyi was speaking more broadly in a response to a question about coarseness in society (not Trump or any other elected official) and how it relates to marketing brands.
Take stock of what they accomplished and how this relates to your goals.
The competitive analysis is a statement of the business strategy and how it relates to the competition.
From the results, the psychologists concluded that our reliance on the Internet has affected how we relate to information — instead of remembering the information itself, we just remember where to find it.
You've spent a lot of time studying gender and how it relates to success in raising capital.
The concern is justified; smartphones are changing how we relate to other human beings, so it's reasonable to worry about how they'll affect parenting.
They get into how this relates to Bitcoin and how crashes impact the Bitcoin market long term.
Only after agreements are in process should a salesperson focus on the numbers and how they relate to quota plus potential bonuses.
Information should be given freely to each employee to enable them to understand the value of what they are being offered and how this relates to their current situation and the market
Watch Matt Tucker explain the concept of liquidity and how it relates to your investments in his latest...
So it's always very interesting for me to understand how they work and particularly their approach to link building, what are the new trends, and how this relates to their own client acquisition.
Rob Beeler learns the true meaning of rubbernecking, and he's here to tell us how it relates to Facebook's Cambridge Analytica / data privacy problems, GDPR preparation (or lack thereof), and buzzworthy tech like blockchain and AI.
Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to discuss how this relates to you.
NBC's Tom Winter and Julia Ainsley report on the circumstances and how it relates to the Cohen investigation.May.03.2018
This study addresses the Atlantic Gateway initiative, and how it relates to Canada's global trading position as a national policy priority.
We are anxiously awaiting news of the SEC take on exit strategies not just for crowdfunded shares but [to see] how that relates to VC shares.»
More than that, Google uses internal links on your site to understand what topics your site covers, how they relate to each other, and which is your most important content.
Because there are substantial benefits to each type of mortgage insurance, home buyers should consider the different options and how they relate to their current situation and long - term goals.
Interview with Entreprenuer Mario Costanz on Bitcoin Taxes This episode dives into the topic of taxes and how they relate to Bitcoin and Crypto.
In today's piece, we provide our view on three key themes in the current market environment and how these relate to our late - cycle investing game plan»
In preparation for the campaign, Macy's researched the idea of belief and how it relates to childhood development.
It's important to understand what drove performance and how it relates to a strategy's long - term record, but it's also important not to make decisions based on what's working (or not) working now.
first you need to have a good long discussion on the concept of freedom of choice and how that relates to man and God's relationship.
There's room for intelligent discourse around some of the most critical questions about humanity — how we relate to the world we share, how our beliefs inform our lifestyles, how we fit into this vast, cosmic scheme of being.
«They value the tradition, but what they often tell me is that they were not learning as much about the Bible and how it relates to their life today.»
Now, when I talk about the relationship between God and man, I'm referring to how he relates to us.
@glossolalia — read your whole bible (especially the New Testament) Christ specifically addressses «clean» and «unclean» restrictions and how that relates to the Law after His arrival on the scene (i.e. nothing passes away from the Law, but that it is fulfilled in Him).
Religions are channels for how we relate to God - There is no right or wrong way.
That difference is in how they relate to the sinner.
Not sure how that relates to this story.
It's a personal challenge to me to live out this question in how I relate to others — other real, broken people in their unique contexts.
Although these threads often degenerate, the simple act of engagement in the discussion provides a means to examine one's position and how it relates to what we might agree is a shared goal in mitigating suffering and improving the human condition.
and how they relate to one another... relationship betweenman and woman is nOT same asrelationsship between two men... love is NOT the same... (if you wan na argue love is the same..
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