Sentences with phrase «how well a concept»

While I have questions about how well that concept would work, I'm more concerned about the current trend of healthy eating and how that could impact my ability to succeed.
Just one that makes you realize how well the concept works as a quick read.
Finally, the instructor explains the question and often shows a histogram of all student responses, which gives both instructor and student immediate feedback on how well a concept is understood.
The only thing I'm wary of is how well the concept can sustain itself throughout the typical length of a Shonen Jump series.
«The building is meant to be a pilot project to assess things like how well this concept is received and the quality of life for residents,» says Oriwol.

Not exact matches

To better understand the concept of a sales funnel and just how you can implement it in your own business, let's look at the following image from Shutterstock.
I said, «There has to be a better way,» and that's how the concept came to fruition.
In the video above you can see how Next Millennium's growing facilities operate, as well as how the company develops new food concepts using its signature product, high - protein cricket flour.
He thrilled only to the concept of how a dramatically better computer could unlock even more potential for its user.
As Richard Branson stated, «So please, take it from me: no matter how incredibly smart you think you are, or how brilliant, disruptive or plain off - the - wall your new concept might be, every start - up team needs at least one good mentor.»
The concept is easy enough, but how can you build a process that will allow the best ideas to flow?
Part of how HubSpot has succeeded on the video front is that it isn't just looking at its nearest competitors: it is reviewing best - of - breed video concepts from a number of different categories.
Emphasis is placed on integrating business concepts into real - world situations, as well as people skills — such as how to lead and communicate effectively.
But Maney and Ranadivé extend the concept well beyond the individual, looking at how business and society can build predictive systems, using the science of anticipation to get an edge.
No matter how smart you are, or how brilliant or disruptive your business concept might be, every entrepreneur needs a good mentor.
I wrote an improvement of Alicia's email based on these concepts: — specificity of: target b2b and expected results — be educational with numbers and reference to a case study — do nt talk bad about outbound marketing, but tell him how to do it better — write even shorter to the point — social proof: drop big companies of other industries — scarcity: this email is sent to 10 competitors but we only work with the first per city
Most economists do not understand banking very well so they use incorrect models of how money is actually created thereby resulting in this crowding out concept.
So please, take it from me: no matter how incredibly smart you think you are, or how brilliant, disruptive or plain off - the - wall your new concept might be, every start - up team needs at least one good mentor.
The following sections will each touch on one area of application for your new brand standards, exploring how best to integrate the concept of your brand in a way your consumers will identify and relate to.
The opportunity from Global Opportunity Report 2017, Business of Power, showcases how decentralised, peer - to - peer platforms and innovative energy storage technologies are disrupting the conventional concept of utility delivery and better preparing cities and residents for energy and climate resilience.
The second concept came about after a longtime friend and colleague, Sohum Shah, and I started examining public markets and the overlap with cannabis — specifically, how cannabis businesses are evaluated, where opportunities lie operationally, and how to better bridge access to capital.
Now that I've outlined the basic concepts of modern link building, as well as a high - level view of the strategies you'll need to be successful at it, let's take a step back and look at how link building came to be, how it's evolved, and why it has an undeserved questionable reputation in the SEO (and general marketing) industry.
While you might have a list of formalized core values and a general concept for what you want to accomplish and how, the best modes to use in clarifying and promoting your values are your mission and vision statements.
One of the best ways to learn how to be a better binary options trader is to watch videos and other demonstrations of people with more experience trading or teaching tough concepts.
We've all heard these statements, but how well do we understand the concepts behind them?
Five post Lougheed premiers from the previous government ushered in the concept of «economic freedom» as espoused by the Fraser Insititute and how well did that work?
If you want to franchise a cool burger concept, work at McDonald's to learn how to hire workers, manage inventory and serve customers from that burger chain's best - in - class procedures.
This seems way too simple, so why would we (or better yet, how could we) devote so much time to talking about such a basic financial concept?
This means that in order to understand the concept of these extensions better, and how to apply them to binary trading, make sure to check these out for further instructions.
first you need to have a good long discussion on the concept of freedom of choice and how that relates to man and God's relationship.
We need to give up the «what happens when we die» concept and think about how we can live better lives... guess what, I learned how to be a good, morally sound and ethically sound individual and I didn't read the Bible... wild notion, I know.
@Dave > I have trouble understanding how we can even define «good» and «bad» without a concept of God.
Well you said it, it's just a concept that people just put faith in no matter how ridiculous; whereas science is tested and theories discarded when they fail.
The bible draws on the eastern philosophies, and considering how much of Jesus» words (not word for word, but the concepts) are from the Buddha, and other philosophies... do good things, good things happen.
How Aristotle thinks of entity can best be judged by the way he links it to his concept of «nature» as dwelling in concrete things.
The triumph of The Good Place was how, despite wrestling with these complex concepts, it maintained the fun week after week.
Concentrating on the Middle East since World War II, Pryce «Jones shows how one Arab regime after another has been but a repeat of tribal allegiances played out in a pattern of lust for power and revenge, reflecting a shame «honor culture that leaves no room for the concept, never mind the pursuit, of the common good.
The technical detail leads the way to understanding how a college embodies key concepts such as «the common good» and gives compelling form to a political agenda.
Conceding his «second thoughts» about how virtue has been treated by his colleagues, he rejects their facile equation of the concept with complete self - sacrifice in the name of the public good.
One might think that our white, upper - middle - class, nothing - but - the - best youngsters would respond positively to such concepts as «fairness» and «egalitarianism» — but apparently the best lesson we parents taught them was how to say No.
But how can we have such a love if we lack a definite concept of the good?
In the process he brings out well how the concepts of «formal and final causes... are making a serious return» through some modern philosophy of biology.
Attention in class might well be called to some of the revolutionary methodological aspects of their work: the new combination of experiment and theory, the role of mathematical analysis, concentration on descriptive explanation (how a process occurs, not why), the prominence of the categories of space and time, invention of concepts not directly observable (e.g., acceleration), and the problem of freedom in science.
I'm not sure how to interpret the use of the concept of ETERNAL except for, well, ETERNAL.
Another example will do better for showing how concepts play a role in metaphors.
Perhaps — and this is something only the performance of genetic ontology can decide — genetic ontology is capable of better explaining to us how beings are always understood in the natural development of the human subject, whence our concepts of Being come, under which mode of meaning these concepts stand, and what their relationships are to historical ontologies.
WORLD: Humans have tried to understand the true Nature of things forever and how they control us and how we should act to be properly in communion with them... and those concepts have been updated continually by those in tune or desiring to better understand such concepts, that were once explained by God in human form.
Since there is physical evidence of them and caveman (and you did not address caveman) as well, how can that be just a concept?
So while we recognize a contradiction in Israel's thinking, here we can only trace the expression of the concept of a moral order in the world without trying to resolve the problem of how completely it commanded the best Hebrew thought.
How does that square with the concept of teaching others to be a bigger person by forgiving as well as releasing someone from what they do not deserve?
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