Sentences with phrase «howls of outrage»

Comment sections on news media websites were immediately inundated with howls of outrage and vitriol.
We have got to get over this... But what we really need, like the orchestrated howls of outrage when petrol prices hit a new high, is a campaign that strikes at the root of the problem: the idiotic belief that we need a constant supply of water or something awful will happen... Our weapon should be ridicule.
This was met with howls of outrage and derision at such an assault on established science.
The original controversy, though, largely centered on Trenberth's withering attack on the climate science contrarians and his characterization of them as «deniers» and «charlatans», which, needless to say, has caused howls of outrage throughout the contrarian blogosphere.
Where were all the «howls of outrage» when Gore released his film, which has many more exaggerations and untruths than Rose's article?
Howls of outrage are bound to accompany next month's unveiling of Granta's list of top 20 young writers.
I can already hear the howls of outrage that the business of reviewing will be forever compromised due to corporate sponsorship and agendas.
Don't be surprised to see howls of outrage from the Amazon haters later today.
Valenti's ban was greeted with howls of outrage by the heads of the independent distribution companies, even while it was being greeted with joy by the heads of major studios.
There will be howls of outrage from the Right, but with a fixed 5 year term Labour would be mad NOT to do this.
It had prompted howls of outrage from Labour backbenchesr after David Cameron used it in prime minister's questions.
The proposed cuts have engendered the usual howls of outrage that it will lead to fired teachers, overcrowded classrooms, and sick people dying in the street.
Howls of outrage would surely follow.
The deal provoked howls of outrage until it was shown to have substantially reduced the prices consumers paid.

Not exact matches

Scrutiny of the Brexit process is being met with howls of «constitutional outrage».
Writing his seminal work «Howl» partly as a performance piece, partly as a way to exorcise the thoughts in his head that he wouldn't want his father to hear, his words would go on to inspire and inflame, earning the respect of many and the outrage of many more.
Deadpool 2 is the sort of movie where the heroes kill a guy — after spending the last act of the film saving that guy so one of the characters will learn a moral lesson — all in the hopes of scoring a quick laugh derived from the joys of knocking off religious zealots, while also using time travel during the mid-credits scene to erase a death that took place earlier in the film so as to avoid outraged howls from Internet folks about the wickedness of «fridging» tertiary female characters.
The howls of protest and outrage could be heard around the kindle world.
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