Sentences with phrase «huge difficulty spikes»

Don't get me wrong; I absolutely love what I do and I love being a gamer, but there's always the little frustrations of levels with huge difficulty spikes, enemies that just won't seem to die and cheap deaths that seem to be avoidable.
There was this huge difficulty spike, and I didn't progress because my friends said the game was bad anyway.
It's only in the final worlds where the game begins combining stage elements in devious placements to trip you up, offering a huge difficulty spike.
Factor in the later levels, particularly in the latter half of game where sometimes frustration is joined by tedium as you get to the eighth, ninth or tenth level in a set only to find a huge difficulty spike where you lose all your lives and then have to repeat all of the previous levels in the set numerous times just to get back to the point you keep dying at and you have a sometimes cruel experience that will appeal to some but could turn other players off.

Not exact matches

Both games are ambitious Capcom gorefests marred by difficulty spikes and crap boss fights, and neither is a huge advancement over its predecessor, but RE5 is just a slicker and more polished game.
However, this was mainly due to how often I died, as the difficulty spike in this game is huge.
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