Sentences with phrase «huge explosion»

The phrase "huge explosion" refers to a very big and powerful burst of energy or force that causes a loud boom and can result in destruction or damage to its surroundings. Full definition
Amazingly, while the fundamental discoveries in science in the 17th century — gravity, light waves, planetary rotation around stars and the incredible abstraction of science in mathematics — spurred huge explosions of discoveries in physics and chemistry, fundamental discoveries in biology largely lagged behind and were important only as they related to human health.
The upcoming title is set to bring us a Hollywood style racing game with huge explosions making every lap unpredictable.
Filth and electricity encapsule enemies in a hardened shell, which can then be crushed to dispose of them, while putting filth on fire causes huge explosions.
This, scientists say, is potentially very good news, as we could use the barrier to protect Earth from extreme space weather resulting from events like coronal mass ejections — huge explosions on the sun, where plasmas and magnetic field are ejected from its corona, the outermost part of its atmosphere.
Bigger stars with masses at least five times greater than the sun's have much shorter life spans — sometimes only a few hundred thousand years — and die spectacularly in huge explosions called supernovae.
These differing motions amplify and twist the solar magnetic field, triggering huge explosions that blow through space.
8:15 — As soon as Joe enters the wardrobe trailer in his red silk shirt, huge explosions echo from the stage.
The cosmic coalition Huge explosions are seen as an unidentified aircraft bombards a Taliban base in Afghanistan, in this screengrab.
Zipper got a little Nathan Drake mixed in with my SEALs; suddenly I'm ducking huge explosions and shaking them off like I'm Rambo while charging past enemies in case I get blown to smithereens.
Engaging, destructive, game - play featuring huge explosions and cute flying gerbils.
As a Bomberman man at heart I still take great satisfaction from trapping an enemy in a corner with a bomb, or perfectly lining up a series of bombs and taking out four bad guys with a single huge explosion.
Red barrels and grenades provide huge explosions scattering bodies everywhere in glorious fashion.
By deferring that decision, public outrage has been stored up for the past three decades and has burst out in one huge explosion of anger.
Alienation is a slick and polished twin stick shooter, filled with huge explosions and seemingly endless enemies to kill, but it's let down in a lot of little ways.
One was another pressure - cooker bomb, which set off a huge explosion and blew the lid of the pressure cooker into a nearby car.
He then went on to tell us about the history of the universe from the huge explosion of matter and energy (the Big Bang) through the formation of stars and then rocky planets on which complex chemicals were produced, leading to the synthesis of the first molecules of life and the emergence of the plant and animal kingdoms.
Modern science: Looks like the beginning of our universe was a huge explosion where everything came from a single point in space time.
My smallest was less than a year old, still being breastfed, and had a huge explosion in her car seat.
If they've done a huge explosion, poop coming out everywhere you know ease is the name of the game, keep it simple and you can wash baby's hair with the kitchen sink.
This tree actually comes from Halifax every year — it is a gift to commemorate the assistance Boston gave the people of Halifax after the huge explosion of 1917.
Witnesses reported a huge explosion after a helicopter clipped a crane at St George's wharf, an unfinished residential building.
The accompanying bars graph the magnitude of huge explosions, known as solar flares, that occurred on each day.
A huge explosion around 10 million years ago seems to have hurled this material outward and heated it to millions of degrees.
Huge explosions, known as tephra explosions, blast hot lava and cinder up 300 metres.
In a report published last month, the government's Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee (RWMAC) blamed a huge explosion in the shaft in 1977 for releasing the 150 particles which contaminated the foreshore.
A huge explosion at the centre of our Galaxy 15 million years ago may be responsible for many features astronomers see there today.
Then, at 7:40, there was a huge explosion and all hell broke loose.
A huge explosion
Some stars end their lives with a huge explosion called a supernova.
To understand the huge explosion that results, you have to know what's going on with the star's tiniest particles.
Solar flares are huge explosions of energy that form in the Sun's core, then sent into space.
What you're looking at are coronal mass ejections — huge explosions of gas and magnetic energy that disrupt the solar wind (see: punch line to joke)[source: Hathaway].
Smoking doesn't guarantee that you'll get acne, but can cause a huge explosion of spots if you are genetically prone to them.
I blame it on Mad Men for the huge explosion of love for Mid Century Modern decor and furniture.
Now that the government isn't telling people who they can and can not marry, there's been a huge explosion of gay men who are opening themselves up to the idea of something more.
Galaxy of the dating All this points to a huge explosion at the center of our galaxy, said team member Dr. Infrared and X-ray satellites have seen a powerful «wind» (outflow) of material from this central region.
What works (like other old films) is the fact there isn't lots of fancy ass camera angles, huge explosions, tarty gun play and slow motion.
«The Terminator 2» is movie - making on a massive scale, packed dense with spectacular touches that are too many to describe - escape scenes, helicopter stunts and huge explosions.
The rest is all impossible stunts, huge explosions and lots of running and jumping, along with the requisite killing and mayhem.
I will definately see it at the theatre and enojy it for what it is...... hot girls in tight clothing, ninjas, and huge explosions.
Along with other depictions of bloody wounds and damaged human tissue, the frequent violent encounters between the humans and zombies also include shootings, stabbings, mutilation, gunfire and huge explosions.
Some fans have posited that when the dust clears after the huge battle, that inevitably leads to a huge explosion of the Reality Stone, Steve turns around and it's not Chris Evans, it's Chris Pine or Jensen Ackles.
Violence: Frequent battle scenes involve swords, stabbings, flame - throwing guns and huge explosions — all of which result in numerous dead bodies lying on the battlefield.
Huge explosions.
There will be huge explosions.
A huge explosion rips open the store and various customers are sucked into the air through a blue orb.
Guns blazing, rapid - fire repartee and huge explosions are requirements in this genre, as is an on screen bond between the two leads.
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