Sentences with phrase «huge moon»

The spacecraft performed an engine burn Jan. 23 to set up a Feb. 1 flyby of Saturn's huge moon Titan.
Is Saturn's huge moon just like Earth 4 billion years ago?
Cassini Headed for Saturn Plunge After Titan «Goodbye Kiss»: After a «goodbye kiss» with Saturn's huge moon Titan, NASA's Cassini spacecraft should now be on course for its suicide dive into the ringed planet Friday (Sept. 15).
Saturn's relatively huge moon Titan, which orbits unaccompanied by the usual retinue of similar - sized moons, started out as three or four standard - issue satellites of the ringed planet that ran amok, collided, and merged into one huge moon and a few scraps of debris.
Planetary scientists have long suspected that the huge moon Triton is an interloper from outside the Neptune system.
For example, the orbiter spotted lakes of liquid hydrocarbons (mostly methane) on Titan's surface, and its observations suggest that the huge moon also hosts an ocean of salty water beneath its crust.
Besides, anyone with a fair grounding in astronomy knows one lone, huge moon is a complete anomaly.
«So let the good times roll» The sky is clear and there was a huge moon setting over the West as the sun was rising in the East.
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