Sentences with phrase «huge pond»

For example, as the Siberian Traps formed, huge ponds of lava pooled deep underground.
But at Spurs, he is a «small fish in a huge pond», and it's a shame that we can unlock the talent of the Belgian midfielder, but never say never with football, anything can happen.
My first day was everything you'd imagine it to be... getting lost, feeling like a little fish in a huge pond, experiencing the awful feeling of forgetting everyone's names, and being forced to make small talk.
It can seem like a huge pond out that you're supposed to go fishing in, but in reality there are some very tailored sites to make the whole process easier for people looking to find their soulmate.
I may be a very small fish in a huge pond when it comes to being a published author, but I keep my ear to the ground and I talk to a number of others who have been in the business a lot longer than I.
A single book is a (very) small fish in a (ridiculously) huge pond.
The toxic sludge is often stored in open impoundments (huge ponds) or injected into abandoned coal mines, causing major concern over drinking water contamination.
It's like fishing in a huge pond with a tiny net and no bait.
The bad news is that even with strong growth it's still a small splash in a huge pond.
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