Sentences with phrase «huge trading volumes»

The banks which are being investigated are having ties will exchanges that have witnessed huge trading volumes in the past few days.
Commodities are basic to our daily life, which makes the commodity futures markets among the largest, with huge trading volumes.
On huge trading volumes — more than five times the average daily number of shares traded before the scandal broke this weekend — Facebook's shares have lost nearly 10 % over the past two days, the steepest 48 - hour slide since the company's rocky first few months after its 2012 IPO.
Seeking to avoid a fiasco like the one that occurred during Facebook's launch on the Nasdaq last year, the NYSE ran three trial IPOs this past weekend to see how its systems would react to the huge trading volume Twitter's debut may inspire.
While choosing the stocks for intraday trading, the first preference must be the liquid stocks that have huge trading volumes, such that large quantities can be bought and sold without affecting the price much.
This would be catastrophic for bitcoin as there is huge trading volume that occurs in China.
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