Sentences with phrase «huge uncertainty about»

As is, the huge uncertainty about aerosols means that in principle net human impact on climate could have always netted out to something close to zero with most of the temperature change due to natural trends.
What that means is that, on average, one or two children in every elementary school classroom in the country is coping with huge uncertainty about future family stability.
What that means is that, on average, one or two children in every elementary school classroom in the country is coping with huge uncertainty about future family stability,» writes Professor Hiro Yoshikawa.
The suspicion is that millions of births and deaths have not been counted and there is huge uncertainty about the rate at which women are giving birth.
But there is huge uncertainty about how rainfall patterns will change.
Now there is huge uncertainty about business models, even as digital gives consumers more convenient access to news than ever before.
Aside from the huge uncertainties about the climatic effects of extracting power from the wind, our present and near - term usage is far too tiny to make any difference.

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«It would just remove the huge fear and uncertainty about what comes next, and I think we'd see business investment picking up,» he says.
LONDON, Feb 20 - Gold prices were weighed down by a stronger dollar on Tuesday, dropping for the third session, but were underpinned by geopolitical worries and uncertainty about this week's huge U.S. bond auctions.
With all the uncertainty swirling about whether he did or did not incur a penalty by causing his ball to move early into his final round of the U.S. Open, the guy whose mental makeup has been questioned over the years came up huge.
Although we may spend a huge chunk of the day fantasizing about how much happier we would be if we could only find a more meaningful job, ditch a dysfunctional relationship, or finally take that dream vacation, we tend to stay stagnant because we're afraid of the uncertainty involved in making a change.
For example, real estate in North America looks like a good total inflation hedge (beta about +2), but with a huge range of uncertainty (from about +6 to -2) just for that one time and place.
The problem here is that this difference is often whitewashed by a host of science communicators who show colorful and complex looking simulations without talking about the often huge uncertainty.
There are huge uncertainties and a lot we still don't understand about the climate system.
But the point larger point, again, is that you are stating certainty about a events that would, could, or might have happened in an incredibly complex context with numerous, and huge, uncertainties.
Careful language about uncertainties, which are still huge, in the science are replaced by summaries written by politicians that say:
Carrick September 22, 2014 at 4:24 pm «Pekka, PA and kim, yes the question of CO2 sinks is a huge issue and a source of major uncertainty about the ramification of further human activity.
PA and kim, yes the question of CO2 sinks is a huge issue and a source of major uncertainty about the ramification of further human activity.
The huge scientific uncertainty about the cost of inaction has obscured a surprisingly strong economic consensus about the economic cost of stabilising global CO2 concentrations at the levels currently being debated by national governments, that is, in the range 450 - 550 ppm.
Ron, those box and whisker plots indicate to me that the uncertainty of these data is huge for what appears to be 200 year intervals and would render statements about trending temperatures very uncertain.
The most impressive part about the IPCC reports is how truly huge uncertainties in the individual inputs somehow become very narrow uncertainties when combined.
When you have huge economic issues and great amounts of uncertainty with regard to things like sensitivity to a doubling of CO2, feedbacks from evaporation (including increases in clouds and their feedbacks), not to mention regarding consequences, then a legalisitic, «does climate change exist or not» approach isn't the right way to think about the issue.
So the questions raised by Drs Spencer and Courtney about the outcome and the real influence of manmade CO2 and the caveats about data (huge) uncertainties remain valid.
When we talk about the huge uncertainty in sensitivity, you ding dongs demand more certainty.
As to the future of employment law itself, Stewarts Law partner Richard Nicolle points to a «huge amount of uncertainty» about rights.
There is no uncertainty that you get a lot of benefits from having a group auto insurance coverage, but the best thing about having this type of policy is you get huge discounts as a policy holder.
«That uncertainty means that leaving the cover letter out can be a huge misstep if the hiring manager wants to see something interesting about the applicant in addition to the résumé — or has specifically asked for one in the job posting,» Adler says.
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