Sentences with phrase «huge warm anomalies»

Not exact matches

And then there's the thing about using the warmest decade on record as the baseline, but that's not a huge effect compared to the magnitude of the anomalies.
Pepin, Osakis and Clear had huge anomalies that year, and estimates of regional temperature show a very warm winter that has only recently been matched.
We have fairly high confidence that we observe the history of Heinrich events (huge discharges of ice - rafted debris from the Laurentide ice sheet through Hudson Bay that are roughly coincident with large southern warming, southward shift of the intertropical convergence zone, extensive sea ice in the north Atlantic, reduced monsoonal rainfall in at least some parts of Asia, and other changes), and also cold phases of the Dansgaard / Oeschger oscillations that lack Heinrich layers and are characterized by muted versions of the other climate anomalies I just mentioned.
NASA's Schmidt «extrapolated» warm temperature figures across a «huge area of below normal temperatures» and «massively skewed his global average anomaly using a large area of fake +6 C anomaly
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