Sentences with phrase «human agents as»

Like Niebuhr, he attends to affective dimensions of Christian believing, and he portrays human agents as responders to God's ordering action.
In The Responsible Self (1963) Niebuhr portrayed human agents as responders to actions that impinge upon them.
Paradoxically, it is my refusal to accept a radical pluralism of distinct actual beings that exculpates me of the charge of regarding the whole coming - to - be of the human agent as an unqualified unity.
If, as we shall be arguing in a moment, we may be sure of «objective immortality», the taking into God's life of every good that has been achieved in the creative process; and if, as that understanding of the world order implies, one of the goods is the agency by which these given goods have been achieved, including at this point the human agent as a peculiarly significant focus — may it not be the case that not only the good which has been achieved but the agent who has achieved it (himself good, despite defect and the instances of his failure in this mortal existence) will be preserved beyond the «perishing of occasions»?

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In addition to acting as personal agents across the entirety of a company, chatbots have the ability to offer a level of personalization that until recently only a human could offer.
Most insurance in the U.S. is still sold by human agents, same as it's always been.
Some argue that even the most advanced human concepts are built up from basic building blocks that are shared across species, such as notions of past and future; similarity and difference; and agent and object.
Founded by former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 1997, the organization trains and mentors women leaders as agents of transformative change in economic development, human rights and political participation.
Since his last re-election, Clarke has openly supported Republican causes on local and national right - wing media outlets; proudly trumpets on official Milwaukee County letterhead his 2013 award from the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, whose leader suggested using women and children as human shields during Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's standoff with federal agents; accused Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele of having «penis envy» and being on heroin when crafting the county budget and needing to be drug tested; blasted Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm and Chief Judge Jeffrey Kremers for being «soft on crime»; provided minimal protection for President Obama during his 2012 visit; employs former Scott Walker spokeswoman Fran McLaughlin, who was given criminal immunity over her role in Walker's mixing of campaign and county business; and created pro-gun public service announcements.
Despite the fact that these virtual humans were not representations of actual people, they found that participants» performance of the novel task was impaired when they were led to believe that the virtual audience consisted of avatars, but not when they were framed as agents.
To put it another way, it is the person, not the self, whose nature is inextricably bound up in the web of obligations and duties that characterize our actual lives in history, in human society — child, parent, sibling, spouse, associate, friend, and citizen — the positions in which we find ourselves functioning both as agents and acted - upon.
Human or creaturely acts do not modify or influence the working of that divine will but can only serve as its agents.
Skinner declares: «As we learn more about the effects of the environment we have less reason to attribute any part of human behavior to an autonomous controlling agent
By stressing the suffering of God — the passive side — one may fail to underscore the peculiar position of human beings in the universe as the active agents who can choose or not choose to side with God as co-workers, co-creators.
These attacks are the act of people following Satan not God and those claiming responsibility for the attacks need to be recognized as agents of Satan — God did not cause these attacks — he judges each according to his merits — anyone that ridicules God or his prophets will be dealt with by him not humans — these attacks are the works of the followers of Satan.
Thus in dealing with the real human problems, such as the relief of suffering, the adjustment of personality, the release from fear and ignorance, the care of the physically or mentally defective or of the aged and infirm, there is nearly always a desperate shortage of living agents, and among their small number the cozily non-committed agnostic is very rarely to be found.
When Ashbrook and Albright say that reality itself is humanlike, they are claiming that we are predisposed to put a face on external reality, to treat it as if it were a human agent.
This conception of war also has as its villains the states who engage in it, so that states, instead of being potential sources of human good, are recast as the agents of massive evil.
It thus leads us to assume that the arguments of others are insidious, and to avoid engaging in the hard work of trying to understand their arguments or to appreciate them either as rational agents or as human beings.
Government, as an agent of justice must therefore move beyond protection and deterrent functions to the» active and creative promotion of human rights.
Nature, therefore, is to be looked upon as sacred, rather than as a mere agent of utility for human needs, towards which human beings are called to relate with a sense of duty.161 The arrival of the harvest, as may be noted from the case of the mustard seed, asserts that the time has come when the blessings of the Kingdom of God are available for all including non-human creation.
For, the makers of society to some degree use their knowledge of human behavior to guide their actions as social agents.
In the foregoing analysis I have tried to show that each discipline offers opportunities for the practice of freedom and thereby contributes to the fulfillment of human beings as creative agents.
Hardly more than Sölle do they encourage thought of God as an agent alongside other agents, one who brings things about in the world or in human life.
It must be addressed as a result of the fall, like Cancer, which is treated though God's working through human agents and rarely through miraculous intervention.
From these considerations it becomes clear that mathematics, which superficially appears to have no relevance to the knowledge of human nature, actually affords important insights about human beings, not only as rational agents, but as persons with freedom yet also bound by necessities in the spatiotemporal order.
Whatever more Jesus was as God's Son and chosen agent of redemption and revelation, he was subject not only to historical and cultural influences but to elements of human finitude.
In fact, that faith is itself a call to action, and part of the action is for us to serve as God's agents in overcoming evil wherever we see it and to work with God and with our fellow humans so that the divine purpose of God for creation may be more effectively realized.
Few practicing biblical scholars would take exception to this, even those who speak of God's acts in history, since these are generally viewed as mediated through the selfhood of human agents.
As soon as God is claimed to be a causal agent and possess qualities / attributes we see only in humans and other tangible entities, the definition becomes internally contradictorAs soon as God is claimed to be a causal agent and possess qualities / attributes we see only in humans and other tangible entities, the definition becomes internally contradictoras God is claimed to be a causal agent and possess qualities / attributes we see only in humans and other tangible entities, the definition becomes internally contradictory.
I don't know about you, but I would believe the people who study the human mind, thoughts, and behavior (i.e. psychologists and sociologists), over someone who says there's some spooky external agent that no one can possibly verify the existence of, and which has no consistent pattern of action with which to use as evidence for verification.
Now, since persuasion at the human level is the clue to the wider and all - encompassing cosmic aim or purpose, we can affirm that precisely as and when the human agent responds by deciding for, not against, the lure of love, the invitation comes to us to become more and more genuinely instrumental to that love — although «instrumental» is not exactly right, since our own self - realization is integral to the picture.
The first story offers a cosmic vision and addresses us as spectators, majestically presenting our place in a cosmic whole; the second story maintains a strictly terrestrial focus and addresses us as suffering moral agents, poignantly presenting an account of how misery enters human life.
First, as all who have prayed seriously will agree, the cosmic Lover is enabled to use the human agent, despite that agent's failures and defects, for the good that he would establish.
The final conclusion of the argument, then, depends upon appealing not only to the moral implications of faith in any situation, but also to the understanding of ourselves and of our fellow human beings as the agents of history that is pervasive of our situation today.
For example, the anti-anxiety agents benzodiazepines have a similar effect on nonhuman animals as on humans.
The reality of death as a fact: the inescapable element of decision and the consequences in searching appraisal: the social or communal nature of human existence, coupled with the honest recognition that no man is in and of himself a perfect agent of the purpose of God and the love of God: the joy of fulfillment with one's brethren in the imperishable reality of God: and the terrible character of evil — these were values which the older scheme somehow affirmed and expressed.
What this Devil needs to encourage is the human tendency to identify as liberating the reduction of any aspiration, however seemingly noble or virtuous, to bodily wastes, as if he were an ardent press agent for the scatological mysticism of the French writer Georges Bataille.
If we were to reconceptualize conscious agents such as human beings so that, at least in this one regard, they were more like God, then we would have an entire class of actual entities which did not immediately reach complete actuality Rather they would continue to concrescence while prehending, and being prehended by; many other actual entities.
But it is all of that only insofar as it is constituted by a complex network of practices in which a group of human bodily agents cooperate.
Further, we can maintain that God is not fully expressed in historical action even as a human agent is not fully expressed in any sequence of actions.
The relation of a human agent to his acts would be taken as an analogy for the relation of God to cosmic history.
I suggest that it means to be on the way to becoming human, that is, on the way toward actualizing human potentialities and in so doing becoming more open to the possibility of reflecting the Love that is God and of serving as the personalized and personalizing agent for that Love.
Having pointed out the failure of Hasker's various attempts to show the apparent advantage of process theism with regard to moral evil to be illusory, I turn to his attempt to show the same with regard to natural evil, understood as evil not caused by human agents.
This is another portentous marker of human identity: the human subject as conscious agent.
What led to the expectation that there would «shortly be a marvelous consummation, when good will be finally victorious over evil and for ever reduce it to nullity; that the human agents of evil will be either physically annihilated or otherwise disposed of; that the elect will thereafter live as a collectivity, unanimous and without conflict, on a transformed and purified earth»?
There isn't roomhere to do more than illustrate the case with a few examples, but an attempt will be made to show how rich Paul's view of ethics is, how his teaching on law is original and relevant, how his emphasis on love is important, and how he forces us to consider not only the human act that, as St Thomas says, is what moral theology is all about, but also the adjectival human agent transformed by the grace of the Holy Spirit into a friend, indeed a child of God.
Other Muslims, known as the Qadriya, held that as God's agents on earth, humans have delegated power.
Nor will it any longer be incumbent upon the church to guard against becoming an ideological spokesman for science; for science, as the agent of humanization, will have entered into a synthesis with all else that contributes to human spirituality.
What about that «flawed» science that The Cornucopia Institute depended on when exposing concerns that food - grade carrageenan poses human health risks as an inflammatory agent and possible carcinogen?
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