Sentences with phrase «human and other mammals»

I had studied current neuroscience, brain research, evolutionary medicine and lactation in humans and other mammals.
It has been sustaining the lives of humans and other mammals for thousands of years.
Furthermore, by enabling flexible physiological responses to new environments, mitochondria have helped humans and other mammals to adapt and evolve throughout the history of life on earth.
The gastrointestinal tract of cats as well as humans and other mammals is the residence of a community of microorganisms.
This is very different to humans and other mammals where the entry of more than one sperm into an egg is lethal.
Like humans and other mammals, dogs progress through different stages of sleep.
The cells were located in the cortex, the brain region that controls attention and planning in humans and other mammals.
By enabling flexible physiological responses to new environments, mitochondria have helped humans and other mammals to adapt and evolve throughout the history of life on earth.
That is because humans and other mammals cool their bodies by sweating; sweat evaporates off the skin into the air, taking the excess heat with it.
Siegel has studied sleep in humans and other mammals for 40 years.
Muggy heat is more oppressive than the «dry» kind, because humans and other mammals cool down by sweating; sweat evaporates off the skin into the air, taking the excess heat with it.
This particular enzyme is used by humans and other mammals to extract CO2 from the blood stream that is later exhaled.
Their findings suggest that dissecting how fruit flies navigate through the world could help researchers understand how humans and other mammals achieve that task.
This evidence is presented in depth in The Mommy Brain, which cites research showing that humans and other mammals respond more readily to their second baby than to their first.
Nature or the creator wouldn't plan for breastmilk to continue on in humans and all other mammals after solids begin if there were no advantage to it.
The organism that causes toxoplasmosis is a parasite that uses cats as its primary host, but it can also infect humans and other mammals.
Its pathogenic agent is a flagellate protozoan named Trypanosoma cruzi, which is transmitted to humans and other mammals mostly by hematophagous insects of the subfamily Triatominae (Family Reduviidae).
At first, the connections are highly approximate; the stripes of the ocular dominance columns are partially formed in humans and other mammals at birth.
Poinar suggested in the journal American Entomologist that the origins of this deadly disease, which today can infect animals ranging from humans and other mammals to birds and reptiles, may have begun in an insect such as the biting midge more than 100 million years ago.
250 - year - old statistical technique has prompted researchers to rewrite the evolutionary history of placental mammals, which include humans and all other mammals that give birth to live, fully developed young.
Many lower forms of life on earth exhibit an extraordinary ability to regenerate tissue, limbs, and even organs — a skill that is lost among humans and other mammals.
Voot Yin, an assistant professor leading the research at the Bar Harbor lab, said adult humans and other mammals currently have limited abilities to regrow damaged parts, but learning more about why zebrafish, salamanders and other lower animals can do this more easily might one day help scientists devise drugs to stimulate similar pathways in humans.
Plants and some animals have naturally - occurring photolyase in their systems, although humans and other mammals do not.
«Since octopamine is only found in insects, it is safe to use around humans and other mammals
An international team led by researchers with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has developed a new technique for identifying gene enhancers — sequences of DNA that act to amplify the expression of a specific gene — in the genomes of humans and other mammals.
«The nakedness of humans is a glaring difference between humans and other mammals,» says evolutionary biologist Mark Pagel of the University of Reading, U.K.. Although humans have about as many follicles as other primates, the hairs are fine, exposing the skin and creating an evolutionary enigma.
It's this diversity of looks that make man's best friend the perfect laboratory for connecting sets of genes to particular traits and understanding the molecular mechanisms that govern variation in dogs as well as humans and other mammals.
Histidine is an essential amino acid in humans and other mammals.
Because humans and other mammals are able to make their own DHA from other fatty acids, DHA deficiency isn't very common.
Diane Dickel is the lead author of Nature Methods paper describing a new technique for identifying gene enhancers in the genomes of humans and other mammals.
The unaltered hemagglutinin is akin to a key that unlocks a so - called receptor molecule in cells lining the upper airways of humans and other mammals.
There are several brain regions linked to sexual behaviour that differ in size between the sexes in humans and other mammals.
However, these blood sucking lice have had a long and complex evolutionary history tied to humans and other mammals.
Blackshaw says scientists have known for a while that the SCN functions as a master clock to synchronize sleep and other so - called circadian rhythms in humans and other mammals.
Glutamate receptors are known to be involved in a variety of cognitive traits in humans and other mammals.
Humans and other mammals have the ability to pinpoint sound sources because of the finite speed of sound combined with the separation between our ears.
«These genes are conserved in humans and other mammals, but their activity is regulated differently after an injury like a heart attack.»
A better understanding of how the placenta manages the trade - off will eventually enable researchers to reduce pregnancy complications in both humans and other mammals.
In the wake of Zipursky's discovery, scientists are beginning to search for analogous identity proteins in humans and other mammals.
The same sort of coevolutionary arms race happens in humans and other mammals.
In humans and other mammals, the female reproductive cells — the eggs or oocytes — need nourishment in order to grow and remain fertile.
The scientists also discovered genetic clues to the evolution of the giraffe's long neck and legs, which have the same number of bones as the neck and legs of humans and other mammals.
A new study shows that the time it takes for humans and all other mammals to start walking fits closely with the size of their brains.
Humans and other mammals have a lot in common.
In a striking example of how two unrelated creatures can evolve similar traits, researchers have discovered that a rain — forest katydid has ears remarkably like those of humans and other mammals - even though its hearing organ is tucked into the crook of its front legs.
Dr Hemmings explained: «Our research shows that, in contrast to humans and other mammals, one sperm is not enough to ensure normal embryo development in birds.
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