Sentences with phrase «human anxiety»

As in human anxiety disorders, separation anxiety in dogs is caused in part by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain.
A religion responds to basic human anxieties, such as feelings of guilt.
It appears that these tiny little worms have a fear - like response that's very similar to human anxiety when exposed to chemicals given off by its natural predator.
Therefore, we approach the discipline of being a community of moral conversation, not only with our natural human anxieties about conflict and change, but also with the hope we have in God's grace, our belief in the power of the Spirit to work through and among us.
By and examining the underlying molecular pathways, they found a rudimentary fear - like response that parallels human anxiety.
Bacteria - free mice exhibited higher levels of risk - taking, and neurochemical analysis revealed higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol and altered levels of the brain chemical BDNF, which has been implicated in human anxiety and depression.
Like human anxiety, your dog might need a mood stabilizer to help them regain control of themselves.
According to Dr. Jill Sackman, a senior medical director atBluePearl Veterinary Partners» Michigan hospitals, it may be the same things that trigger human anxieties.
This work is the fourth of a series of ongoing video portraits by the artist, in which individuals are selected for their proximity to global dilemmas, and for their capacity to articulate human anxieties.
Edvard Munch (1863 - 1944), who is known for his depictions of human anxiety, regularly revisited subjects with renewed inspiration and intensity throughout his career.
By doing so, members of Gould's laboratory pinpointed brain cells and regions important to anxiety regulation that may help scientists better understand and treat human anxiety disorders, she said.
Without God, without the one whose death on the cross challenges all our good feelings, who stands beyond and over against our human anxieties, all we have left is sentiment, a saccharine residue of theism in demise.
I am by no means suggesting that a psychological reductionism is the key to understanding conservatives; rather, I want to focus attention on the search for certainty that arises out of human anxiety and finitude.
The arms race represents a complex interweaving of human anxiety and nationalistic idolatry.
He knew our human anxiety.
By analyzing the responses of worms exposed to chemicals secreted by its natural predator and studying the underlying molecular pathways, the team uncovered a rudimentary fear - like response that has parallels to human anxiety.
Our findings cast light on the neural dynamics of threat anticipation and have implications for the neurobiology of human anxiety - related disorders.
Your dog will react to human anxiety, fear and stress, even if it is not related to the storm.
Happy talk (caution: human anxiety is often communicated through intonation; pets can pick up on this and become more nervous)
Similar to human anxiety, without any intervention for anxiety, your cat's immune system can become compromised, he or she may become depressed or develop «bad - kitty» behavioral problems.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, human anxiety is a disorder of Shen (spirit).
Pets who come to the behavior service have anxieties or fears that have led to difficulties in social situations with people or other animals, or problems adjusting to the human
At the very centre of her investigation there are human anxieties, weaknesses and addictions.
Edvard Munch: Between the Clock and the Bed Norwegian artist Edvard Munch (1863 — 1944) attained fame early in his career for his depictions of human anxiety.
Chris Doyle explores the way that human anxieties and collective attitudes about the environment are projected through representations of landscape.
The current exhibition at Legions Arts, «Trouble the Water,» is a timely exhibition that reveals floods as an enduring source of human anxiety and explores thier relation to global climate change.
The neurobiology and psychophysiology of human anxiety, classical and operant conditioning markers of clinical anxiety, generalization of conditioned fear, the neural antecedents of avoidance and other fear - related decisions
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