Sentences with phrase «human approval»

This is because cats are more independent and don't really seek human approval or company to keep themselves busy.
Jesus with prophetic intensity condemns any act that is ostensibly religious but has as its main incentive human approval.
We are as consumed by human approval as we have ever been, and this addiction is fuelled by a world of instant reaction.
In this we store up earthly treasures — including human approval — not treasures in heaven.
Hence we should rather — so Jesus thinks — accept persecution with the prophets than enjoy human approval with the false prophets.
For example, changing the price shouldn't incur any review delay at all (there's going to be some delay while the new price propagates to the scads of servers that Amazon is running, but no reason I can think of why it should require human approval).
Is it possible to do this without human approval and...
We may misinterpret his desire to bless us and try to crown him an earthly king, but his kingdom is not based on human needs or human approval.
Human approval has always very disproportionately mattered to me in an unhealthy way.
They know that human approval is a good thing and try to please at all times.
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