Sentences with phrase «human assistant»

At this point, M can do pretty much everything an actual human assistant might be able to do, short of picking up your dry cleaning.
And, just like any smart human assistant, the virtual one learns from the interaction and begins to understand what you need.
This is not just a fantasy, and we have a whole set of current users with human assistants who are actively using Amy,» Mortensen responded.
We are moving towards a setting where Amy is near instant, but even in her current incarnation she tends to beat most human assistants in response time and working days (given her 24/7 machine setting).
And 61 percent would rather see universities keep human assistants than have automated chatbots assistants and cheaper tuition.
Three blinded human assistants then watched the videos and noted whenever a white blood cell passed by.
Clio, Trello and my amazing exec assistant (who knows that behind the real success of every good piece of software, is a great human assistant).
But I can't imagine how stupid an actual human assistant would have to be not to understand a request like «Find out when the next debate is and put it on my calendar.»
Many companies do not have the capacity, or money, to hire a human assistant to work full time within their business.
If I had a human assistant, I would certainly rather see him pick up my guests in the lobby and make sure they feel welcome, than fiddle around in Outlook all day trying to manage my 15 weekly meetings.
I have a business card scanner, mobile business card application, and a human assistant, any of which could help me get those names into my contacts list.
None of the current crop are anywhere close to possessing the capabilities, let alone the wit and wisdom, of a human assistant in most areas (even if their language translation abilities are beyond most humans, though).
Then he pumped in 22 inches of seawater, enough to provide a shared abode for his human assistant, Margaret Howe, and a dolphin named Peter.
In one of their experiments that involved a human assistant they found that the sexiness of music is transferred to the touch experience.
Use a human assistant for a boost, an assisted pull - up machine, or a band.
Intelligent interactions with AI - driven software result in recommendations, as we might expect when we're talking to a human assistant.
If the cats are amenable to being on a leash and you have a human assistant, let the cats meet each other while on leashes.
Now at 8 years old, Tarn and his human assistant Forest are daily companions.
Now 6 years old (turning 7 in January 2016) him and his human assistant Forest are daily companions.
His human assistant, Megan Kelly, has been a ski patroller for nine years at Fernie.
His human assistant, Megan Kelly, has been a ski patroller for nine years at Fernie and is one of our snow safety educators, talking to schools about our snow safety programs.
Tabor and his human assistant Sean (right) are training for his exam, coming up soon.
Working closely with his human assistant Steve, they have over 35 years of combined search & rescue and ski patrol experience.
Should you decide to use one of these tools full - time, you'll find that they're fairly affordable — especially compared to hiring a human assistant: starts at $ 17 / month, while Clara rings in a bit higher, starting at $ 99 / month.
But, unlike talking to a human assistant, it has limited functions.
Neither are particularly natural to speak out loud, and both make it feel like you're talking to a brand instead of a human assistant.
I would not, however, ask a human assistant to turn off the lights in my bedroom just before I go to sleep at night.
That's not how it would work with a human assistant.
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