Sentences with phrase «human attachment makes»

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But far more significant than the breathtaking scope of human attachment» indeed, the thing that makes human anger different in kind from its purely animal form» is man's expansive sense of himself.
In Honor Of Tine Thevenin It is an honor to donate to Attachment Parenting International in Tine's memory and in appreciation of the impact that she made on the world as a wife, mother, advocate, and wonderful human being.
The Natural Child makes a compelling case for a return to attachment parenting, a child - rearing approach that has come naturally for parents throughout most of human history.
Psychologists who have studied attachment have found that when human kids have that same kind of licking and grooming - style bonding with their parents, especially in the first year of life, it gives them all sorts of psychological strength, confidence [and] character that, when they reach school age and even into adulthood, will make a huge difference in how well they do.»
His work on the design of miniature optical elements, «small lightweight instruments to be used for remote microscopy inside human beings,» became the basis for the microscope attachment that makes CMaRS useful in the field.
Structure is also important, with specialist committees formed to make decisions on specific focus areas — human resources, finances and so on — so that you have people with specialist knowledge making decisions in these crucial areas If trustees are too closely connected to their school, there can be a tendency towards emotional attachment to «sacred cows» sometimes hindering progress.
Furthermore, if you want Ghosts to be about leveling up and equipping a squad of bots, you have to care enough about unlocking the sorts of perks and attachments that make all the difference for a human player in a battle of split - second reflexes.
The term «sense of place» is often used to describe characteristics that make a place special or unique, that foster a sense of authentic human attachment and belonging.
Everything that makes you unique could be included in an email attachment: when represented digitally, the human genome is about 800 MB of data, but what distinguishes one human being from another can be extracted and compressed down to an easily emailed 4 MB file.
This theory seems to support the study made by Dr. Yoo Rha Hong and Dr. Jae Sun Park on the «Impact of Attachment, Temperament and Parenting on Human Development.»
And, having repeatedly misrepresented research on infant - mother (I use «mother» here synonymously with mother - substitute or primary caregiver) attachment, as «parents» and «caregivers,» implying that they are all equal (Lamb's own research has found otherwise), and making the completely misleading statement that «most infants» are attached to «both parents» this ostensibly indicates... that children suffer separation issues from all kinds of human beings, that there is no particular qualitative differences between one of the «attachment figures» or another, that separation from one is like separation from another, and that all of this separation stress is ameliorated if the child simply is left with another fungible «attachment figure» aka here «the other parent.»
Our current work focuses within six areas: attachment processes, human mating and decision - making, empathic accuracy, social influence in romantic relationships, social development and health outcomes, and social development and parental investment.
All human beings long for a secure attachment to another, but it is sometimes difficult to make that happen.
The agency's home visitation intervention used the Parent Aides Nurturing and Developing With Adolescents curriculum.25 The curriculum was based on theories of human ecology, attachment, and social support, which emphasize that positive child development is promoted by nurturing, empathetic parenting and is influenced by the characteristics of families and social networks.25 (pp1 - 9), 26 The home visitor was to use the curriculum in weekly home visits with the teenager to teach and model nurturing parenting behaviors, encourage the teenager to continue with her education, make general assessments of health and social problems, and initiate referral for early intervention when necessary.
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