Sentences with phrase «human being in the world»

This debate is not framed in abstract concepts, but in narratives about the place of human beings in the world.
The person you once loved more than any other human being in the world has become the person you least want to be around.
Your kid may be the most responsible human being in the world, but things still happen that push our financial lives out of our control.
Your kid may be the most responsible human being in the world, but things still happen that push our financial lives out of our control.
Mid such a notion is credible only on the assumption — which Kingsbury seems to accept — that by the time of the final judgment every single human being in the world will have been personally confronted with the gospel.
Paul Marshall shows that living the Christian life is not about prayer, Bible studies, and church attendance, but about living the way God wants us to live as human beings in this world.
The original was made by David Karlak and starred the late Anton Yelchin, and it centered on a very human - like robot being interrogated by a very jerk - like human being in a world where people are rounding up and...
The original was made by David Karlak and starred the late Anton Yelchin, and it centered on a very human - like robot being interrogated by a very jerk - like human being in a world where people are rounding up and executing sentient machines.
With the stroke of a pen, Carnegie had become one of the wealthiest human beings in world history — that $ 480 million equates to a fortune of nearly $ 340 billion in today's dollars, more than the net worth of Gates, Buffett and Carlos Slim combined.
Here is my story: I was raised by parents who instilled in me the teachings of the christian faith, not by brain washing, but in the same way in which they taught me to respect authority, to maintain certain moral and ethical behavior, to live as a responsible and caring human being in the world.
once you have become a child of God ----- — News for you: God doesn't love / care about you any more / less than any other human being in this world today.
It was at this minimalist discotheque Bowie first struck out as a lost human being in the world he hoped to avoid as a spaceman.
The ones that spawn thoughts of inadequacy, the ones where you feel like you're the worst human being in the world.
What bothers me most about Rorty's liberal irony is its tendency to absolve the philosopher from intellectually coming to grips with the real problems of human beings in the world.
Granted that Matthew envisions the completion of the mission, I find it difficult to imagine that he actually believes that every single human being in the world will have been personally confronted with the word.
To hear in it a call is to accept the creative tension between what is and what might yet be, between the life we live as human beings in this world and the life to which Jesus summons us — without supposing that it is possible to resolve the tension in a single act or single moment.
No one really knows who were the actual authors of the books in the bible, but there is no human being in this world who can live up to the standards set in those scriptures completely.
The problem I see with aligning yourself with christianity, or any other world religion, is that it simply isn't available to all human beings in this world.
If there are ever a group of human beings in this world that don't have access to your ways, through no fault of their own, then you can't say your way is the only way.
(22) Over against a superficial «unity» stands a catholicity of the church that enriches its life with a variety of perspectives and keeps it open to the diversity of human beings in our world (the Gonzalezes).
One participant, Ricardo Antoncich, noted that theology, (as reflection about the faith of the Church), should enter into dialogue with other forms of thought that rationally explain the life of the human being in the world.
Every human being in this world has something that they are good at.
Haha hooray for my boyfriend since there is another human being in this world that can't eat seafood.
Our research focuses on topics such as dignity (with humiliation as its violation), or, more precisely, on respect for equal dignity for all human beings in the world.
In the next two years, around 1.7 megabytes of information will be generated every second for every human being in the world.
«It's a big effort for us, and I don't think there's a human being in the world who hasn't heard of the Star Wars movie coming.
Baltimore artist Mia Halton uses humor and metaphor to visually describe the joys, challenges and vagaries of being a human being in this world.
One project Ono is continuing at The Serpentine is «to make a film which includes a smiling face of every single human being in the world».
There are maybe more «ghosts in the machine» now than there are human beings in the world.
You understand that he really is responding to her humanness, how difficult it is to be a human being in the world.
«My ultimate goal in film - making is to make a film which includes a smiling face snap of every single human being in the world.
Widewalls: Titled «Viva Arte Viva», the theme of the 57th Venice Biennale highlights the art's role in unstable times, as the most precious part of the human being in a world full of conflicts and jolts.
I hope every human being in the world realize that global warming is very danger for our life.
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