Sentences with phrase «human brain cancer»

The same effect was seen in a mouse model of human brain cancer containing this gene fusion.
The goal was to deepen the knowledge about the pharmacological and cytotoxic effects of the drug Temodex in vitro in different human brain cancer cell lines.
In the present work, physicist Patrick Schuenke and physician and physicist Daniel Paech have been able to observe the changes of glucose signals in healthy brain regions as well as pathogenic changes in human brain cancer.
The team tested its technique on three mice whose abdomens had been grafted with cells from human brain cancer.
By assessing the survival of the cells that engulf the particles and measuring the levels of red or green light that they emitted, the researchers determined which formulation of particles performed best, then tested that formulation in mice with human brain cancer derived from their patients.
They injected the particles directly into mice with an experimental human brain cancer, and into the brains of healthy mice for use as comparison.
The study, conducted in mice with an aggressive human brain cancer implanted in their brains, is the first to demonstrate stimulation of tumor growth by brain activity.
In another experiment, treating human brain cancer cells containing FGFR3 - TACC3 with mitochondrial inhibitors interrupted the production of energy inside cancer cells and significantly slowed tumor growth.
Sugen, a company in Redwood City, California, first tested the drug in mice suffering from the equivalent of human brain cancer.
The result was a highly selective drug they named SBI - 0206965, which successfully killed a number of cancer cell types, including human and mouse lung cancer cells and human brain cancer cells, some of which were previously shown to be particularly reliant on cellular recycling.
By tweaking the chemical properties of the particles, the team was able to find a composition that decreased GFP's glow in the human brain cancer cells by 91 percent.
Stem cell methodologies like culture conditions, sorting, and how to grow and transfect cells are all tools we can apply now to human brain cancers.
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