Sentences with phrase «human breast tumors»

The technology has been demonstrated in animal models and also in human breast tumors.
Comprehensive Molecular Portraits of Human Breast Tumors Nature DOI: 10.1038 / nature11412
Human breast tumors transplanted into mice are excellent models of metastatic cancer and are providing insights into how to attack breast cancers that no longer respond to the drugs used to treat them, according to research from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
As many as 40 % of human breast tumors contain ITAM sequences similar to those found in the mouse virus, they note.
To find out, Einstein's George Karagiannis spent nearly three years experimenting with lab mice whose genetic mutations make them spontaneously develop breast cancer, as well as mice given human breast tumors.
Now online at Nature is the most comprehensive molecular portrait of human breast tumors published to date.
These molecular subtypes have recently been confirmed in a comprehensive characterization of human breast tumors at the genomic, epigenetic, transcriptomic, and proteomic levels (Cancer Genome Atlas Network, 2012).
Several researchers reported that parabens were found within human breast tumors.
Estrogen - receptor - positive human breast tumor; here's an estrogen - receptor - negative breast tumor.
1 Darbe PD, Aljarrah A, Miller WR, Coldham NG, Sauer MJ, Pope GS, Concentration of Parabens in human breast tumors.
Now, researchers at the School of Medicine have shown that human breast tumors transplanted into mice are excellent models of metastatic cancer and could be valuable tools in the search for better treatments.
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