Sentences with phrase «human burning of fossil fuels emitted»

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Human activities are emitting around 10.5 billion tonnes of carbon annually and rising, mostly as a result of burning fossil fuels.
According to the latest report from the Global Carbon Project, a group of scientists who track the amount of carbon emitted by human activity, 2017 will see a 2 percent increase in the burning of fossil fuels, after nearly no growth in 2014, 2015 or 2016.
«Thanks to forests that sequester some of the carbon we are emitting by burning fossil fuels, human - induced climate change is happening more slowly than it otherwise would,» says Saleska.
Over a long enough period of time, the increased carbon burial could help offset a small fraction of carbon emitted by human activities such as fossil fuel burning, says study coauthor Antje
While most of the CO2 emitted by far is the result of natural phenomena — namely respiration and decomposition, most attention has centered on the three to four percent related to human activities — burning of fossil fuels, deforestation.
They looked at the potential long - term consequences of oceans ever richer in dissolved carbon dioxide, as humans burn ever more fossil fuels and emit greenhouse gases that continue to warm the atmosphere.
About 40 percent of methane is emitted into the atmosphere by natural sources like wetlands and termites, with the rest coming from human activities like cattle breeding, rice growing, fossil fuel exploitation, landfills and biomass burning.
When emitted into the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities, CO2 emissions undoubtedly harm our planet.
The burning of fossil fuels emits hazardous gases that affect not only humans, but every living organism on the planet.
The 2009 State of the Climate report gives these top indicators: humans emitted 30 billion tons of of CO2 into the atmosphere each year from the burning of fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas), less oxygen in the air from the burning of fossil fuels, rising fossil fuel carbon in corals, nights warming faster than days, satellites show less of the earth's heat escaping into space, cooling of the stratosphere or upper atmosphere, warming of the troposphere or lower atmosphere, etc..
After atmospheric CO2 levels remained steady for thousands of years, natural sources suddenly began to emit more than the sinks absorb at the exact same time as humans began burning fossil fuels.
The rise in greenhouse gases corresponds with the extra amount of CO2 known to have been emitted by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests.
The planet is warming because of manmade carbon pollution and other greenhouse gases emitted from human activities like burning fossil fuels.
More than half of the global warming observed since 1950 has a human cause, largely from the greenhouse gas effects of gases such as carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels.
Approximately 40 percent of methane is emitted into the atmosphere by natural sources (e.g., wetlands and termites), and about 60 percent comes from human activities like cattle breeding, rice agriculture, fossil fuel exploitation, landfills and biomass burning.
If you add up all the fluxes, you find that 0.2 Gt of carbon are being absorbed by terrestrial plants and soils, 2 Gt are being absorbed by the ocean, and 5.5 Gt are being emitted by humans burning fossil fuels.
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