Sentences with phrase «human by a celebrity»

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After the YouTube celebrity Logan Paul's «suicide forest» video fiasco last month, YouTube promised that human moderators would look over all content posted by the company's preferred creators, the group of high - profile video channels that attracts big - name advertisers.
They are not one - dimensional archetypes but people, which means that Lance Armstrong, despite his celebrity, is really one of us — a human being, made in the image of God, marred by sin and living in a broken world.
Off screen, celebrity chef and Australian Organic ambassador Pete Evans eats a wholesome diet inspired by foods humans ate way back when but more importantly it's organic.
Off screen, celebrity chef and Australian Organic ambassador Pete Evans eats a wholesome diet inspired by foods humans ate way back when but more...
However, you don't need magic herbs, the type of herbs sold by crazy hippies and idiotic fitness celebrities, because every human alive already has a potent strategy you can use within a day.
It explores the secret life, unseen by humans, of seemingly inanimate objects; it sends its celebrity - voiced lead character on an epic journey that ends in an antic...
Norrell — who is by turns achingly overwhelmed, marvelously tried, or fallibly villainous — feels like a character Marsan has been waiting for; he answers the challenge marvelously, creating a complex and deeply human scholar whose relationship with celebrity is as thorny as his relationship with magic.
I also enjoyed the «Charlie Rose» excerpt where Ethan shrinks from paying Brolin a compliment because he's in the same room with him: it's the kind of recognizably human (if antisocial) behaviour that's usually pumiced away by the time a celebrity reaches the Oprah circuit.
And don't think dogs and their humans are the only ones having more fun today: Check out the Super Cat Sunday Party, hosted by that celebrity cat, Sparkle (with a little help from her staff, no doubt)!
She sews obsessively by hand, documenting the transgressions of public figures, celebrities and ordinary people who are flawed, vulnerable and human.
, it offers a worthwhile chance to reflect on our own tendency, as human animals, to be swayed by social forces such as celebrity.
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