Sentences with phrase «human cancer patients»

Many owners hesitate to pursue chemotherapy in their pets based on their knowledge of side effects in human cancer patients.
The next stage of research will examine the feasibility and safety of using a similar therapy on human cancer patients in clinical trial.
Many human cancer patients find they are unable to maintain adequate body weight.
Do chemotherapy and radiation treatments affect dogs the way they affect human cancer patients?
Many owners hesitate to pursue chemotherapy in their cats based on their knowledge of side effects in human cancer patients.
When Dr. Shay's team compared the predictive signatures from the mice with more than 700 human cancer patient signatures, the overall survivability of the patients correlated with his predictive signature in the mice.
Our primary experimental approach involves creation of engineered mouse strains with informative genetic mutations, characterizing these mice and their cells to elucidate molecular mechanisms underlying cancer phenotypes, and verifying these mechanisms in human cancer patient specimens.
The Gerson Institute in southern California has been using this premium calcium montmorillinite to treat human cancer patients with internal tumors successfully.
In the Purdue Comparative Oncology Program at Purdue University, we study specific forms of naturally - occurring cancer in pet dogs in order to learn new information to help animals and to help human cancer patients.
Veterinarians use the same drugs used by human oncologists, but dogs do not generally suffer the side effects of hair loss and nausea that are experienced by human cancer patients.
«Being a cancer researcher myself, I saw the value for my dog as a potential, but I also saw the value for other people's dogs, and for human cancer patients,» Ted said.
The use of bone marrow - derived stem cells is well established in the treatment of human cancer patients, and veterinary applications for bone marrow - and adipose - derived stem cells are being evaluated.
There is also some evidence on human cancer patients, showing that fasting reduced various side effects of chemotherapy (31).
Currently, it is being investigated as an immune system supplement in human cancer patients in a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sanctioned clinical trial.
A small dose of 1.56 µM, which is approximately equivalent to a daily dose of the drug in a human cancer patients, increased the fruit flies» average life expectancy by 8 %.
However, in tests on tissues removed from 253 human cancer patients, the MasSpec Pen took about 10 seconds to provide a diagnosis and was more than 96 percent accurate.
Like humans, dogs» tumors are spontaneously occurring, rather than genetically created as they are in mice, so canine tumors may more accurately mimic the situation in human cancer patients.
But a new study of dogs with tumors — as well as one human cancer patient — reveals that injecting certain bacteria directly into the growths can shrink or even eliminate them.
I have been especially interested in testing drugs that can inhibit MMPs in cancer models and in understanding why such drugs have not been effective in human cancer patients.
These kind of mice are an extraordinary resource for modeling human disease; for instance, research has found that mice that are genetically mutated to carry the BRCA1 gene (a human breast cancer gene) behave more similarly to human cancer patients than those mice who have had a tumor physically transplanted in.
It is not possible to infer from this study that there would be a clinical benefit to a low protein diet in human cancer patients.
The goal is to answer questions about these therapies and how they relate to human cancer patients.
Samples from canine patients will not only allow the researchers to identify genes responsible for breed - specific susceptibilities (such as hemangiosarcoma in Clumber spaniels and osteosarcoma in Greyhounds), but also to translate these discoveries into new and more precise diagnostics and therapeutics for both canine and human cancer patients.
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