Sentences with phrase «human characters as»

Andersson's new works employ a disjointed narrative acted out by human characters as well as personified props such as lamps, tables, chairs, plants, and birch trees, which are all recurring motifs.
Departing from the view of human character as a given «nature,» McCabe argued that character is never so fixed and certain as to be unsusceptible of new and different determinations from the inexhaustible source and depth of free will» (FG 420).
Furthermore, there is a hunger in the heart for moral guidance, a hunger that is born of the Spirit and that is an essential part of our human character as creatures made in the image of God.
However getting back to virtual reality, of course, you are still in the animus and are continuing on from the first game and Desmond is still training to become the incredible James Bond super human character as before.

Not exact matches

«Bennett has become a master of storytelling through character, and while there are clearly no people in these films, it was clearly a very human story, which we knew a director such as Bennett would zero in on and draw out very real human - like emotions from these poor inanimate objects,» Lennon said.
He joins Chris Evans (Human Torch / Captain America), Peter Dinklage (X-Men's Bolivar Trask and a character in «Infinity War»), and actor Josh Brolin who plays the villain in not only «Infinity War,» but this summer's «Deadpool 2» as well.
(The fantasy movie features humans, orcs, elves, and faeries as characters.)
Here is a real character that we're creating and it has to be as human as the characters around them.
But as Johnston noted, the changing character of business structures and the marketplace are making it increasingly necessary for business owners and executives to pay greater attention to the human resource aspects of operation: «Tasks that were once neatly slotted into well - defined and narrow job descriptions have given way to broad job descriptions or role definitions.
Scarlett Johansson's casting as a Japanese human - cyborg in «Ghost in the Shell» caused an uproar earlier this year, as did Tilda Swinton's role as the Ancient One in «Doctor Strange» — a character depicted as an Asian male in the comic source material.
CryptoPunks are 24x24 pixel art images which are algorithmically generated and predominately male and female humans with a smattering of other characters such as zombies, apes, and aliens.
Many have pointed out (most recently, Carson Holloway) that the application of natural law to our situation requires the virtue of prudence, a mastery of the details of our circumstances (such as is possible for a human being), with the goals and the weights given to particular considerations by good moral character (or, if you will, a well - formed conscience).
The fact that a novel's narrator must speak as a god from outside the story has always vexed novelists, particularly when the narrator is also a human character in the story.
Religious folks tend to think humans have some kind of divine character given to them by God whereas we tend consider ourselves as members of the ancient primate family of life.
No matter who is chosen to play the role of a character, someone will always resemble that actor, as there are a small number of genotype human appearance factors
These it takes as the conditions for nurturing «qualities of mind and character» (ICC 25) that have enabled and should again serve to enable «generations of men and women to grasp a vision of the good life, a life of responsible citizenship and human decency» (ICC 6).
Given the distinctiveness of human existence and the aesthetic character of reality, it follows that greater beauty is served insofar as subhuman existence is so ordered as to maximize the possibilities of happiness.
Nevertheless, as Buddhists first call attention to this character of all events, including each moment of human experience, and then explain how a mediator is inwardly affected by the realization of this truth, Christians can listen and open themselves to dimensions important to them.
The title «Satan» is applied for one who stands in opposition; and it is applied, in the same way as «Elohim,» across the full spectrum of scriptural characters from a) God, to b) angels, to c) human men.
The human link between them is obviously the person of Naaman, and if these acts are all petty, insignificant, and of no evident worth, it is because God respects the independence of Naaman just as he does that of each of the other characters in the story.
Now meditation as an exercise in prayer is no different from this sort of natural and normal human experience, except that it is thought about God, about God's character and his activity in the world.
It is at best a prolegomenon which seeks to suggest an element in the ministry of Jesus that gives it a constitutive as distinct from an exemplary character, that makes it the supreme action of all history (action that is fully and entirely human, yet unique), action which crowns a ministry in which the ambiguities of human life are progressively articulated, being action in which their burden is endured à l'outrance.
What is offensive that Ms. Harris is so pained by a fictional Christmas character being represented as White that she would rather see said character portrayed in the form of a bird rather than a human being.
One should not fight God and insist that he give us his Word in another way, or, as we are more apt to do, rework his Word along theological or cultural prejudices that turn into a minefield of principles, propositions, or imperatives but denude it of its ad hoc character as truly human.
As yet, no one has ventured to translate Dasein or Vorhanden, but in order not to disfigure the English translation by the frequent use of German words, I have rendered Dasein as «human life», «human Being», or even «Being» where its human character is made clear by the contexAs yet, no one has ventured to translate Dasein or Vorhanden, but in order not to disfigure the English translation by the frequent use of German words, I have rendered Dasein as «human life», «human Being», or even «Being» where its human character is made clear by the contexas «human life», «human Being», or even «Being» where its human character is made clear by the context.
i once suggested to a friend that satan was a human construct... not that that makes satan any less real, just different, any how it was just a thought... he only gets named as a character in the NT except in job.
Insofar as such structures and institutions are of legal character they may, of course) be regarded as merely human and thus mutable, not necessary laws, because they did not always exist but have been — or have still to be — established.
Angels, visible in human form, appear as characters in the narrative and address the chief actors; an angel descends from heaven, rolls away the stone which sealed the rock tomb and sits upon it.
Instead, I will assume that the case for neoclassical metaphysics can otherwise be made and attempt programmatically to show that the comprehensive purpose it formulates grounds justice as compound, grounds a substantive principle of justice that consistently implies the formative human rights of communicative respect.7 Toward the conclusion of this argument, I will also seek to identify an inclusive human right that is substantive in character.
Brightman emphasizes the social character of human persons, but not as much as does Hartshorne.
Her saving grace there, as in Out of the Deep I Cry, is her ability to create a story both intensely human and delightfully unpredictable, with events flowing naturally from collisions of character rather than the exigencies of plot.
These are bits of the world which may be considered as units for good human purposes, but which do not possess the unitary character of a natural moment since they are composed of such moments in external relations to one another.
Human life touches on absoluteness in virtue of its dialogical character, for in spite of his uniqueness man can never find, when he plunges to the depth of his life, a being that is whole in itself and as such touches on the absolute....
It appears in a different form partly because the problem of social continuity has become as great for us as the problem of change and reform, but even more because the historical, cultural character of human existence has come into fuller view.
It may well be said that the [acceptance of man] in - spite - of [his sin] character of the Christian faith, by means of prophetic criticism and the «will to transform» based upon divine justice, functions as a militant element in the realm of human society and history, whereas the just - because - of [human sin and selfishness acceptance] nature of Buddhist realization,... functions as a stabilizing element running beneath all social and historical levels.
Unlike many of the early church fathers who, under the influence of Greek philosophy, sought to identify the image of God with human reason, Niebuhr, following Augustine, saw the image of God as the self - conscious and self - transcendent character of man's whole self.
The Bible is full of fairy tales and should only be taken as a piece of literature of great importance just as the Odyssey is, but it shouldn't be used to govern one's life, much less to help build a relationship with the biggest fictional and ever - changing character in human history.
By using the tools of historical and literary criticism, however, biblical scholars such as Reimarus, David Strauss and Julius Wellhausen revealed the human origin and character of the Bible.
In Conscience and Obedience, William Stringfellow has it right, I think: «The principalities (governments, institutions, and even the church) are autonomous in relation to humans; they are created beings in their own right, not simply projections of human life, and their demonic character as fallen powers is no mere consequence of human sin either personal or corporate.»
In the philosophic tradition it is the idealists rather than the naturalists who have made the fullest place for this insight into the essentially social character of human existence, though contemporary naturalism as in Mead, Dewey, and Wieman has achieved a similar perspective.
Christians are agreed that Christ must be the norm of our human life as well as the revelation of the character of God.
The significance of Christ as the second Adam is the revelation of the true character of both the human and the divine nature.
Yeah, vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity strikes me as uninteresting, but raunchy comedies are compelling when they treat their flawed characters like human beings we can observe and understand.
Human integrity should be judged by two criteria: (1) the steadfastness of character it expresses, and (2) the values chosen as the basis for that integrity, for they must be sufficiently inclusive in order to serve as a satisfactory guide for the resolution of all particular crises.
Ever since the quarrel over artificial birth control in the 1960s, wayward Catholic theologians have led the way in dismissing Catholic sexual morality as mere «physicalism», this [dismissal] being an attitude which ignores the dual character of human nature as a union of body and soul.
Jon Negroni: Yeah, vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity strikes me as uninteresting, but raunchy comedies are compelling when they treat their flawed characters like human beings we can observe and understand.
And Paul's view of man's condition (and in its essentials his is the central biblical view) can not be declared false, for all its mythical character, so long as it is the only view of man which takes adequate account of this inescapable reality of human experience: On the one hand, I know that «it is not I who do these things but sin which has possession of me»; but, on the other hand, I know that I am responsible for these acts of sin and that I deserve to die because of them.
There is a limit which stands not only at the end of human life as death, but which is built into the structure of human life by virtue of its creaturely character.
In «A Good Man is Hard to Find,» a character named «Misfit» shoots the family grandmother even as she is asserting his basic goodness as a human being.
It sees temporality as a crucial dimension of faith, and it accepts the culturally conditioned character of all human knowledge (including the knowledge of faith) as a sign that the transcendent God has become incarnate in human history and culture.
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