Sentences with phrase «human choice»

Do you believe in the dignity and power of human choice?
The rate and magnitude of future human - induced climate change and its associated impacts are determined by human choices defining alternative socio - economic futures and mitigation actions that influence emission pathways.
A large part of the misunderstanding between clergy and theologians on the one hand and economists on the other is simply the result of their different focus on human choice.
Are we then to conclude that the necessity of his rising again is also a heroic human choice?
It's a gloomy forecast, but its most important implication is that human choices now can still make a big difference later.
Both extreme positions ignore the more complex reality that human choices interact with natural constraints.
However it is also a factor that can not be fully controlled by human choice.
You present «market» forces as if they are somehow pure and authentic expressions of «aggregate human control» when theyare, of course, an exercise in the aggregation of * atomistic * human choices made in a context in which the many externalities in which they have an interest are zero - rated as factors in the cost of the goods and services they want.
This is part of what it means to think politically, because politics is about action in a realm of uncertainty; politics is about human choice, but these choices are not infinite.
The humanist acts «as if» history were open - ended and multivalued, as if human choices and actions were determinative for human destiny.
It has always depended upon human choice, that is to say on individual decisions and on public policy.
The presence or absence of DDT in the environment involves human choice.
I'm wondering what experiences in countries other than your own have crystallized for you how human choices can make the world a better, or worse, place.
However, acknowledging the reality of human choice also suggests that the human future is open - ended and indeterminable.
However, most of the cases of undeserved suffering come mixed, with individual human choices, social forces, and physical factors all combined — as in war, poverty, premature or violent death, disease, mental breakdowns, and the like.
The other is a selected basket of 30 canadian large caps with human choice, ie brookfield was omitted & magna was included.
Successful natural - law arguments identify and apply norms of morality that reason grasps as truths entailed by the integral directiveness of practical reason's first principles - principles that direct human choice and action toward intelligible aspects of human well - being and fulfillment (health, knowledge, friendship, etc.) and away from their privations.
The basic point of these humanist heroes is to assert the courage to be without regard to external odds, to symbolize the radical scope of human valuation, and to affirm human choice as the final arbiter of the true and the good for humankind.
No other options exist; the only world is a self - contained bubble of indeterminate human choices — in Peter Berger's terms, «a world without windows.»
The fact is that collective human choices have resulted in a world of haves and have - nots — where the impact of natural disasters and disease will very much depend on where you are born in the world.
«Human choice tends to be worse when you put time constraints on it,» said Messer.
Research about predation risk has the potential to inform human choices about which landscapes can be allowed to harbor dangerous animals.
Among the earliest approaches we find the developmental theory of Abraham Maslow, emphasizing a hierarchy of needs and motivations; the existential psychology of Rollo May acknowledging human choice and the tragic aspects of human existence; and the person - centered or client - centered therapy of Carl Rogers, which is centered around the clients» capacity for self - direction and understanding of his / her own development.
Neuroscientists can predict human choices from brain - scanning activity before the subject is even consciously aware of the decisions made.
This somber film about the luxury of human choice begins somewhat strangely: An elderly rabbi delivers a rousing sermon to his northern London congregation about the Creator's unique gift to man that allows him to choose between the wisdom of the angels and the instincts of the beasts, the bestowment of the capability to disobey the law decreed by God and to pursue another less indoctrinated path.
Biomedical studies suggest that a person's behavior matters to health, but these studies usually treat human choice as exogenous.
Mises Canada Blog Canada's Leading Austrian Economics Educator About - It is the mission of Mises Canada to educate the public on the importance of placing human choice at the center of economic theory, to encourage a revival of critical historical research, and to advance the Misesian tradition of thought through the defense of the market economy, private property, sound money, and peaceful international relations.
While this paradigm has been criticised as too rigid to accommodate the quirks of human choices [27], [28], it is clear that individuals can assess (or, in any case, attempt to assess), whether a variant is valuable or not.
Over time, this unlearned behavior has been honed by human choice via selective breeding to create the variety of dogs we have today.
The HDR is very well suited to help us reframe climate change as a development problem, because its use of Amartya Sen's human development paradigm is rooted in human choice and agency, as opposed to more narrow economic development.
Perhaps the cross was merely a heroic human choice on Jesus» part.
But if human choices are free, uncaused, then a particular choice may or may not occur; the event and its consequent effects would be purely contingent.
Ie a political question involving human choice and decision.
To me, climatology offers a very selective reading of a very short term of flawed statistics, with only the most conveniently alarmist ones presented in order to heighten the pitch of an apocalyptic narrative, of a pristine garden of Eden soiled by human choice.
In that sense, catastrophes are as much the result of human choices as they are of geology or hydrology.
4 I use the term «matter of preference» to mean a situation of human choice in which there is finally no rational basis for an ethical distinction between the alternatives.
There should be zero tolerance for predatory sexual behavior by either gays or straights; but freedom of conscience in all human choices where predatory advantage is not an issue, IMO.
And as Cheever's confession to Hersey makes clear, the real stress lies more on the human choice between darkness and light than on the sovereignty of God's grace — the divine goodness which must redeem not only our grosser sins but our noblest aspirations as well.
But metaphysical truths are supremely general, and human choice is involved with particulars.
Alas, God did not continue the dispensation owing to the human choice of sinful ways.
The story as a whole was written to persuade the reader that God is present and active, even when that activity is hard to see in the face of human choices.
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