Sentences with phrase «human cognition by»

Pioneering research on this subject by Paul Slovic, Baruch Fischhoff, and others, vast research on human cognition by Daniel Kahneman and colleagues, and research on the brain's fear response by neuroscientists Joseph LeDoux, Elizabeth Phelps, and others, all make abundantly clear that the perception of risk is not simply a matter of the facts, but more a matter of how those facts feel.

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Theo Determinism is the philosophical proposition that every event, including human cognition, decision and action, is casually determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences.
«Determinism is the philosophical proposition that every event, including human cognition, decision and action, is casually determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences» ----------- Sure, I'll buy that.
It is apparent from the very point of origin of human cognition (though it has only been possible to indicate this briefly), that spirit is a reality that can only be understood by direct acquaintance, having its own proper identity derived from no other.
Furthermore, human sense perception is only to be understood as a condition of the possibility of intellectual cognition, posited by spirit in contradistinction to itself but for itself, and consequently once again affirms the kinship of spirit and matter.
Human cognition, whether scientific or religious, can work only by being selective.
By studying these disorders, scientists can learn a lot about human social cognition.
To date, this metamemory process, which requires a higher level of self - reflection about our own cognition, was thought by some to be unique to humans, though this research suggests otherwise.
The artificial networks can not yet replicate human visual abilities, Kriegeskorte says, but by modeling the human brain, they are furthering understanding of both cognition and artificial intelligence.
«Look at a gazelle — all of its software is in its brain,» says James Kuffner, an associate professor at C.M.U.'s Robotics Institute, one of six teams of robotics researchers (along with the Florida University System's Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, M.I.T., Stanford University, the University of Southern California and the University of Pennsylvania) that DARPA asked to improve on the same basic LittleDog quadruped robot platform, built for them by Boston Dynamics.
The three Penn study authors are also participating with Cognition in a NASA effort reported earlier this year to study the molecular, physiological and psychological effects of spaceflight on the human body by comparing identical twins, evidencing the need for a comprehensive cognitive test battery for spaceflight.
OutRunner The spiky - wheeled land cruiser, based on an unfunded Kickstarter project by former Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition scientists, can hit speeds of up to 20 miles per hour.
Human cognition is more than a legacy of our Paleolithic past Evolutionary psychology has typically tried to identify the piece parts of human cognition shaped by the rigors of natural selecHuman cognition is more than a legacy of our Paleolithic past Evolutionary psychology has typically tried to identify the piece parts of human cognition shaped by the rigors of natural selechuman cognition shaped by the rigors of natural selection.
The results, reported May 8 in the journal Nature Human Behavior, place the appearance of human - like cognition at the emergence of Homo erectus, an early apelike species of human first found in Africa whose evolution predates Neanderthals by nearly 600,000 yHuman Behavior, place the appearance of human - like cognition at the emergence of Homo erectus, an early apelike species of human first found in Africa whose evolution predates Neanderthals by nearly 600,000 yhuman - like cognition at the emergence of Homo erectus, an early apelike species of human first found in Africa whose evolution predates Neanderthals by nearly 600,000 yhuman first found in Africa whose evolution predates Neanderthals by nearly 600,000 years.
The acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, donepezil, which transiently improves cognition in AD, reverses the cognitive impairment induced by scopolamine in both humans and animals [92, 93].
The ultimate goal of the Institute is to improve life and health by advancing the science of human cognition.
By analogy, Enaction or Embodied Cognition is a way of conceiving the spirit which emphasizes the way the bodies and the human minds get organized themselves in interaction with the environment.
He begins by telling us that the extent to which instruction is effective depends heavily on whether it takes the characteristics of human cognition into account.
The study, published by Springer in the Animal Cognition journal, suggests that the reason for cats» unresponsive behaviour might be traced back to the early domestication of the species, contrasting this with the relationship of humans to dogs.
The video, featuring the science writer Joe Hanson, explores a vital body of empirical studies on human risk misperception, showing how a rational view of long - term or diffuse threats is obscured by «status quo bias,» our «finite pool of worry,» our tendency to value tribal connections over reality through what researchers call «cultural cognition,» and other characteristics of what I call our «inconvenient mind.»
pp. 230 - 250 in Tools, Language, and Cognition in Human Evolution, edited by Kathleen R. Gibson and Tim Ingold (Cambridge University Press 1993) at
In your paradigm, our cultural cognition reduces this and makes such communication by humans more time and use effective than if we used the computer communication model.
Her research in the areas of early language development and infant cognition has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health and Human Development, and the Institute of Education Sciences, resulting in 14 books and over 200 publications.
In early - modern social science theory, John Stuart Mill, Auguste Comte, and others, laid the foundation for social psychology by asserting that human social cognition and behavior could, and should, be studied scientifically like any other natural science.
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