Sentences with phrase «human cognition seem»

The researchers also speculate that because the effects of eye contact on human cognition seem to be in general positive, eye contact may have therapeutic potential.
Unfortunately the human cognition seems to be wired to lazy logical fallacies rather than engaging in the mental effort to check assertions and facts properly.

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And when he speaks of a subject or of the subjective, he seems to have human cognition always in view.
In finding human cognition «paradoxical» Fr McDermott seems unsure whether hylomorphism (the analysis of all entities into unifying form and individuating matter) reflects simply man's inadequate way of knowing, which can not attain the full structure of reality, or whether this really is the structure of reality.
In fact, space and time seem to be closely related domains of human cognition, if the way we talk about them is a reliable guide.
It seems that human cognition and deliberation about legal issues are more complex than systems of propositions.Meaning is sometimes determined extra-linguistically.
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