Sentences with phrase «human concerns»

They bring religion back to the most fundamental of human concerns: health and well - being and being in touch with self and with one's environment.
How, he asked, could human concern for ultimate concern have evolved?
As humans concerned with our health, we know that there is a connection between the food we eat and how we feel.
A volunteer who visits prisoners once a week can make a vast difference to one or more individuals locked away from human concern.
We aim to interact with everyone interested in everyday human concerns, informing you on the hot trends in scientific psychological research!
She has an intuitive awareness of the deeper human concerns - and not just the technical issues - at stake in so many problems facing society.
Academic research into climate change is driven by pressing human concerns.
Yet justice and ecological sustain - ability are sometimes seen as alternative human concerns.
As a community, we must raise the consciousness of the rest of the world that manga is art that speaks to a wide range of important human concerns.
If you think that human concerns like cleanliness don't cross a cat's mind, think again.
Originally developed for treating anxiety and depression, the principles of ACT can be applied to a broad range of human concerns, including developing important skills in Marriage and Couple therapy.
The study of viruses far removed from human concerns has brought to light powerful tools for the study of human disease.
This is why the message of Love active in the world is a challenge to work so that in human ways and for human concerns such loving may become the dominant quality of life.
Essenhigh's large scale paintings create an enigmatic world in which animated action figures are cast alongside mythological characters and the demimonde in roles where time - honoured human concerns such as patriotism, religion, competitiveness and heroism are played out in futuristic landscapes...
In other words, natural theology, from this point of view, is all that can be known relative to matters of ultimate human concern by reason alone, conceiving reason in this case as a universal human power.
It is not so common as those undertakings about which the crowd shouts and clamors, for each participant is in reality alone with himself, but yet in the highest and most inclusive sense, edification is a common human concern.
How can the focus of the counseling professions on personal fulfillment be justified in view of the great and urgent human concerns about poverty, famine, racism,) war, and disease?
Processists are concerned with issues of priority and significance, of interpersonal action and interaction, and of larger human concerns in a way that is generally — and rightly — seen as central in the Continental tradition of philosophizing
Race matters in «Black Panther» and it matters deeply, not in terms of Manichaean good guys and bad but as a means to explore larger human concerns about the past, the present and the uses and abuses of power.
I fear it is «Too Late» and there are not enough humans concerned enough to make an effort to change things...!!!
As sentient inhabitants of a large, complex ecosystem it is foolish to see human concerns as distinct from the baiji's.
Newman saw himself as seeking and finding an abstract pictorial code for ultimate human concerns: the polarities of light and darkness, of wholeness and transience, despair and longing for redemption, living and dying.
The streets near New York's City Hall were ear - stinging and windy on the morning of a big Airbnb hearing, but attendees clogged the doorway, and the air inside was thick with sour human concern.
Isaiah 11, the classic text, begins by describing an end to the political injustices afflicting the Israelites, but extends the vision beyond human concerns:
Dr. Durham, who edits Mission Journal, is minister of human concerns at Central Church of Christ in Irving, Texas.
Now let me comment on how I relate to contemporary human concerns in my basically hermeneutical theology.
No real human being can or should live in such disinterested detachment from ordinary human concerns.
In this decision the primary orientation toward giving or getting comes to the fore, and with it a host of consequences and applications in a great variety of more specific human concerns, as indicated in the preceding paragraph.
However, such reason goes astray when it attempts to interpret its findings to the degree that these impinge upon matters of specifically human concern.
We are all as conscious actual living humans concerned about how we or our families may be treated and so we have laws to protest those of us who have been born) or made it to whatever reasonable line of consciousness we choose) for the sake of society as a whole, to prevent us from worrying about what might happen to us if... And we have laws that allow us to dictate the rules of how we want to be treated in the case of such injuries.
Possibly Hartshorne's example will give support to the efforts of some to liberate philosophy from its exclusively Western cocoon into a wider world of global human concerns and needs.
The most urgent human concern appears to be «security.»
My own people will always be closest to my heart because I share with them both my universal human concerns and my parochial Jewish concerns.
Shame implies the peculiarly human concern with self - perfection, guilt the sense of personal responsibility, whereas awe recognizes powers not under human control and beyond human comprehension, before which we feel shamefully small.
Christian theology under the influence of dualism has directed us to look toward a spiritual world independent of the physical universe, and so it has perhaps innocently sabotaged human concern for the earth and life.
You have in mind only human concerns and not concerns of God.»
If love as normal human concern dominates our lives, all too often it will be ourselves who are its object, and the long and tortuous process, whereby ethical thought and feeling have led us beyond preoccupation with ourselves, may be undone.
From without, Catholic theology seemed largely barren, absorbed in questions that were remote from the dominant human concerns of the day.
In the light of the Exodus tradition and its annual commemoration, Israel's thinkers were led to reinterpret the earlier tribal traditions and myths in such a way as to show how freedom from bondage is a basic human concern.
You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns
Although these might seem to be srictly human concerns, territorial animals such as sunfish, lizards, sparrows, and gibbons are invested in these issues.
Such outcomes — coupled with the realization that indigenous groups usually help to stabilize ecosystems by, for instance, keeping fire or invasive weeds at bay — have convinced major conservation groups to take local human concerns into account.
Ex Machina: Screenwriter Alex Garland made an incredibly auspicious directorial debut here with a sci - fi story rooted in the most base human concerns of control, desire, independence, and honesty.
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