Sentences with phrase «human condition through»

Thermo Fisher Scientific is dedicated to improving the human condition through systems, consumables, and services for researchers.
More importantly, Lux is creating not only a redaction of The Golden Lotus, he is also parsing base attributes of the human condition through his own visual commentary.
The resulting imagery speaks to a universal human condition through a narrative style encrypted with symbolism, text, and decorative elements.
On August 27, Montalvo Arts Center will open Human Nature, a new exhibition that examines the human condition through the relationships humans have with animals.
Stephen Hayes portrays the human condition through intuitive sketches of nude figures he made in 1993.
The gallery called the painter «a proud instigator who fearlessly tackled subjects of social and racial inequality, class structure, and the human condition through his uniquely rhythmic and often manic style of figuration».
«Sunday» features a range of installation pieces in which Melvin examines the human condition through the lens of popular culture.
His response is not one of despair, but one of hope, exploring the human condition through thoughtful and critical expression.
Antonia Wright's work investigates the universal human condition through a multifarious, process - oriented art practice combining photography, performance, poetry, video, installation and sculpture.
The solo exhibition depicts the observation of the human condition through Loughborough's charcoal drawings.
In contrast to the CCA Wattis Centre for Contemporary Arts's 2009 exhibition Moby Dick — curator Jens Hoffman's attempt to cover the human condition through an expansive nautical lens — Cooper, Yedgar and their participating artists have, according to the gallery text, narrowed the field and responded to Welles's «unremitting and ultimately unfinished project».
We are fragile, helpless and destined to die: Michal Rovner, a pioneering Israeli artist, addresses these ingrained truths about the human condition through photography, film, installation and video.
Informed by their Soviet background, their collaborative works explore a universal human condition through the intersection of quotidian and conceptual elements.
I continue to explore in the paintings a metaphoric ability to address the human condition through pattern, structure and design, as well as for its possibility to trigger memory.
From Surrealist selfies to feminist self - portraiture, the ISelf Collection explores identity and the human condition through the central themes of birth, death, sexuality, love, pain and joy.
Robert Colescott is «a proud instigator who fearlessly tackled subjects of social and racial inequality, class structure, and the human condition through his uniquely rhythmic and often manic style of figuration.»
Instead of aiming to elevate the medium by making games that are more socially responsible — which by my estimation reduces quickly down to a feature driven approach that ultimately offers little more than cheap didactic moralizing, our aim should be instead to empower our creative visionaries to explore the human condition through their work.
Short answer no; long answer no for one probably won't gain a greater understanding of one's own existence through doing so, nor gain greater insight into the human condition through the film's attempt to fuse Easter and Western philosophies.
He also chairs the Board of Directors of zagaya, a public benefit company he co-founded «to improve the human condition through the targeted application of science - based technology and education.»

Not exact matches

«If an unfortunate human were ever to descend through Uranus's clouds, they would be met with very unpleasant and odiferous conditions,» Patrick Irwin, a physicist at the University of Oxford who led the new study, said in the press release.
This only conditions a child's mind to notice these things and view them as forbidden, rather than training them for self - control through the simple acknowledgement that humans are by nature sexual beings, and that the female form is beautiful, something to be appreciated and not objectified.
If you believe that Christian doctrine is essentially an attempt to capture dimensions of human experience that defy precise expression in language because of personal and cultural limitations, then the truth about God, the human condition, salvation, and the like can never be adequately posited once and for all; on the contrary, the church must express ever and anew its experience of the divine as mediated through Jesus Christ.
For Lutheran Christians, such despair in face of the universal and radical human predicament can only be overcome through the gospel, which announces forgiveness of sins and redemption of life under the conditions of an ambiguous world chained by sin and death.
Certainly, similar to secular society the Church, too, rests on certain presuppositions which are not produced by the free decision of her members and their free association as such, but are the very conditions of her existence, namely human nature, the saving will of God, redemption through Jesus Christ, the general call of all men to the Church and the resulting «duty» to belong to her.
He, in fact, communicated through story in his own work, interpreting at length the story of Abraham and Isaac, and creating parabolic stories to convey his insights into the human condition.
Arguments that ground our dignity as humans in our capacities exclude those human beings who have either never possessed such rationality, or who have lost it (for example, through degenerative conditions) and have no chance to acquire it again.
Certainly fundamental changes would be required of the churches if they were to do this: we would have to put truth before comfort; we would have to listen to the losers, the jobless, the homeless, the unsuccessful, the ostracized; we would have to leave the sanctuary and enter the marketplace, and learn through participation how to contemplate the human condition as Jesus did: with compassion.
But this was done by God in our own human terms, under our own conditions, and through one of ourselves.
From within our human history God's vision of cosmic destiny can be grasped only through the relatively limited and time - conditioned stories of promise that serve as the foundation of our biblical tradition.
What we are saying is that our experience of discovering love mediated through the human experience of forgiveness and renewal is a condition of our participation in the ultimate mystery of God and his grace.
Under liberalism, human beings increasingly live in a condition of autonomy such as that first imagined by theorists of the state of nature, except that the anarchy that threatens to develop from that purportedly natural condition is controlled and suppressed through the imposition of laws and the corresponding growth of the state.
Fourthly, as Reinhold Niebuhr has reminded us, through all the ironies and strange turnings of the human spirit there persists the ineradicable dialectical condition wherein every advance makes possible greater destructiveness, and every gain brings new opportunities and larger temptations.
Furthermore, we need to recognize the plain fact that a good deal of physical and, even more obviously, of psychological suffering is made possible through exactly the same human (and other) conditioning that makes it possible to enjoy the sense of well - being, even of joy.
If human beings could communicate among themselves by direct sympathy, then they would be as mutually dependent upon each other as the body and mind are; and this condition would deny individual persons freedom and distinct individuality over against one another.26 Although the relationship between one's body and mind seems to be immediately social, Hartshorne holds that interchange between human minds is almost never by direct contact and generally through mediation of vibrating particles of air and other kinds of «matter.»
Christian faith believed in «God with us»: God not merely reflected through, but mediated in, a human life with all the limitations of genuine manhood; God incarnate and entering into the human condition, even to the point of suffering and death.
Still, in light of God's willingness to have faith in his creature by intending these moral powers for man and limiting his own powers for the sake of giving man «space» in which to be more than a «robot» or a «puppet» in a «stage play,» and most especially in light of God's willingness to enter into the worst of man's human - historical condition via the incarnation for the sake of redeeming the «lifeworld» that man, by his powers, has corrupted through sin, the moral agent can ultimately affirm his or her moral nature in confidence that this «image of God» will not only not be lost but will continue to be affirmed and redeemed to the glory of God.
Coover should not be grouped with existentialists like Camus, however, for whereas Camus seeks to challenge the absurd through action and thereby affirm self in the face of the tragic human condition, Coover is more inclined just to accept life's condition, to play the game for what it is.
It seems, therefore, perfectly understandable that such a human society be shot through with conflict (as any family would under similar conditions).
Things that contribute... considering your condition through human eyes instead of through the promise God gave.
In a general sense, one can speak of four areas of struggle: (i) the system of economic exploitation and social stratification (racial segregation, women's working conditions, unemployment and the new legislation of «flexibility and «deregulation); (ii) the ideology (the way of representing the world, social relations, etc.) that justifies the system — the new ideologies of race superiority, the religious legitimation of competition and the so - called free market as the only and sufficient way of organizing human life (iii) the ways in which the consciousness of the oppressed, is led to interject this ideology of domination and to develop a feeling of self - denial and self - devaluation; (iv) the atomization of the society through the weakening and destruction of neighborhood, workers and local cultural manifestations.
The three states which form the basis of the original human condition he says are: original solitude (before the creation of the woman and before original sin man recognises himself as «alone in the world» as he is different from the rest of creation as he is a co-creator with God (through naming of the animals) yet is not the same as God.
[2] This condition has been characterized in many ways, ranging from something as insignificant as a slight deficiency, or a tendency toward sin yet without collective guilt, referred to as a «sin nature», to something as drastic as total depravity or automatic guilt of all humans through collective guilt.
After years of struggling through the issues, I decided it was a profound story that helps us understand the human condition, but was unlikely to be literal history.
Further, the narrowly empirical prism through which science views the human condition has a tendency to prioritize the health of the body above all other competing goods.
The challenge may be delivered through physical conditions of race and environment, but the degree and nature of the human response can not be fully accounted for without in some way going behind these factors.
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I was connected with people that didn't look down on me like I was some unfit mother... but as a valuable human being who had a condition and in need of help navigating through my depression and anxiety so that I could be healthy again.
Unlike parenting how - to manuals based on behavior modification, the Blueprint for Action is the most comprehensive document ever written on what is required for parents and society to create conditions that foster optimal human development from preconception through early childhood.
Lasting, effective addiction recovery is about social rehab, not just individually but culturally — through how we are conditioning the next generation to reach out to virtual social connections more than in - person, human connections.
Many of the microorganisms isolated and cultivated through MaCuMBA are exhibiting properties with potential positive human health impacts, and could be useful in the treatment of a variety of conditions.
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