Sentences with phrase «human consciousness into»

The great cataclysm is coming and in order to save a part of ourselves, we learn how to upload human consciousness into machines.
The end of the world scenario has been used quite frequently and the idea of implanting human consciousness into machines isn't terribly unique either.
Enter OCP, which finds a way to bring a human consciousness into a drone, and in so doing creates the ability to make money by selling super-expensive human / drone hybrids.
As the level of transcendent meaning attempts to gather our human consciousness into its embrace it becomes enfleshed in forms that are familiar to us in our conscious experience.
Even up till modern times class and caste divisions have obscured the unity of the human species, while animal lovers have frequently projected their own human consciousness into animal experience.

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Finally, the explosion to satellite communications in the eighties matched in the most recent years with fiberoptic switching systems and computer processing of cash, words, images, and data — the internetting of global consciousness — has swept up most human endeavors from local names and habitations into the global context of international trademarks, common credit cards, shared diets, world class athletics, and intercontinental rock concert tours.
Consequently one feels less inclined to reject as unscientific the idea that the critical point of planetary reflective consciousness which is the result of the forming of humanity into an organized society, far from being a mere spark in the darkness, corresponds on the contrary to our passage (by a movement of reversal or dematerialization) to another face of the universe: not an ending of the ultra-human but its arrival at something trans - human at the very heart of reality.
When we are dealing in general with the gradual development of the noosphere into planetary consciousness we must of course do full justice to the great, the essential part played by the other sections of the human race in bringing about the eventual plenitude of the earth.
In its fundamental freedom — true not just for the becoming of each moment of the human consciousness but for all of creation — everything that emerges into a new present is not bound either by its past (fatalism) or by God (determinism).
It is effectively an article of «faith» for the materialist to believe that everything must be reducible to material laws, even when they can not explain how things such as human consciousness and free will fit into the deterministic patterns of matter.
Human redemption for Schleiermacher was achieved by the incorporation of believers into Jesus» God - consciousness.
Why should we assume that human consciousness is not so invited when every previous level has found its fulfillment only by being taken up into a higher dimension?
(30) Ellul urges, instead, emphasis on individuals, «humans [who would] combine into new patterns not under «la technique's» tutelage, [a] reordered consciousness [which] would begin choking out today's monolithic structure - within communications as elsewhere.»
It's only several months into the term that fetuses actually morph into full - fledge humans with feelings and consciousness.
Or, to switch images, Christian teaching provides one set of inputs into human consciousness, but other inputs are always cycling through that consciousness as well.
Though the Word breaks out into the daylight of consciousness only with the birth of persons and human history, faith allows us to discern a great promise even in the very earliest moments of the cosmic adventure.
Nevertheless, although unconsciously controlled love is of great power in all human life, the love that emerged into importance in the axial period was an activity of consciousness.
Thus he maintains that God breathed human immortal souls into a male and female pair of hominoids, when they had emerged with a sufficient level of consciousness.
Whatever has caused us to evolve into self - aware humans that are able to be conscious of our own consciousness... has also led us to believe.
The emergence of living matter, the appearance of consciousness in such living matter, and the coming into existence of moral valuation and appreciative awareness in human life are instances of «importance» which should be obvious to any observer of the world - process.
We are just beginning to see a quantum leap forward in human consciousness where the Big Picture is coming into focus in the minds of many people.
Therefore the language which we should use to describe the coming into being or the emergence of individual events should be subjectivistic language, purged of its associations with human existence, with consciousness, and with mentality.
For Bergson, each tension yields a problem that is also the mark of apparently irreconcilable views of what is vital to the place of human beings in the world: (1) Time is measurable according to length and brevity, but immeasurable in reality, because it is qualitative, felt, and immediate; (2) Psychological life is divided into a self awareness of deeper, dynamic layers of human beings and what is superficial and fixed; (3) There is an inner consciousness and an independent world apart from inner consciousness.
God has reveald now His will again in history by providing us the intelectual faculties, scientific knowledge and discoveries and most relevant the internet to get into the deep consciousness of us humans, The cosequence of our present interactions will be the realization of our oneness with Him in the future.
In this they both anticipate and echo Feuerbach, who taught that we, by articulating our consciousness in religious language, are in fact emptying our human substance into an illusory absolute.
But now we must ask to what extent the common conception of God itself derives from the same kind of projection of the human consciousness out into the unknown, as that which initiated animism, Platonism and the doctrine of immortality.
(2) And in the hierarchical view symbols «hold together» the level of our human consciousness with the higher level that seeks to comprehend and integrate our consciousness (in its response of faith) into itself.
It is more comprehensive since it takes into account more caringly those segments of cosmic process that appear to us to be regressive, to move away from further enhancement of consciousness and away from the ideals we set up for our human existence.
He did not merely copy Democritus» physics, as was commonly thought, but introduced the idea of spontaneity into the movement of the atoms, and to the Democritus world of inanimate nature ruled by mechanical laws he added a world of animate nature in which the human will operated.9 Marx thus favours the views of Epicurus for two reasons: firstly, his emphasis on absolute autonomy of the human spirit has freed human beings from all superstitions of transcendent objects; secondly, the emphasis on «free individual self - consciousness» shows one way of going beyond the system of a «total philosophy».
The transformation of such activity into simultaneity and passivity is a function for Bergson of human perceptive consciousness.
The invasion of promise into human consciousness has proven to be quite disturbing, as the biblical texts testify.
Claiming that we falsify reality if we divide it into mind and matter, into living and non-living, he said: «consciousness (which we take to include thought, feeling, desire, will etc.) is to be comprehended in terms of the implicate order, along with reality as a whole».7 Thus the randomness of sub-atomic elements may be linked with the creative freedom exercised by human consciousness.
Slot and his co-authors found an evolutionary clue to why the mushrooms gained the ability to send human users into a state of altered consciousness.
Neuroscientists think they might open a window into the ultimate mystery of human consciousness.
While this book is at times dated — research in yoga was very new when he was exploring it — it holds up as a fascinating example of what inner struggles humans deal with while attempting to move into higher states of consciousness.
It's an ancient Vedic practice that provides techniques to not only to maintain a healthy body, but also get you onto a great beginning into the deeper secrets of the union of human consciousness with that of the universe.
Our mission is to accelerate the global evolution of human consciousness by providing transformational practices that translate the wisdom of sport's «Ideal Performance State» into practical training methods that include energetics, body & mind.
These augmented agents can «ghost hack» (i.e., download their consciousness) via the now omnipresent internet into other machines and human / machine cross breeds.
Humans are entering into that level of consciousness within the 21st century, and within the next 1,000 years are transitioning from a time of material pursuit to untapped potentials.
Makana and LARPBO somehow wrangled into my consciousness to extract my true calling: to serve my dog, other dogs, and those dogs» humans.....
The following is an excerpt from I of the Sun: A Journey into Southeast Asia and the Heart of Human Consciousness by Richard Arthur.
Our mission is to accelerate the global evolution of human consciousness by providing transformational practices that translate the wisdom of sport's «Ideal Performance State» into practical training methods that include energetics, body & mind.
Capturing the less celebrated corners of the UK — so nameless they are often embedded deeply into our consciousness and then forgotten — they are spaces marked with the richness of human activity, yet bereft of human presence.
The work draws on the emergence of art as a marker of human consciousness and the idea that art and religion are hard - wired into the architecture of the human brain.
Sabrina Gschwandtner's second solo exhibition at Shoshana Wayne Gallery continues her exploration into intricate quilting motifs, expanding on her already complex imagery with the addition of deaccessioned celluloid film strips of female hands hard at work — sewing, threading, knitting and crocheting their way into our human consciousness.
20/20: Accelerando transforms Fisher Museum's galleries into dark immersive spaces that picture the majesty of the natural world as well as the poetry of human consciousness.
Leslie Kirby and Timothy Hursley explore repurposing, with Kirby's collages questioning the effect on human consciousness of converting shipping containers into temporary and permanent low - cost housing, and Hursley looking at former brothels that have been turned into private residences.
Leslie Kerby explores repurposing with her Containment Series, collages that question how shipping containers, traditionally used for safely delivering cargo, affect human consciousness as they evolve into permanent and temporary low cost housing.
Delve into the oddities of human consciousness at «States of Mind,» a new exhibit at London's Wellcome Collection.
It extended the work into the realm of a performative act, in which the process of making it is as important as the finished piece.Understanding that the advent of the written word arrived as the capacity of human memory deteriorated situates the portraits as a kind of documentation that might extend the reach of collective memory and historical consciousness.
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