Sentences with phrase «human control»

It will work to foster greater international and regional cooperation to convince governments concerned about retaining meaningful human control of future weapons systems to agree to an international ban.
But after three years the notion of human control over weapons systems remains at the heart of this international debate.
It is time for experts from governments to make explicit where they draw the line in increasing autonomy in weapon systems and determine how to retain meaningful human control over weapons systems.
In wildlife management, as opposed to pest control, that is an important consideration, given that wild animals by their very nature are not under human control like domestic animals.
The agency said in 2016 that current regulations posed «significant» regulatory hurdles to vehicles without human controls.
In our view, there should always be meaningful human control in questions of life and death.
For human control to be meaningful, the technology must be predictable, the user must have relevant information, and there must be the potential for timely human judgement and intervention.
Two human controlled players make most battles a little too easy though.
Any process should consider this challenge from the perspective of the degree of meaningful human control needed.
However, this needs to be studied properly in human controlled trials before any recommendations can be made.
Nearly all of the 90 countries participating in this debate have acknowledged the need to retain meaningful or necessary human control over the use of force involving autonomous weapons.
The hybrid remote operating vehicle can travel great distances under the ice, while still remaining under real - time human control.
The system enables the drone to travel through terrain where human control and GPS are unavailable, such as a city street or inside a building.
This could help to indicate temporal, spatial, context - and effects - related boundaries beyond which human control is no longer meaningfully exercised over target identification, selection, and engagement.
To her credit, the way she handled things — the part of the story that she had conscious human control over — were more successful.
Humans control nearly every condition of an animal's environment.
It is not within human control and there has been no worldwide increase in such phenomena.
More transparency would aid common understandings over how these existing and emerging weapons systems function and the degree of human control involved in their targeting and attack decisions.
For it is natural to man to use his skill in order to put under human control what is given by physical nature.
A weapons system that identifies, selects and employs force against targets without meaningful human control should be considered a lethal autonomous weapons system.
He urged a focus on where to draw the line on the level of human control over the use of force.
Other options include custom games, which can have a mix of AI and human controlled players.
These are future weapons systems that would lack meaningful human control over the critical functions of selecting and attacking targets.
However, this needs to be studied properly in human controlled trials before any recommendations can be made.
Consisting of plastic mulch often found in China, the work deals with the multifaceted issues stemming from human control of the ecosystem, at once addressing its influence and damaging effects to the ecological balance in the region.
Mark Gubrud of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control (ICRAC) described the LRASM to The New York Times as «pretty sophisticated stuff that I would call artificial intelligence [operating] outside human control
Themes of habitual performance, viral infiltration and feminine identity link earlier forms of human control by pseudo-sexual torture (exacted upon women who asserted their individuality) with cultural homogenisation on a global scale.
Dogs allowed on a leash no longer than six feet and under human control at all times.
You might not be amazing at killing human controlled characters, but taking down a few bots lets players feel helpful without having the experience feel too «dumbed down» for the people who take the game more seriously.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is holding a public hearing Tuesday on what regulatory changes will be needed to eventually allow self - driving cars without human controls on U.S. roads.
However all this requires you to be connected to the Xenoverse server and that's a bit of a problem, you can choose to play a single mode where with NPC's but you can also choose to go to the lobby with human controlled players.
We can then go on to a more exacting discussion as to the situations in which robotic weapons are indeed an extension of human will and when their actions are beyond direct human control.
Set in the future, Gamer sees humans controlling other humans in a real - life massive multi-player online games.
In other words, we must approach the topic with humility, rather than with hubris and arrogance about human control over nature or over technology.
The lack of evidence of humans controlling fire 2 million years ago need not be a stumbling block to the...
In that we may likely see the game with more human controlling mecha, which is basically the same route Front Mission Evolved went down.
Mankind, in the form of the Global Defense Force is fighting a war against The Harvesters using human controlled mechanized infantry units.
Applying human control only as a function of design and in an initial deployment stage would fail to fulfill the IHL obligations that apply to commanders in relation to each «attack.»
«I have a tough time in any near - term or any medium - term sort of scenario seeing that robots are just going to do their own thing and decide to shoot each other without any interaction [or] human control.»
Per the Verge, some experts say fighting autonomous weapons is «futile,» as it's too hard to figure out what human control means.
«Phosphorus» Law of Anthropogenic Potential: Any and all events or manifestations that can occur under natural conditions can also occur under human controlled conditions, provided that the fundamental and principle laws and mechanics pertaining to that specific system are fully understood and applied correctly.»
CHICAGO — Try selling a friend on paying to see a movie with you about machine - operated boxing where humans control robots for money.

Phrases with «human control»

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